These are just the things that I have tried, that helped me with my symptoms. It is not for everyone but i am suggesting if you like to try. Just to share, go online, search how to cook kale, spinach, green beans, chinese cabbage, seaweeds, salmon, and chicken . They are all affordable. Don’t eat them raw. Eat quinoa or white rice with them. And eat 6 times a day. 3 hours gap each meal. For drinks, do blueberry smoothie or just chew on blueberry. These things help, i swear. Try it for a week while on quarantine. And you also have to sit down properly while eating. And do not drink water while eating. Just saute the veggies mentioned above with ginger and salt and youre good. Chew the veggies very well before swallowing it.
Advice for ibd patients: These are just... - Crohn's and Colit...
Advice for ibd patients

Only 2 items I can easily eat on that list, the salmon and chicken, if well cooked. All the veg has to be pureed, chewing not enough. Bananas OK, blueberry and ginger would set me off big time, have to drink during my main/only meal as take tablets with, not after food.
Yes salmon and chicken is good . There are plenty of recipe that would suit us. Recipes that makes our food easily digested or mushy. , have you tried boiling veggies it in a soup with chicken. Add the veggies later so it wont overcooked. Discard the fats And drink the broth . If these things doesnt work for you then dont do it.
There is no set rules with IBD what to eat and not what to eat. Its individual, some foods can make certain individuals ill.
You have probably inadvertantly got some peoples back up with your comments. It would of been better if you had said I tried this, it worked for me, thought I would share, not suggest people have to look up how to cook items etc.
Just out of interest where did you get this information from?
Sorry about that, my mistake. I should insert that those things are the things i have tried and it helped. Thanks for correcting . Im gonna edit my comment
Thank you hun, and for sharing your experiences. Shame there isnt a specific diet we can all use to improve symptoms. I have tried so many diets, gluten free, dairy free, meat free etc etc. My biggest food enemy is saturated fats when I am in remission so avoid making meals with cream sauces etc. During a flare its pot luck with everything lol x
If I’m in flare up with my crohns, these are exactly the vegetables that could spark it off. You have to find what suits you individually, what works for one may well not work for another.