I have recently had on going problems with Diverticulitis. After losing blood and suffering the usual problems I had a CT scan and Colonoscopy. Luckily they did,nt find cancer but I am still in trouble with constipation. Problems in the small bowel because of scarring and narrowing. Most of the preparations seem to aggravate things and I am almost afraid to eat. Thinking of liquidising everything until I can get help. Almost impossible to get to see a Dr for advice. I also get very sick which is a bother because after a hernia op I am not able to be physically sick. Does anyone else have this problem.
Diverticulitis: I have recently had on... - Crohn's and Colit...

What was the outcome of the colonoscopy? Have you found some foods better than others?
If it's diverticulitis you should have antibiotics and that is infection. On the other hand, diverticular disease is not infection but still causes pain, narrowing and also causes constipation, I suffer with these conditions and have to take 15ml of milk of magnesia every evening otherwise I can't go at all
I have been trying the milk of magnesia and it works!!!. I have felt so much better. Hoping it will continue, it seems to suit my painful bowel. Hoping it will stop the sickness too. Thankyou so much.
You're very welcome, I'm so glad I could help.
having trouble getting the milk of magnesia. It was taken off the market but hopefully coming back soon. Something to do with EU laws it seems. Hope all well with you.
Yes I had trouble last year getting it. It was back in October and seems to be in short supply again. I managed to get 2 bottles from Waitrose last week, they were restocking shelves at the time and only had 6 bottles. I don't know where you live but just try every chemist and places like savers, home bargains etc they sometimes have old stock.
Not much change here though, still in pain but eating more fibre so don't have to take mm as often. Hope you are feeling better