Has anyone with pd tried or heard of low ... - Cure Parkinson's
Has anyone with pd tried or heard of low dose naltrexone being used successfully with pd symptoms?

Hello Park4me yes I have heard of Ldn and I have read many letters that.people have sent in saying how it was benefiting them I am about to see my specialist in a few weeks and am definitely going to ask him to put me on it
According to drugs.com a lot of side effects possible, suggest you keep an accurate diary .
That seems to be the case in all the medications !
Yes - I am on it - 4.5 mgm-it holds the disease abay...provides the brain with enndorphins
i tried it for 2 weeks, got my neuro to write an RX and filled it at a compounding pharmacy. took daily for 2 weeks and stopped due to vivid dreams, just too real, i woke up in the morning tired.
Here is an audio about a PD patient who recovered using LDN (along with vitamin d, b12, exercise...):
yes, it has helped me alot. I highly recommend it. I feel it has slowed the progression and lessened the symptoms. I went off it for awhile and started going downhill fast.
My husband started on LDN probably about 4 years ago. One integrative doctor I consulted with over the phone said they love it in his clinic but it was not the miracle we were looking for. He is still taking it but it is hard to tell that it has helped. Still we hesitate to stop because, although he has had progression from the right to left side of his body and sometimes tremor in the legs as well, for his almost 11 years since diagnosis and no Parkinson's meds at this point, he is overall doing well. He is still working at 77 and although a lot slower, gets done what he needs to and is still one terrific guy!