Anybody has tried CBD to reduce tremor? What worked or not?
CBD and PD tremor?: Anybody has tried CBD... - Cure Parkinson's
CBD and PD tremor?

Tried it for a month back in july , did not do much for tremors or neck and back pain, it did work on rasing my anxiety level, but go figure, srry I had no good news to report..
I don’t know about stopping tremor, but I know it stops further damage in its tracks. My husband was on it for almost a year before his employer made him stop ( tested positive for marijuana), but he has gone downhill ever since.
I do know you need to find the correct dose. And our dr told us he has seen reversal of symptoms with medical marijuana, but because our dr is a holistic dr the employer won’t recognize his expertise because he is not “ mainstream medical”.
Are you talking about CBD or marijuana? CBD did nothing for my tremor but made me sleep much deeper.
My husband takes the capsules three times a day and they do help with his anxiety and keeps him calm. Seems To Help.
Agree it seems (???) to help with sleep... no blinded studies however... keep the gummy bears away...
Honestly, I used to smoke marijuana for many years every day, until my doctor said; (stop the marijuana, or no pain meds.) I stopped the marijuana, eleven years ago. Six months later I get diagnosed with PD. I recently tried CDB oil without THC and it didn't work. Maybe the kind with THC would help but doctor said no. Torturous tremors continue. Best wishes to everyone and Happy Holidays to all.
After five years I was disabled. I could not brush my teeth, cut my food, open a jar, and more as you know.
I found a news story about Doctor Costantini’s work with Parkinson’s. I am grateful to this day.
He does not sell medicine, book, workshop or charge a fee for his online consult with patients that do not want to travel to his office in Italy. His office visits do charge fee. He is currently in recovery from severe heart issue, not available.
I adopted his treatment advice just from what I read. Good results and I then emailed. He corrected my dose and I continued to have relief.
I wanted others to benefit so on my own I formed a Facebook group. Parkinson’s thiamine hcl
I use a CBD cream/lotion which I rub all over especially before sleep. It took about 2-3 months to notice any difference, but I have less muscle pain and those internal tremors that used to keep me from getting comfortable at night. I swear by it--I purchase from Stirling online. No THC. I've read the articles of no THC vs. fuller hemp from the plant (allows up to 0.3% THC, I believe) and it seems to be 50/50 on belief which works better. My doctor says it's snake oil--studies show it doesn't get into the blood; I told him I've read the same articles, but it does get absorbed into the muscles and that's where I need it.
I tried all kinds of magnesium lotions before with moderate success. CBD lotion has, by far, worked the best for me.
I tried cdb, it didn’t work for me