A pain in the buttocks rather than a ‘pain in the bum!’ Anyone have this? It’s worse when resting and better when I am physically active. It keeps getting better and then worse again through the day and changed location around both buttocks too. Sometimes feels like a deep ache, sometimes it just feels hot and burning. The skin feels sensitive too.....
Buttock pain : A pain in the buttocks... - Crohn's and Colit...
Buttock pain

Sounds like an abscess. You should let your G.I. Know. I had one. Ignored it till it got worse. It’s best to start antibiotics right a way just in case.
Thank you for replying. Would pain for an abscess move around though?
Well, it depends. Some people can have more than one abscess at a time. But of course only a GI doc would know. The description of your pain etc reminds me of the pain and burning I had when I had an abscess. It was only one though. Bout there were times when I couldn’t even feel it unless I push hard on that spot. It started internally so it was in deep tissue.
I got a similar thing once and was told it was referred pain during a flare and when the flare got under control the buttock pain went away
ask your doctor about ankylosing spondylitis
Sacroiliac joint inflammation coming wirh crohns flares