Where have I injured and what can I do to help... - Couch to 5K

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Where have I injured and what can I do to help it?

PaulC profile image
18 Replies

I'm not sure which part of the foot I have injured but I've just finished week 3 and this part of my foot has started to become painful when I walk on it.

Here's a picture of my foot pointing to the spot: gyazo.com/5f1ee9b6cf608ef55...

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PaulC profile image
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18 Replies
greenlegs profile image

Hi Paul,

The old nagbag is back - but only because I care!

Maybe maybe you're overtraining? You've done week 2 and week 3 in just one week, without rest days...

According to your blogs, you've lost 5 pounds (in a week?) on a 1300 calorie diet (which is worryingly low according to all the recommendations for teenage boys, even those trying to lose weight without physical activity), even though in an earlier post you said you didn't need to lose weight.

And you said you were 'just turned 16' in April, then in November you said you were '16 about 3 months ago' (easy to miscount months though). (OK, I spend to much time on here when I'm not running!)

Either you're a troll (if so, who is that picture of?!) or you are perhaps overdoing things a bit? Even young people take a while to build stamina from not running at all to running several minutes continuously. Maybe you need to ease off a bit, and take those rest days, rather than push on regardless?

Is your target just to get to the end of the programme, or is it to change your lifestyle for the better? The slower route is more likely to work if you want to see a permanent change. Good luck!

PaulC profile image
PaulC in reply to greenlegs

I probably said I was 16 then just out of fear because I didn't think these programmes were designed for under 16s and if I was caught I would have been banned or something. I turned 16 on August 24th. Believe me, I didn't need to lose weight and I intended to get fit just for my own pleasure but I ditched the idea for months and PILED on weight and earned an awesome belly (going from 8st 3lb to 9st 7lb in just under 7 months) - shocking I know. The picture is me about 3 months ago.

Oldgirl profile image
OldgirlGraduate in reply to PaulC

Just picked up on your blog Paul and two questions for you if you don't mind:

a. How tall are you, your weight means nothing to anyone unless you can compare it with your height, i.e. at 5ft tall you may be a little over weight, at 5ft 8" you could be under weight. See where I'm coming from?

b. If you are not aware of having twisted your ankle/foot while running have you had the injury checked out by a medic? If the pain is ongoing it may be best to get it checked out.

Good luck.

PaulC profile image
PaulC in reply to Oldgirl

Hi, sorry I took so long to reply - answers aren't coming to my e-mails any more.

I'm 5ft 6" and I've been resting for 2 days now and everything seems to be fine. I started running again today and my knees started to hurt though but I presume this is only natural. Thanks, -Paul

greenlegs profile image

Fair enough! Glad you aren't a troll! No offence meant.

Maybe read up a bit (if you haven't already) about male teen calorie requirements - the amount you said you were limiting yourself to is the amount that anorexics limit themselves to, and not enough for health, even if you do want to diet. Do it in a healthy way, and you'll keep the weight off. Try to go too fast (and run at the same time) and you run the risk of damaging your body permanently - your bones and muscles still need to grow, and they can't do that properly without enough fuel.

I admire your determination - you'll do just grand.

Listen to Old Grannie Greenlegs now! Who, after 4 1/2 weeks, can run for ten whole minutes! Woooooo!

PaulC profile image
PaulC in reply to greenlegs

I'm glad you're here to give me advice and looking out for me. I'm still eating: breakfast, lunch and dinner and getting a good nights sleep and I'll try and slow things down a bit. :)

Well done to you, keep at it!

Mitts profile image

Try R.I.C.E on your ankle. The odds are it's a strain/sprain. If it's not better by the beginning of the week see someone to rule out anything that needs more complicated treatment. No running till it's better!! (I ignored an injury at the beginning of November... made it worse... was only able to start again last week... not what you want)

Are your shoes okay? Gait analysis?

And good luck! :-)

PaulC profile image
PaulC in reply to Mitts

I'm going to take a days rest tomorrow. My shoes are fine, I have new balance running shoes. I was thinking of buying running socks, any thoughts?

Also, what does R.I.C.E stand for?

Mitts profile image


Above is all you need to know about R.I.C.E :-D

I have Aldi running socks, they're great! My normal sports shop socks are okay too but Aldi's were half the price. I think they definitely make a difference tho some people don't wear them. If you have a dodgy ankle I think it'd be worth it, though, they have more padding at the correct places.

PaulC profile image
PaulC in reply to Mitts

Thanks for the help! Just ordered a pair of running socks from Amazon and if they're good I'll continue to wear them.

Alex62 profile image

Rest it, I ignored a similar pain and 1 month later it was discovered I had a feature and now 5 months later I still get pain and still cannot run!

GoogleMe profile image

If you are not taking rest/non-running days, you're not doing the programme. You may be listening to the podcasts whilst running but you are not doing the programme. If you are having difficulty controlling the urge to run when you shouldn't (which I think does happen to all of us from time to time), it is worth looking at some relaxation or stretching type activities - or perhaps the NHS Strength and Flexibility podcasts.

Another factor which doesn't apply to most of us - are you still at school and doing PE lessons?

PaulC profile image
PaulC in reply to GoogleMe

Hi, sorry I took so long to reply - answers aren't coming to my e-mails any more.

I believe that I'm not exactly a 'couch potato' as such and I feel I can run everyday. Running in the morning keeps me focused during the day also. I don't do PE any more as I'm quite late on in high school and I dropped it as I hated the writing part.

sfb350 profile image

I've been getting soreness in my achilles tendon and ankles over the past few weeks so I've decided to try and do exercises to strengthen them. Running can have quite an impact on your joints so anything you can do to strengthen the muscles around them will be beneficial. Stretches after running will also help.

Calf raises are easy to do on the stairs. Stand on the step with your heels hanging off the back, stand up on tip toe then slowly lower down so your heels are lower than your toes, and repeat. I do 20 repititions whenever I feel like it.

I've also bought a wobble cushion to do balancing exercises on - they're quite inexpensive and good to use at home in front of the telly. You can also use it for core strength exercises - these will also benefit your running.

You're only young and don't need to rush the program - stick to the program (don't rush) and maybe do strengthening exercises on the "rest" days - that will help you to stay injury-free and will help your running. Heck, you've got more time to improve than a lot of us on here - be patient, it will be better for you in the long run ! If you are still at school, maybe ask your PE instructor for advice about your injury - they'll be impressed you are trying and want to encourage you. He'll probably also be able to give you good advice about exercises that will complement your running training.

PaulC profile image
PaulC in reply to sfb350

Hi, sorry I took so long to reply - answers aren't coming to my e-mails any more.

Thanks for the tips. They really do mean a lot and I'm going to begin those strengthening exercises tomorrow. Cheers! :) -Paul

sfb350 profile image
sfb350Graduate in reply to PaulC

Good luck with it, Paul.

mark909 profile image

I think you need to buy a pummice stone. This professional one looks good.


mark909 profile image

Whatever you do don't run on it until it feels better else you are risking a worse long term injury.

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