Hi everyone, I've noticed Stewart hasn't been around for quite some time. Does anyone know if he is ok? Happy New Year to everyone. Let's hope it's a happier healthier one 💪😀
Has anyone seen!!: Hi everyone, I've... - Crohn's and Colit...
Has anyone seen!!

I don't know, but it's nice of you to care about the absence of someone from here.
Happy New Year to you all
I do hope he is ok and that someone can enlighten us ..
as already mentioned it seems to be a drop in drop out forum , with little ongoing chat which is probably because people are keeping well .
I know i am guilty of this . i come on when things are going bad or if i can help others .
I am off to see my consultant tommoro to discuss my planned resection of the bowel .... really not looking forward to this but i am hoping it will improve my quality of life .
Hi Anniemouse I'm glad you're well enough for the resection. I hope to have it done at some point but my colon is in mild to moderate flare at the minute so I'm. Going to see about medication next week. I saw a homeopath a few weeks ago. She told me I was non celiac gluten sensitive. So I've been going gluten free since then. It's a bit challenging but so is ibd !! I know my children were worried when they saw me on New Year's Eve as I've lost weight again and don't look too well. Just going back a bit do you have a colostomy bag? Is that what your going about or are you having some more bowel removed? I hope it all goes how you want it too today. I shall think of you so let us know how you get on 👍
Thank you Angep
I have had Crohns for some twenty something years and had a bowel resection back in the early days . i understand that i do not have much of the large bowel left so they hope to do a resection where the stricture is , this has been giving me some problems for a long time and i have tried different medication options and Humira worked for a few years but now the only option is surgery.
I have been informed that i may end up with an ileostomy which is scaring me to be honest .
I have my questions prepared for tomorrow so i am hoping i will be better informed
i will let you know
I hope you manage to sort your medication out and start to feel well soon.
Hi Angep
Apologies for not replying but i genuinely thought i had .
I am due my pre op assessment tomorrow, then my planned procedure next Friday ....i am still very unsure and afraid as i will be in London some miles away and still not too clear as to what i am having done until they actually open me up .
I have my faith which is getting me through and belief in the surgeon so i am sure all will be well
Still unclear if i will need an ileostomy but it is looking that way ......... my biggest scare
I hope you are well . How did you get on with your appointment .
Don't worry I understand. I don't know what I'm doing most days!! In between work and hospital appointments!!! I know what your saying about the iliostomy because I would feel the same.although many people say it has given them a better quality of life!! I already feel strange since my operation!! So goodness knows what I'd feel like if I have to have an iliostomy!! I'm going to have Humira and Anzathropine. Have to start on 50mg of Anzathropine as the enzyme needed to break it down in my body is a bit on the low side.still waiting to hear when I start Humira as waiting on blood results for that. So il start Anzathropine tommorow when I get home from work. Im glad you have faith in your surgeon and I really hope it works out the way you want it too!! I was just saying the other day that if our existence on this earth is all about being tested then I've learned my lesson and don't want anymore tests😏 I know it's scary for you not knowing what will have happened till you wake up!! Why do you have to go to London for the operation? Is it the best hospital near you?
Hi Angep
Late reply again ... sorry
My operation got postponed so its now planned for next Wednesday
Really scared but i need to have it done so i can regain some control over my life
I was transferred to London by my consultant after being well on Humira for three years and now needing this resection my consultant says thats where the best consultants are for bowel and gastro problem..... so fingers crossed
Hope you are feeling better
Thank you that is kind
It is nice to know there are people who understand the anxieties people like ourselves and many others go through at a time when we are most vulnerable.
I am going into this operation with an idea of the outcome, but it may be totally different depending on what they find and can do .......
watch this space ............... praying for good news