Does anyone else have PD without tremor? My neurologist told me that PD without tremor is more difficult to treat than someone with a tremor,maybe this is why B1 thiamine don't work along with other medications.
PD without tremor: Does anyone else have PD... - Cure Parkinson's
PD without tremor

I don't know if that's true, maybe so, but I doubt it because there are so many people in each camp for whom nothing has worked. I'm tremor dominant and have the same experiences as you.
I have parkinsonism. Loosely put it is PD without tremors. I have been successfully taking the b1 thiamine hcl. All my symptoms have improved or are gone. I've been taking this since the end of November. I do not take any PD medications. It is highly recommended by Dr. Constantini to take PD meds with thiamine hcl. I have not needed meds yet. So yes thiamine does work with or without other meds but is not recommended. You will get a much better response with taking both. I did not like the side effects of the PD meds in 2014. If it becomes necessary I'm not opposed to trying them again.
Thank you. Happy for you.
Hi there. Always nice to read some positive news. I am into my 13th year of parkinsonism. No shakes or tremors but walking is poor. Just started a 4mg neuro patch which is helping smooth things out. Not tried B1 yet. How much are you taking?
I am taking 3 grams (1.5 grams twice a day). I started with 1g twice a day. Just make sure you take b1 Thiamine hcl. No other thiamine will give you benefits. I too have walking difficulties. My balance has improved but still have ataxia. I continue to use a walker. I haven’t fallen except when I tried lowering my dose recently. I fell three times in a few days so I increased the dose up.
I have been taking 1gram a day for about 2 months and have noticed a big change in my moods, I am not feeling anxious or depressed since taking it. I have virtuously no tremors so this is all I have to go by..
B-1 is compatible with all standard PD meds.
I have almost no tremor and am doing pretty well since diagnosis in 2012. The tremor-dominant and posture/gait-dominant distinction is very crude and in my view difficult to generalise. More recent work is looking at 4 sub-groups which again don’t capture everyone.
Your Parkinson’s is your Parkinson’s so I would manage it with the neurologist in the way that’s best for you.
First- nicotine is somewhat. Neuroprotective. (Swartzchild at Harvard). I neVer smoked but now use nicotine patches to slow progress
Also ha
Sorry In bouncy car
Little or no tremor. Stiff, SLOW, losing some balance.
Love my Azilect, Mao uptake inhibitor. Hate side effects of mirapex and sinimet
My husband has NO tremors But he has shoulder pain and legs weak he shuffles but again Rytary medication has helped a lot