HEADs UP.... Are you able to take time out and... - Couch to 5K

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HEADs UP.... Are you able to take time out and have a read ?

Oldfloss profile image
8 Replies

Hi there runners... time for a few thoughts from this old snail :) It has been a while!

Reply? No need, I know you want to get on with your running... all I ask is that you READ. :) Maybe a like, so I get an idea if anyone has read this:)

One of the many things that we have to think about when we begin running, ( and there are a heck of a lot of things to think about), is the way we run, Our running form.

I have to be honest here, when I started running nearly nine years ago, it wasn't something that I gave, initially, a HUGE amount of thought to. As my running has evolved I have given it, at certain times, especially, a lot more thought.

And...as if it was meant to be... the voice over, accompanying me yesterday on my run, asked me the question... “ How's your form?”

So, I have been doing a spot of reading around, ( I love a project:) What did I find, well, lots of interesting stuff!

And I made a little mnemonic! Well, almost. :)

Hence the tag for this post..

HEADs up

Why is our running form so important... ?

Well... very, very simplistically...focusing on and improving our running form, can make us a more efficient runner, and help us avoid running injuries.

So how do we begin?,

* H.... HEAD up. Think about posture. Look ahead and imagine an invisible cord pulling your head up gently.

RESULT: Better use of energy and easier running.

* E...ENGAGE your core. Pull your tummy in, and try to be aware of this as you run.

RESULT: This will keep our pelvis aligned and help us to run comfortably, and for longer.

* A...ANGLE your arms. Hold your arms at a 90 degree angle, relaxed but tight if that makes sense? Hands relaxed, thumb relaxed lightly on top of the fingers. ( Think, holding a bag of potato crisps and not wanting to crush them.) Be aware as you run, of your arms. Brushing gently the side of your body and not swinging around in front.

RESULT: Efficient arm movement = Efficient leg movement and a strong , better stride.

D... DRIVE . This should really be a C... because it is CYCLE.. But I have used my artist's licence, and changed it. Driving forward with those feet in a cycling movement. Think of a line and your feet, either side. Push your feet behind and try for a rounded, cycling motion.

RESULT : By putting everything together this tends to move us forward a tad, and it may, have the effect of making us run a little faster, ( or as my voice over says, fly a little!)

Your feet will then quite literally and naturally touch the ground under your knees, and that light, kiss the ground, landing, well, it has a direct impact on our running efficiency, and will, hopefully, ( bar tripping over a sleeping bear), help make is less prone top injury!


A lot, it seems, to focus on BUT... if you do, when you run, begin to become aware, even focusing on one element of form, at a time, it really does become a completely natural habit.

Hence, when my voice over yesterday asked that question mentioned... I was able to answer, honestly, " It feels great !"

So, maybe when you head out for your next run, spend a short time before you begin, or even on your warm up walk, focusing on the way you are moving. Even just one little thing. When you are running , try too, to be mindful of this.

An added benefit too, of focusing on form is, that it does, for those of you who focus too much, on running time or speed, take your mind off that and before you know it, the run is done, in an efficient , relaxed and enjoyable way!


Photograph of me, is not a boastful, look at me one, it is one taken on in a series that Mr OF took, as well as some videos, that helped me to improve my form. I was, ( bowed done clearly by old age and general snail mode), rounding my shoulders too much and forgetting that invisible cord!

A long deserted beach, the sea and the sky and the added delight of flying!


The voice in my head.? Coach Bennett on the Nike Running Club guided runs... I feel sure some of you will meet him after Graduation :)

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Oldfloss profile image
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8 Replies
Yesletsgo profile image

What a fantastic post Oldfloss . Form is so important.Great pic too 😁

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Yesletsgo

Thanks you... it was taken 2022... Llyn Peninsula, and the whole session really did help me.

I still remember to lift my head and not allow myself to lean forward with round shoulders...

I feel, if we can try and improve form at whatever stage or age, it really can make a difference, physically and mentally too , :)

Gthants profile image

Good form there!

My daughter and I were talking about this last week as we drove past a female runner who had what I'd describe as T-Rex arms - kind of stiff and held very high. She looked highly coached and actually reminded me of a female Olympian whose name I can't remember! The form looked uncomfortable to my eyes, yet she looked as though she'd still be on that same run now, a week later, just easing along ...

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Gthants

Thanks you ! yes, I have occasionally seen similar, usually bit not solely male runners?

I feel maybe, when our runners begin, just taking a bit of time to think on certain aspects, may be helpful and then as you know, as we run on and our running evolves, we find our own wonderful running style. Yes, I recognise that easy, run for ever, style... one of my friends has it... poetry in motion.. i sometimes get it... after 6K usually though :)

Looking further at this, there is a whole load of stuff about it out there , running with raptor arms! I feel another post coming on, Maybe on Bridge though ! x

Gthants profile image

I walk. Drift into running. Get blissed out by about the 45 (second) mark and then by the 1 (minute) mark, this "Gah, here I go again!" 😂

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Gthants

Love that.... ! Get blissed out ! Perfect!

AlMorr profile image

Great photo of you Floss, you look 20 years younger than you are, go for one of those fitness age tests, I bet you are fitter than lots of people much younger.

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to AlMorr

Thanks Al...maybe I'll do just that ! X

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