Has anyone experienced or has information about double vision or partial blurred vision in Parkinson’s patients?
Double Vision: Has anyone experienced or... - Cure Parkinson's
Double Vision

I get it sometimes, especially when reading. It seems to be a common symptom. Good progressive lenses for reading help somewhat.
I have blurry vision after taking Sinemet. The severity seems to be dose-related.
Does it clear if he rubs his eyes? It may be watery eyes, which somewhat counter-intuitively is due to dry eyes. Some lubricating drops or artificial tears might help
No, this is more complicated than just watery/dry eye. I’m sure it’s Parkinson’s related as is is common. Just wondered how those who experience this deal with it. Thanks for your input.
My husband experienced the symptoms in his right eye. We made an appointment with our ophthalmologist and he diagnosed Amaurosis Fugax of the right eye. After US and MRI of his right carotid artery, cardiologist diagnosed carotid artery stenosis 98%! A tiny piece of plaque had gotten loose and launched in his right eye. That was what caused his blurred vision.
The "side effect' section of the data sheets for my meds frequently carry warnings for double vision, For example, Selegiline instructs"get medical right away for double/blurred vision in addition to about 10 other reactions.
Its a Pd symptom, muscle controls the eye focus . I need glasses with very different lens on both sides for distance and close up. Tell your optometrist you have PD and she will use prisms . Night sky every star or light is two, later it will become four , after that Christmas decoration lights are amazing ,you see six or eight times more than anybody else.
Not double vision but my one eye darts back and forth when I do close up work such as reading. I went to a neurological ophthalmologist; she specializes in eye problems for people with Parkinson's. She prescribed glasses with a prism in the side that is darting and gave me some eye exercises to do.
I'm 57 yrs old and 5 years into this vile disease... about the 3rd year I started having low to moderately blurred vision, currently I cannot read anything with out glasses or contacts and dizzyness, very little double vision and a few episodes of vertigo.
God Bless!
Late in the day when I'm tired my eyes no longer work together. So I get two images that refuse to come together into one. At it's worst I keep one eye closed for driving or watching TV.