Hi, just wondering if anyone that has had inlixomab infusions has had any skin reactions as a result? I have ulcerative colitis and psoriasis and since starting infusions have had a flare up of my psoriasis and developed what looks like eczema over large amounts of my upper body and face. My infusions have been put on hold until my consultant can try to determine if it is related but just wondered if anyone else had a similar experience. Thanks
Inflixomab possible reaction - Crohn's and Colit...
Inflixomab possible reaction
Hi, I have UC and have been on Infliximab for 5 years. I have had occasional skin problems on my ear and on my scalp - scaly or scabby and a little itchy. I've always assumed it was a side issue of UC but maybe not. It's clearly not as serious as yours! Hope you find a solution.
I had psoriasis for a long time and i suffered from frequent flare ups. It really affected my social life from time to time and i really wanted to get it fixed after trying so much meds and taking shots. i finally got a herbal tincture and balm i used that fixed me totally or put me in "a very good remission" as my doctor calls it after the results.
Yes, my son was on Remicade treatment for his Crohns and developed the lupus rash across his face, after only the 2nd infusion. After the 3rd infusion, his lymph nodes/glands in his neck blew up. Needless to say, his doctor wanted to change his meds to something else. We chose since my son was diagnosed at 18 to see if we could control his disease by diet, supplements and lifestyle. After we took this approach he hasn’t had any flare ups, has gained 20 lbs b/c he is absorbing his nutrients, his coloring is back and his hair has thickened. He looks like a totally different kid. It has been two years of no inflammation.
Glad your son is doing better. Thanks for the info. It was after my second infusion that the rash got really bad so from what you've said I'm glad my consultant has stopped my infusions.