CATCH-UP CORNER...NOVEMBER WEEK 1...SLIP off y... - Couch to 5K

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CATCH-UP CORNER...NOVEMBER WEEK 1...SLIP off your Running Shoes, grab a cushion and come inside...There is a Warm Welcome for EVERYONE!

Oldfloss profile image
54 Replies

White Rabbits Everyone! It is NOVEMBER 1st!

A new month of wind, weather and shorter days and a whole new month of runs for us all !

Well, here we are again, happy as can be. All good friends and jolly good company!

After a couple of trial runs of two new posts, the seemingly, ever popular Catch-Up Corner has returned! Yeayayayayyaya!

We have warm curtains, warm cushions, lots and lots of them, and an even warmer welcome to any of us who wish to pop in here!

I am, in this NEW post, going to use the very first Catch-up Corner post from last year, to explain again what the Corner is all about.

We have had so, so many new runners joining us that, it is almost impossible to keep up with everyone's posts... although we really do, in the Team try to. So by using Catch-Up Corner again, we do get a chance to share each other's journeys!

So, for anyone who has NOT popped into the Corner before, here goes. This was the first post last year!

“I have been around the C25K forum for ages and we used to, always have a, Weekly Chat... or a What's your week, post.

It was great. I knew many, many folk by name and was able to follow and watch the progress!

Folk , who did not want to, or have time to, write a long post, could pop in and just chat to each other. It was a place to talk about your running, your successes and your set backs. Just a relaxed line or two, to see where we all were and where we might be going. I relied on those chats when I started Couch six years ago.

The chats were a place where we felt we were not alone, that there were others out there who were feeling just the same as ourselves, with our running.

Well, a while back we were desperately short of our volunteer Admin team members and with all our other duties, some posts had to go and these chats were included. We lost our meeting place.

As I have popped in here, I have felt for a while, that we needed 'Something' back here on Couch again. We need to chat, we need to share and we need somewhere to do it.

We can Support, Encourage and generally Help each other, in a positive and friendly way, with no thought of comparison. We can have a little moan and we can pass on our ideas too.

You can chat here, wherever you are; just beginning, in the middle, or nearly at the finish line of the C25K. “

So... there we are, that is what it is all about!

You can chat here, even if you have not been running for yonks, and are repeating all or bits of C25K again, and as the last year has proved we have seen MANY runners returning to C25K and many of them are Graduates too. Their contribution to the chat is invaluable and the balance of NEW runners and RETURNING runner works really well!

So, I am really hoping now, that some of you who have not visited Catch-Up Corner before will give this a try, and will pop in, in a sort of regular way.

I shall post Catch up Corner, each week and be giving some ideas and links here and there, ( and maybe popping on some of my famous ( infamous??) rambling and rhymes)!

YOU can add things all through the week and I will be here.

So please, please, do think about joining in the fun...slip off your running shoes, relax, and just let us know how it is going?

Fingers crossed that I shall see many old faces here and a whole load of new ones too!

Oldfloss x

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Oldfloss profile image
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54 Replies
AlMorr profile image

Well I'm still here Oldfloss, still running and going to parkruns on a Saturday morning, I have now run 63 of them, I even have hosted Damienair's Saturday morning parkrun reports forum twice when he was unavailable to do it that week, in fact this month I am hosting the November Quest forum for Instructor57 which is a privilege to do.My first post on Healthunlocked was way back in September 2017 when I thought C25K was something to do with running 25 Kilometers, even then I didn't think I would start running the following year, I told readers on that first post which is still on the forum that I did do exercises but no running, so all in all I have been on this forum now for a little over 5 years and enjoyed every moment.

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to AlMorr

Good to see you here with us Al. You have had a lot if running successes since you began to run!

You posts and your photographs have given so many people inspiration and the motivation to get out there and try it! I do know how much pleasure you get from your Park Runs too...and have been so interested in all the locations.

I hope folk reading this take heart from the fact that we are able to run at whatever age and that enjoyment is the key.

Thank you for popping in....x

AlMorr profile image
AlMorrAmbassadorGraduate in reply to Oldfloss

Thanks Floss ✅👍🏃🏾

David_G profile image

Hi Oldfloss and running friends! I’ve been AWOL from here since the virtual London Marathon, when my left leg seized at 14.5 miles and refused to go any further 😖 I’ve been on crutches even since but I’m hoping that, with the help of my physio, I’ll be mobile again soon 🤞

Given the length of time since I’ve been able to run, I expect I’ll need to start C25K again, maybe towards the end of the year 🏃‍♂️ In the meantime I’ll keep in touch with everyone on here.

I’m determined to run again, I never realised how much I’d miss it until I couldn’t do it! Take care everyone, get out there and enjoy it and please share your stories 👍

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to David_G

So good to hear from you, but not so good that you are still on crutches, What a n absolute shame that was. You had worked so hard with your training and to have that happen on the race was really upsetting!

I know that TailChaser too had a real set back with her calf pull! She made it to he finish line but it was hard ! You two.. show the true grit that runners are made of!

But, here you are and we are glad to have you.. an extra comfy chair with cushion is right here at any time for you!

I think that from posts such as yours and Al' , folk are able to see, where C25K will take them and the kind of strength and determination that evolves with our running? Plus all the fun and the joy we get it out of it.

Take care my friend and please. do pop in again and let us all know how it is going ? x

David_G profile image
David_G in reply to Oldfloss

Thanks Oldfloss I’ll definitely pop in from time to time. It’s amazing how much runing has taught me about resilience and mental strength 😀 It’s just patience I struggle with 🤣 I just want to be out there running again! 🏃‍♂️

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to David_G

Well will get there. Patience is something I think many, many of us have learned from our running.I know I have

TailChaser profile image
TailChaserGraduate in reply to Oldfloss

We all inspire each other on here and out there with our running Floss. It’s Shake-and-run that taught me patience whilst running (not sure I have much for anything else though 🤣). We hold each other up and we push each other along. I suspect it was easier for me to slow it right down and hold back during the actual marathon than it was for you David_G , but you’ll be back and we’ll all still be here when you’re out there plodding the streets again. At least you don’t have to go out in this miserable weather we have at the moment - small blessings and all that. 💪💪💪

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to TailChaser

Thanks you...wise words.... x

SueAppleRun profile image

here's one old face come to join you in catch up corner, Life is taking over and wind has stopped running this week but I'm sure we will be out again soon

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to SueAppleRun

You certainly will. I have just read your plan for today! Perfect!

Your cushions are always here and I hope that folk will take the time to pop in too, to hear your running experiences.

I have got serious wind, wet and wild weather here today....blowing a hooley, but that gives me time to catch up on the forums and to paint and read too!

Thank you for popping in!

SueAppleRun profile image
SueAppleRunGraduate in reply to Oldfloss

Always know where there's a warm welcome 🤗 enjoy your day xx

LiisaM profile image

Dear OF!

I also plan on dropping in as life permits. I had a spell where “life” tripped me up and I’d stopped regular running and muscle exercises but I went back to week 8 and am back up to c25k+. Your encouragement at the time helped me get back to steady running. Thinking about how out of it I felt during those times makes me all the more adamant that I’ve GOT to run for my well being not to mention my sanity.

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to LiisaM


You do know, that you were in my head when I decided that Catch-Up Corner had to return, don't you?

You are getting into a steady pattern now, even with the blips. You have done so, so well to keep going at all, when life has thrown you some seriously curved balls.

Our physical well being is incredibly important but our mental well being, oh my goodness... that plays such a huge part of everything! SueAppleRun last post here, proves that!

It is so good to see you getting out there, and finding that time for yourself! Pop in again soon!

TimeInNature profile image

After graduating c25k in May (I think) I’ve been following JuJu’s magic plans. Firstly the time based one, and then the distance based one. Last Saturday I achieved 10k.

So now I’m plan free 😱

This week started with an Alexander Technique lesson on Monday. A GoodGym task (and runs to and from) yesterday. A quiet day today - there will be walking, there’s always walking. A 5k ish tempo run tomorrow evening. Not sure about Friday - there will be a walk no doubt. A run of some form on Saturday - 8k? 10k? Not sure yet (I’ve promised myself I’ll run two 10k distances in November). And Sunday is a rest day. Will also pop in some home yoga sessions I think

I’ve signed up for the Brighton 10k in April so have that in my (distant) sights.

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to TimeInNature

This is all sounding so, so positive... I and all of us will really look forward to your posts as you move onwards...

I know you got your 10K graduation badge...I gave it to you, and very well done on that!

Plenty of walking going on as you say... perfect and yoga too... Shaking the runs up, with some short, some middle distance and some lovely longer, see where you get to, runs too... it can be so much fun!

That 10K race sounds something to really look forward to in the Spring... I have a 10K then too... in Derbyshire though!

Please do keep us posted, it is so important that our new runners see just where their running will take them after graduation! x

TimeInNature profile image
TimeInNatureGraduate in reply to Oldfloss

Thank you!

Oldfloss profile image

Okay... I am going to shout out now to some new runners... or returning runners who appeared on the Off the Couch post...just wondering where you are and what you are running? The cushions are waiting!

I do know some of you may be struggling with injury !

Torkyfinlay @Autumn2022 Fi_O Newtrainers Sparkleabc Misty1960 @Csj88 Flybe JayneDoe Avfc19852022 Swimming24 Johng237 Overweightandlazy @Beginner_runner 22

Fi_O profile image
Fi_O in reply to Oldfloss

Today I will be doing w5r3. Week 5 had always been the stumbling block for me. Not this time I have a different mind set and recognise my achievements so far.

Oldfloss profile image

and.... Finding_Fitness Mum22boys Elfe5 Greenrunner47 Greenway123

Dendev75 profile image

Hi Oldfloss, as a newbie runner only starting this April - I want to know how runners motivate themselves to get out and run or try to run in the heavy rain we’ve had and the dark nights setting in really early now. What if it rains heavily all week? I don’t have a treadmill. I’m worrying that I won’t be able to keep up the three times a week running. X

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Dendev75

The eternal question, and it usually involves, wet/wild and sometimes snowy weather!

Hello; it is so, so good to have you here with us... a new cushion, especially for you! Well there is no magic answer.

Personally I am fine if it starts to throw it down whilst I am already out, but heading out in it takes real determination. Usually if that is the case... I do not run... I have used my TM for icy or inclement weather, but other than that not.

I do have lots of keep me going, strategies for indoors...indoor walking, which can be far more strenuous as you think... and I have used a lot of those... especially some indoor sassy dance moves too!

Leslie Sansone.... she has great stuff and it is a real fun workout, I did not think it was for me but really gest things going... she has done loads of stuff and it really gets those happy hormones going!

There are some great Christmas theme ones too!

If you are going out, then only do it with the right gear. Layers... a large brimmed cap or hat to keep the rain off and out of your eyes.. a BUFF to stop the drips, and I have to wear gloves!

I have a high viz belt and flashing lights on my trainers... front and back.

I have only run in the complete night dark, ( early morning doesn't count with me... I Graduated on the 17th December)...when I did the Marcothon some years back... run 5K or 25 minutes every day in was hard and often cold and I cannot say it was all that enjoyable... except the Christmas lights were amazing as I tended, then, to avoid my tracks and fields and ran around the housing estate near me on the old aerodrome!

If you cannot run, then you cannot and there is so much to keep you fit whilst you wait for those days when you are able... we do what we can... and we try not to worry if we don't get the runs in... see my last post on Bridge!

The only thing is TRY it.... it is only wet... and with the right gear, you may find it is enjoyable???

Rest assured the runs do wait and there will be dry days and sunny days even in the depths of the will get out there.

Hope this helps a tad.... you are not alone!

Pop in and keep us posted, please x


In my very early days.... I got very very wet... but I dried out... still here still running... this might make you giggle.

Dendev75 profile image
Dendev75Graduate in reply to Oldfloss

Oh I’m sitting here grinning whilst reading your old post - it’s hilariously written, I can just picture you when the van went past and drenched you all over including your glasses (what a sod) 🙈. Was that shower still the best shower of your life to this day? 🤣 🚿 I’ve been out in autumn rain but winter rain is going to be cold 🥶, I don’t mind so much when I’m already out and it starts to rain but when it’s pouring down I can’t motivate myself. I did buy some equipment for home workouts and was doing them regularly but I’ve been a bit lazy lately, I do need to force myself as there’s never been a time when I’ve thought ‘I wish I hadn’t gone on that run or done that workout’ once I’ve finished 😊👍🏻 X

Elfe5 profile image

Helloooo! I was hoping to reply with today’s run, but in my heart of hearts I know I shouldn’t. ☹️ My back ( old & familiar complaint) is playing up - I forgot to stretch after running - what an idiot! (You know that thing of squishing a run into a very busy day & then hastening on to the next thing). Sigh, lesson learned. Physio for me & I hope to pick up at W3R2 soon.🤞🏻🤞🏻

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Elfe5

Hello again! Oh no!!!! Not your back.... eeek !

I do know that feeling of fitting everything, in but I am really trying to not do it... it is easier for me as an old retired person...but some weeks, I have to say... enough... slow it down.... Go with the flow!

It is so easy.... we ant the run, we need the run... and we should NOT have run! I really hope the Physio can help to ease the problem...x

Pop bac k in and let us know what is happening! x

Elfe5 profile image
Elfe5Graduate in reply to Oldfloss

Will do! - Hopefully with better news. 😄

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Elfe5

Everything crossed!

Elfe5 profile image
Elfe5Graduate in reply to Oldfloss

…but not when you run! 😂😂

BeadEmbroiderer profile image

Hello, I’m a new face on here, although I’ve been lurking in the background since the end of August, finding answers to the questions I had, thanks for preempting them all 😊

I started C25K at the end of August and completed week 9 run 2 this morning. I’ve changed my route several times (it’s very hilly where I live, and it was killing me), now I drive myself to a car park near the canal and run along the towpath, it’s so much more enjoyable! I plan to do my last run of the programme on Friday 🤗

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to BeadEmbroiderer

Hello and a very warm Autumn welcome to you!

We do get a lot of lurkers, in the nicest possible meaning of the word, but are always so glad when they join us! We do try very hard to answer questions and to give advice and support and if we cannot find the answer we usually are able to link you to someone who has it!

Your location sounds a tad like mine at home.... hills at every turn, some long and steady and some short and steep... I have just learned to love them :) You are far more sensible than I !

A terrific well done on completion of Week 9 run 2! We shall be waiting for you at the podium... Badge is being polished as we speak, and we shall cheer you home!

We all will be looking forward to seeing where your next exciting part of the running takes you and, there is a cushion here, ready for you to pop in and tell us!

BeadEmbroiderer profile image
BeadEmbroidererGraduate in reply to Oldfloss

I don’t think I would have made it to week 9 if I hadn’t changed my route, not sure if that makes me sensible or more accepting of my age 😂

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to BeadEmbroiderer

Ha ha... I am 72! I run up faster than I do, flat!

BeadEmbroiderer profile image
BeadEmbroidererGraduate in reply to Oldfloss

I’m rapidly approaching 66 🫣 so probably about the same age you were when you started running, I’ve never run before, but I regularly do weight and resistance training at the gym.

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to BeadEmbroiderer

I started at 65 too. First HM at 69! Still running...still enjoying!

TimeInNature profile image
TimeInNatureGraduate in reply to BeadEmbroiderer

Good luck with your final run of the programme. I look forward to seeing you sporting your shiny graduate badge soon

BeadEmbroiderer profile image
BeadEmbroidererGraduate in reply to TimeInNature

thank you

Annieapple profile image

My shoes are off, the fire is on and I am with you Old Floss.. fab idea yet again. Having one of those busy bee weeks where an early start is needed & so couldn’t run today. I almost go into a state of mourning I miss it so much! 🤣 It’s amazing how your mind & body adjusts to the run routine… when you miss one something feels wrong!! Or is it just me…… Lovely to chat… Enjoy your evening 🔥🍁🎶

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Annieapple

Good to have you here... not a night to be out, here certainly.

Getting out of step can be a real nuisance and yes, we do miss it... a lot! I just want to get back to where I was in a regular pattern.

I hope you do manage to get out for a run this week... and so glad that you popped in.. there will always be a cushion here for you!

Mummycav profile image

Hi Oldfloss …I think I need to sit in the corner xxx

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Mummycav

Just sit... I am in here...x

BrokeyNotSoBusted profile image

Hi Oldfloss, not long back after a dark, wet and windy run so thanks for somewhere cosy to sit.Since graduating in May I've been pretty consistent with getting out 3 times a week with odd break due to illness and gave up smoking in June (something I'd failed to do on several previous attempts so have C25K to thank for that 👍).

Still carrying some niggles from an old injury way before c25k but they rarely stop me getting out though sometimes do require an extra day or two rest between runs. Generally I've found getting out has helped as a better form of pain management and I ditched painkillers in my consolidation runs.

My weeks now consist of a long run usually between 7 and 10km (with a personal best of 16km but that one led to major cupboard raiding once home 🤦‍♂️), a more comfortable 3-5k mid week then parkrun on the Saturday. Have managed 20 park runs since graduation 😊 Highly recommend it to anyone that hasn't tried yet. Park walkers are most welcome so don't be worrying about running 5k non stop before you consider turning up, even those just thinking to start C25K can enjoy some company and extra support.

I'm still seeking my slowest "easy" pace but my legs tend to find what's more natural for them and I'm reluctant to argue mid run 😋

Loads of positives, loving it!

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to BrokeyNotSoBusted

So sorry for this late reply x

If the legs feel like they know what they are doing? Well... then.... that seems a good guide to me... I am glad that you have found a pattern that works for you... because these are YOUR runs...your body is your best guide and you are clearly taking notice of it!

Do you think if you found some hills you might find a happier pace... or are there hills built in already! :)

BrokeyNotSoBusted profile image

I'm convinced the solution lies somewhere in strength and flexibility training but I've been finding it easier to go out than build that into my week (really need to stop being so lazy about it). I have a longish hill with a low gradient that I use occasionally but running slower seems to aggravate my hamstring and/or glutes so I tend to increase stride to resolve it while out. Did try copying some yoga type videos but seems I'm not so flexible to get into some of the start positions nevermind complete the motion lol ... It did make some very amusing evenings tho 😂

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to BrokeyNotSoBusted

Well done you...there is quite a lot of strength and stamina work on the S and F forum... something to suit everyone! Getting a simple regular routine going works for me.. I use a regular set of workouts form BodyFit with Amy... core strength , arms and legs etc!

nowster profile image

Hi Oldfloss.

I've not run for over a week!

Initially it was time and weather that was against me. Since Monday I've been sitting on the cusp of developing a cold, never getting beyond the tickly throat stage, but feeling a bit drained and grotty. LFTs have come back clear, so it's not that. I've also been getting really hungry.

Tomorrow is likely to be a nice morning. I'm planning an easy 4km jog back home after dropping off a car.

Unusually, I'm not even thinking of doing parkrun at Pwllheli this weekend. The weather will be foul and I'm not confident in being able to do such a hard run after a week off.

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to nowster

Sorry for the late reply... circumstances took over! Feeling under par is a good reason to rest up... and yeswe did have a gorgeous day yesterday... I ran first thing and we went over to Trefor.. to walk to the sea stacks.

It was horrid when we left Wales this morning... all the way back well into England... you did the right thing!

Newbie59 profile image

Hello OF. I feel much more of a lurker than a runner these days! I still get the daily catch up email and I drop in and out of the C25k forum and the Bridge to 10k one. I will never get to 10k now. But ... it doesn't bother me! I would like to graduate again and be able to run a 5k in under 40 minutes. I know it is achievable because I volunteered as a tail walker at ParkRun in the summer. Usually there are a few walkers who finish at around the 50 minute mark so I did no prep, no stretching, just went out for a nice stroll around the course. What happened? Well that day they were all serious runners, no walkers, and they all left me in the dust! Well I could not run 5k so I put my Jeffing head on and completed the 5k in 38 minutes using my watch to time me: 1 minute run, 30 seconds walk, repeat and repeat until done.

I've re-started C25k a few times this year and each time I got stuck at week 5! However, I've been doing a lot of walking. I registered for virtual LeJog on 1st January and so far I've covered 756 miles so I should be finished by Xmas, yippeee 😀

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Newbie59

You are doing so well and you are still out there and still moving... maybe start again at Week 5... there are loads of folk repeating all or bit, and popping in here, is a great motivational place! All supporting each other..

The Park Tun sounds just great and the beauty of it is, you do it your way. I did a really gentle 5K on my run yesterday.. 39 minutes of pure relaxed running... speed is not always the thing, but we all have our little goals and you will get there... x

Newbie59 profile image
Newbie59Graduate in reply to Oldfloss

I am planning to go out this week in my running kit and just see how it goes :)

MrsLydiaWickham profile image

Hello Oldfloss I laid my running gear out last night, determined to run after a two week break caused by ' general life stuff'. Badly stubbed my toe in the middle of the night. Got swelling and a bruise so that put a stop to my plan. 😆 Happy running everyone.

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to MrsLydiaWickham

Oh my goodness!!! That is horrid!!!! Rest up and know that run will wait!

Hedgehogs123 profile image

Hi, its been another really tough week here, partner not well and having a lot of hospital tests, mum now at the stage of her Alzheimer's where she doesn't recognise me and work just ridiculous with amount of work. Running is my sanity, it keeps me going , as does this forum with all the support, motivation and advice and my new found running friends with my local running club.

Im sure lots of people find the same thing, problems manage to get pushed to one side whilst Im running. I love the peace and tranquility that running gives.

On the more positive side, Ive just ordered new running shoes, now thats exciting!!


Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Hedgehogs123

Oh my goodness.... when it all goes this way... it is horrid... and so many calls on your time. Just finding some time, even a short amount is so valuable. We need the space...just to take a breath .... letting the stress float away, and then come back recharged and refreshed.

New shoes... hmm... a real spirit lifter!

Hedgehogs123 profile image

Absolutely! 🤣

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