Has anyone tried earthing or grounding? Would love to hear your experience with it?
Has anyone tried earthing or grounding? - Cure Parkinson's
Has anyone tried earthing or grounding?

I’d be interested to know too hear From people who have tried grounding. 😊
Never heard of grounding - sounds uncomfortable for one.
Earthing was recommended to my husband when he had Lyme disease. He tried it. I even tried it. No positive or negative results were found by either of us. Although the integrative doctor believed in earthing.
The terms grounding and earthing are thought to be interchangeable. When you say earthing do you mean walking barefoot outside? I love to go barefoot in the soft grass or on the beach and always feel good when I do. I just need to make more opportunities to do it so I can see if it makes a difference in my PD and overall health.
The link doesn't seem to guide much about barefoot walking but ends with a route to courses, bedding and throws... for sale.
Yesterday i walked barefoot on grass for the first time in ages. Then i lay in the grass and relaxed. Cant say if that was earthing. But i felt better, meds worked better, and slept better. Not to mention it was pleasurable. Pleasure i think increased dopamine. In (i think) Lakota language, there is a word for the information that we receive from the earth through the soles of our feet. That is wisdom in a word. English is a language focused on nouns. Things. Static. Lakota, i think, mostly focused on verbs, movement, change, action. Interesting to contemplate.
Thank you for your comment. Will you be doing more of this? I love going barefoot on the grass or on a beach too. I always feel good when I do I just haven't done it enough to know if it makes a difference in my PD symptoms. My main symptom is resting head tremor and sometimes I don't even realize it is happening. I am going to pay more attention to my tremor when I am barefoot. I would like to know if it is worth buying some shoes with leather soles. The only ones I can find are very expensive but may be worth the cost.
I've been recommended to wear leather sole shoes as well.
lso, take a look at Naboso insoles.
moccasinscanada.com/collect... this is what I'm looking at.
The grounding recommended with mats and sheets containing silver wire seems to be another attempt to profit 💵💶 from our PD misery. Daphne, Dap48, was positive about it five years ago but stopped using it due to the exposure to EMF (electromagnetic fields).
Simple and free earthing does not seem unhealthy, but the unscientific claims associated with it are often exaggerated, such as the "cure" for PD! Kang Il Lee, an 80-year-old doctor in South Korea, had PD for 7 years, but by walking barefoot outside for 2.5 hours every day, his PD problems have almost completely disappeared. In Dr. Lee's case, it is likely that the outdoor exercise are primarily responsible for the improvement. John Pepper without shoes 🙂
Thanks for sharing those links. When I searched grounding on this sight it never came up with any previous discussions.
It does make you wonder about Dr Lee vs John Pepper. I guess no studies will be done as there is no money to be made in either of these "cures".
I’ve started to water my garden barefoot. So far I love it and when I skip a day my neuropathy pain ( feet hands shoulder hip) is worse all day.
I have found just going barefoot in the yard helps with my right foot a little bit. I don't go barefoot that often seeing that I live in Texas and always am on patrol for fire ants. I have considered just sitting in the backyard in the evenings when it's cooler barefoot and relaxing and focusing on the still.
When barefoot I am always on the lookout for bees and chicken poop. Not as bad as fire ants. They do say morning and evening are the best times for earthing. It would be worth a try.
I use to have chickens so I know about dodging chicken poop. We let them gree range the back yard a lot. We re-homed our girls when my wife got cancer. I miss my girls..they were always a delight. I have also wanted bees but in my neighborhood they wouldn't be happy. ..I am going to put down a ton of d ried molasses for the fire ants. It's said they hate it. So I can sit out barefoot.
I have been using grounding for years having RA (rhumatoid arthritis). If I had a flare up I would put my hands and feet on damp concrete and the inflammation would gp away in 1/2 hour. I no longer have RA but I still use a grounding sheet from the earthing institute. Don't know for sure if it helps Parkinson's but no risk of trying it.
I practice grounding because it makes sense. Changes may be subtle. When I was visiting Costa Rice I did some grounding at a tree at the volcano region and it was spectacular. I like to do the grounding first thing in the morning.
kindredhorsespirits.com/unt... is a link to article briefly explaining the positive effect of the electromagnetic field of the heart of the horse. Although I feel so good walking barefoot on sand or grass , I feel even better when around horses ! I used to wonder why ' til I read this. Riding for the disabled is a wonderful provision which has great benefits for all regardless of age or type of disability . I thought some might find it interesting 🏇
I read the book last summer and it definitely makes sense to me. I was getting to walk barefoot a lot when I was traveling; sand, grass, mostly sand. It felt wonderful, but I have no idea if it helped my symptoms because I was newly diagnosed. I bought a few of those little mats, and didn't notice anything when using them. So they have been put away since last year. Maybe now I can pull them out again and see if they do anything for my shoulder injury.
Thank you sharing your experience. I have been trying to spend some time barefoot outdoors each day and it does feel great. I am trying to decide whether I should try a grounding mat when the weather gets cold or if I should buy some leather soled footwear and commit to getting outside each day even in the cold and snow.
Good to hear. Thanks for commenting.