Welcome to the new Cure Arthritis Community, formally known as “RA Warriors.” We are proud to partner with HealthUnlocked to help support this wonderful community that has grown out of your need for answers and understanding of living with rheumatoid arthritis and related diseases in the United States.
At #CureArthritis, also known as the Arthritis National Research Foundation, we fund new and cutting edge scientists aiming to create better treatments for arthritis, and ultimately, cures. Our non-profit has been around since the 1950s and we’re proud to say that we funded the research that discovered TNF-alpha and ultimately led to medications like Enbrel, Humira, and other biologics.
We were recently named in the top 1% of charities in the US by Charity Navigator, and have received a 4-star rating for the last 9 years. We operate entirely on private donations and fundraising, and are the only charity focused solely on arthritis research. This year, we funded 15 new scientists working on various forms of arthritis for a total of 1.5 million dollars! With our community’s support, we hope to fund even more scientists each year.
We recognize that “RA Warriors” was primarily focused on rheumatoid arthritis, but also know that many of you have additional autoimmune diagnosis. With that in mind, HealthUnlocked kindly tagged all posts prior to today with the “rheumatoid arthritis” tag so you may easily find these previous discussions. Now, you can find several new tags to help you better find the type of conversations you’re looking for.
We’re here to support you and learn with you, so please let us know what you would like to see here, or if you have any concerns within the community. From time to time, we’ll share news about the latest research coming from our scientists and projects we’re working on.
If you’d like to know more about what we do, have questions about the new Cure Arthritis Community, or want to get involved with the Arthritis National Research Foundation, comment and let us know!
We hope you have as pain-free a day as possible!
Be well,
The Cure Arthritis Team