So many excuses not to tackle this one. Thanks to those bloggers who say it can be done. Ditching my cord jeans and long ski socks in favour of some light cotton capris and daughter's PE socks I check my pockets. Emergency phone? Yes. Daughter's mp3 player? Yes. Ear phones that stay in my ears? Yes. Dog treats? Yes. Extending dog lead and poo bags? Yes. Any other delaying tactics? If I hang on much longer it will be too hot. No more excuses, so off we go.
I head gently uphill in the hope that the downhill return will help me keep going throughout the dreaded 20 mins. The route has been plotted carefully to stay in the shade, after all, a little fluffy dog like Poppy needs all the help she can get to keep going through this one.
Who am I kidding? Poppy takes the lead throughout - she's getting the hang of this. In fact she acts like a pace setter. I complain she's nabbing the cleanest, flattest bits of the path and trying to trip me up, is that my knee I can feel twinging? She charges ahead saying at least I've got just two shoes that I can take off, she's got four fluffy white feet to get clean again when we get back.
There's a few dog walkers out, "nice day for a jog" calls one as I puff past. I must look like a real jogger then? "I've got both feet on the ground" it says in the song, we've got six. At times my pace seems slower than a walk (Poppy's going at a fast trot) but Laura urges me to keep going. 5 mins, half way, 15 mins then just two minutes to go. We step up the pace a little for the last 60 seconds and we've DONE IT!
Yesterday dear hubby spotted my grubby running shoes and jokingly asked if I'd been for a cross country run. I truthfully replied yes, but he thought I was joking back. Little does he realise I ran through the fields for 20 minutes today!
Home for a shower and cool down my red and blotchy skin before heading to work. Drat, forgot to add the front door key to my pockets ...