I was just diagnosed with Myasthenia gravis along with PD MG was making me see double It is hard to diagnose Mg
seeing double: I was just diagnosed with... - Cure Parkinson's
seeing double

Oh good heavens i have just looked at the symptoms and want to know how do they tell it from Parkinsons! In PD we have weak muscles, eyelid droop, double vision, .... The list goes on, i have them all but mine is called PD. How did they differentiate Mary?
Me Too ME Too
Especially in the evening.
I use an eyepatch.
I tend to agree re differentiation - I understand that while difficult to diagnose, there is a battery of tests used to help diagnose MG, however with PD patients, what would prompt an MG investigation? Along with others, I also suffer blurred and double vision at night. The only thing that helps is at least half an hour with eyes closed. It's much worse if I've been reading ....
We just had an eye doctor speak at our PD support meeting and she told us that some of the problems with near work like reading are because it requires our eyes to converge in the middle and since the muscle movements are slower with PD it makes it harder for us to focus and track. Added to that is the dry eye problem that most of us suffer from due to less blinking and other things. She recommended an e-reader for reading because you can control the font size and the contrast of the words on the page make it easier for the eyes to focus.
My father had both PD (14 years) and MG (less than one year). His neurologist (young, trained at one of the better medical schools in the US) suspected it when my father's head dropped. I thought the doctor was really grasping when he wanted to do a blood test for MG, which came back abnormal (meaning MG). Dad also had one slightly drooping eyelid, which I also have (we always assumed genetics). That eyelid, plus the inability to use his neck muscles, led to MG diagnosis very quickly.