I am experiencing double vision . Does anyone know of something that can help this? Thanks!
Double Vision: I am experiencing double... - Cure Parkinson's
Double Vision

My eyes don't work together. The right eye looks straight ahead while the left eye is focusing two yards down and one yard to the left. Generally at night near bedtime. By morning they're back to normal.
Io ho constatato che quando ho il calo della dopamina vedo molto appannato. Recupero la normale visione delle cose dopo l’assunzione del farmaco. A chi di voi capita questo ? Grazie
I don't have a translation program on my laptop. If you're asking about treatments, I use pilocarpine eyedrops. Pilocarpine is an old drug originally for glaucoma. It shrinks the pupils which makes the eye act like a pinhole camera: All images all distance are in focus. No idea why it would help double vision but it seems to.
Grazie per avermi risposto celermente. Io non vedo doppio, vedo molto appannato e dopo l’assunzione del madopar torno a vedere normalmente. Non so se ad altri succede la stessa cosa.🤗
Web based translation: translate.google.com/
My husband has had double vision for years. We didn't know that it was PSP. Eyeglasses with prisms can help. He has also had 4 surgeries on his eyes which helped for a while. He is now seeing double again. His new doctor suggested going to a neurologist opthalmologist this time. Only one in our area but it might be worth the trip. Good luck!