Any genuine advice welcomed on dietary changes that have had a definite positive effect on your health but is a down to earth diet not full of recipes needing ingredients I've never heard of!!
Tony, UK
Any genuine advice welcomed on dietary changes that have had a definite positive effect on your health but is a down to earth diet not full of recipes needing ingredients I've never heard of!!
Tony, UK
Ketogenic diet
My wife knows more about this Paleo diet than I do, so here is her reply:-
My son, his wife & family who live in NSW, Australia live on a Paleo diet & swear by it, however I have to say that nutritionally, I could not agree with it because of the shortage of carbohydrate. The diet is based on eating a lot of meat (very expensive) & fruit & vegetables. However, the only vegetables you may eat are ones that you can eat raw, although you can cook them. To clarify, you can't eat potatoes because you can't eat them raw but you can eat carrots. You cannot eat any grains, so no bread, pasta or rice. My daughter-in-law uses grated courgettes instead of pasta & beetroot to make a pastry base. All the fruit & veg they eat are organic but they are in the part of the world where you have access to beautiful local fresh fruit & veg all year. They do also swear by coconut oil!
I suggest that you do a lot of reading about this before you attempt it. The only thing we follow is the coconut oil & I like cooking with that but again in this country it is very expensive compared to the US or Australia.
There does not appear to be any documented evidence that the Paleo diet is anything other than the latest fad to hit the US & Australia.
My wife has MS and I have PD (so far, so good). We are trying to follow a regimen recommended by Dr. Terri Wahls, who was a disabled (wheel chair) MS patient, studied nutrition and developed food groups that are beneficial and not toxic. It's similar to Paleo. She combined the diet with exercise and in about 2 years was walking again. Google her name and her book title should show up. I'm doing the regimen to stay ahead of the curve with the hope of arresting progression.
Hi TonyUK I highly recommend a book by John C Coleman ND called "Stop Parkin and Start Livin" it contains heaps of info on diet and foods that are beneficial for us also some positive things to help us cope and give us hope I'm from Australia the author is also an Ozzie but I'm sure the book would be available on Amazon . Com keep positive Sunnysky