CATCH-UP CORNER... WEEK 2... Time for a breath... - Couch to 5K

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CATCH-UP CORNER... WEEK 2... Time for a breather... NEW Runners, Repeating Runners, Forum Friends, all WELCOME!

Oldfloss profile image
34 Replies

Hello fellow runners:)

Here we are again. Welcome to the Corner.

The cushions are waiting, so slip off the running shoes and stay a while.

Another week and another set of runs. Wow!

Looking at your posts over the last few days, there is so much going on, new folk beginning this great programme, folk reappearing after starting it, but not finishing it, folk repeating it after illness or injury or just life happenings! I am, as ever in awe of your achievements.

I have had a good week, Building back from the start again after a blip in 2020, and now beginning to make progress and being able to simply enjoy the runs again. I repeated C25K, as it is one of the very best ways to come back safely from a set- back, as well as being a great start to a running journey. I recently reached 10 K again which was very satisfying for me, but I am still focusing mainly, on the shorter distances and the 5K mark, until I am feeling really ready to move on.

Now, my point in sharing my running experience with you today, is this.

My mantra is and always has been, slow and steady. It works for me.

My 'slow' pace, has, of course, quite naturally, increased over the nearly 7 years since I began running, but it still is, my, slow and steady. My slow is not your slow, my slow is not the slow of some of our forum friends who move much faster then I, it is my happy pace, and wonderfully, we all have our own ! My speed is mine and mine alone.

Now, one thing that I have picked up on, when reading your posts over the last week, is about just this, Speed. Speed, distance and time.

I have read many posts which have, somewhere in the title; “...going too slowly”, or “ nowhere near 5K “, or,”... not fast enough”. This sort of post appears a heck of a lot. And I often think that we ought to compile a library of those posts and the answers to all of them. I have written oodles of posts about speed and time and distance, over the years. Posts intended to encourage and hearten anyone who feels that they are not succeeding with their running, or not doing, it right, or somehow, dare I use the word we really do NOT use on the forums... FAILING ! EEEK!

The simple answer, to all of the questioning, self-doubting, anxious and sometimes distressing posts, which contain the message, “ Am I too slow...”, is the same.

No. You are not.

In this instance... too slow, does not enter the equation.

You are running through the C25K programme. It is structured, well-planned, and designed to get you to 30 minutes continuous running, steadily, safely, injury free and enjoyably.

For some it may enable them to reach 5K in 30 minutes. For some, not all, and in fact, the polls we have run on the forums over the years, indicate that the Majority do not reach 5K. It is not a requirement to Graduate from the programme.

So. Having set that all out here... now you know. You have not got to reach 5K..and you have certainly not to try to push yourselves so hard that the whole programme becomes a worrisome thing. That really is not what it is all about. A phrase I read years ago, in a reply to one of the anxious post stated, “...the programme is for enjoyment, not endurance”. How true.

Read other folk's posts, read the posts of more experienced runners, pop in here and read what other folk are feeling or doing.

But, be confident in the knowledge that if you trust in and follow the plan, week by week, ( even if it takes you longer than nine weeks), then you will, find, by realising and settling into YOUR own happy pace, you will reach the Graduation Podium, able to run confidently for 30 minutes; an injury free, relaxed and happy runner!

So, lecture over :)

Time for you to settle down on your cushion, and let us all know how it is going with you.

If you are struggling for any reason, then share that too. I share my problems all the time. Someone here will have felt the same, is feeling the same, or maybe. is going to feel the same, and we can help each other by giving our support and our advice too:)

A problem shared, is a problem halved:)

Looking forward to welcoming you and sharing your runs:)

Oldfloss x


I am linking to a post, about speed, that I wrote about 3 years ago, just to show you that I am a real runner, just like everyone here, not simply, a weird old lady in a wooden garden shed!

I run and I have issues... I make mistakes and I pay the price, BUT, I trust in the advice of those friends on the forums here, and I share my running disasters with them. There is always someone who can help and advise. We are so, so lucky!

Oldfloss x

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Oldfloss profile image
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34 Replies
Andrino profile image

Hi just slipped off the cushions to start on my week 2 runs … feeling great post run and trying to remember that feeling to motivate me next time .

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Andrino

Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy!

nowster profile image

There are runs I do fast (usually short ones) and runs I do slowly (usually long ones). I mostly run by the feel of the effort needed.

There have been times when I've felt really light and bouncy, and those have often felt slow but have been in reality faster than ones in which I've "tried".

There is no such thing as too slow. Don't compare your numbers with other runners. There's no way I'm ever going to match the abilities of a 6ft 6in leggy 20 year old who's been running every day since junior school.

Celebrate what you can do, not what you can't. Whatever you do, you're still way ahead of the folks who never got off the couch.

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to nowster

Great post and thank YOU for popping in to share that here! It is so important to let our new runners, ( and some of us who may be stressing over lost form), that there are different runs and you have described that perfectly!

Just super!

Liono profile image

Hello everyone! I was hoping you might mention pace this week Oldfloss!

Having spent months running deliberately slowly and ticking off the weeks successfully, W7 has been less enjoyable. I started tracking my runs out of interest to see how close to 5k my routes were and I don't know if that has subconsciously made me run faster but I've been tiring more quickly than I was and fear the two may be connected!

I've tried to slow down but the stats are the same each time and remarkably consistent, so perhaps it is my natural running pace. I've had slightly achey knees and really don't want to risk getting injured so have been taking two rest days between runs. Although the many hours I've spent kneeling down painting skirting boards probably isn't helping!

I think for W8 I am going to go back to my previous ignorance-is-bliss approach.

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Liono

The mind plays tricks on us. You probably were, without realising it, moving to get closer to the magic 5!

I do think the knees could be suffering from your decorating though! I know mine suffer if I kneel for too long. I am ancient though !

If your pace feels comfortable for you...then it is probably correct.

Try some gentle knee exercises and head out, at the pace that just feels right.

Those extra rest days are clearly needed, and will benefit your running enormously.

Well done you x

Roxdog profile image

Interesting! My first proper injury, 2 years ago, was after a period of really going for pace. I thought I was ready, but clearly not! I don't know if the pace work caused it, but suspect it was largely the culprit. Now my aim is just to run, injury free. I might, post graduation mark 2, do some varied pace runs, but my mantra is to not batter myself!

nowster profile image
nowsterGraduate in reply to Roxdog

Exactly the same for me. I was chasing the elusive 5km in 30 minutes for my graduation run, and sprained my ankle very badly.

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Roxdog

A good target. Injury free. Being kind to ourselves is not something that comes easily, always. X

LiisaM profile image

I think it is part of human nature to push to excel and to compare one's performance with others' performances. Oldfloss, I love this post. I'm sure I've been running as fast as some walkers and it causes me to wonder, "Am I really running?" and yet my arms are pumping and it feels like running even though it seems so slow. This was a wonderful reminder that the run is for us and not for a comparison to some perceived ideal. And this is why it's better for my morale to run alone and not in a race or in a gym someplace where I will compare my pace to others' paces. My new 3-month old puppy runs slightly faster than I do at my top speed and tries to pull me behind her. Ah! There I go making a comparison!

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to LiisaM

You may be right...but we are all so different.You run for you...and for you, the lack of others to compare yourself against, works.

I think we can discount your small puppy . She is going to prove to be your running soul mate I think xxx

CBDB profile image

As self-crowned queen of slow 👸, I loved reading this post.

The good thing about me being super-slow, is that none of the various targets (like 30min 5k) are anywhere near enough to be beckoning temptingly.

So every run has a speed of its own. I’ve done speed work in forms of fartleks or drills or interval work, but it’s for the joy of it, the fitness and strength benefit.

Slow is my runner identity and I’ve fallen in love with it. Only the HM and M are out of reach, as they would take simply too long. But that’s ok, as I think of my 10k in the same way someone else thinks of their HM. I have to prepare, think of hydration and sustenance, find the right the day, and get prepared. And I have wondered in the past if running for two hours is more of a similar effort for various runners than running the same distance?

So I relish any duration-based goals, and I relax into my identity that is CBDB, Queen of Slow!

(Having said all this, I am now guilty of hunting down the sub-60minute 10k in rowing. I might just be in danger of losing my crown of slow whilst rowing in my virtual waters! 😱😱😱🚣🌊 We are feeble beings, we humans! )

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to CBDB

A girl after this snail's own heart. Finding your own pace and reveling in it...the 10K mark is a great one. Short enough to be within reach and far enough to really enjoy.

Hopefully folk reading this post will see how it is possible when we find our own happy pace to choose the runs and distances that are so right for them.

After Graduation the longer relaxed runs start to evolve, for many. I do love my Sunday, longer run day and I look forward to getting there again at some point.

Thank you for sharing this :)

doggytail profile image

Hi old floss what a lovely post to read after being away for so long. Life and illness just get in the way, but, I have been reading all posts its kept me sane in these trying months.

I keep trying to run slow but find it difficult, not that I run fast by any means average pace is 8.7 still puffing away.

Doing the park run and desperately trying to run 5k once again not managed it yet.

As people more qualified than

me say stop comparing yourself to how you were and just enjoy.

Enjoy is now on my bucket list x

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to doggytail

Enjoy is, certainly for me, key.

I do know what you mean about trying to run slowly, but, if your natural pace feels comfortable, then that is the way to go.

There are a lot of links on ways to run park run, including running it slower, to get faster!

But if you just relax, maybe, try not to overthink too much, it will come.

We are so lucky to have the forums, not just to get our running sorted either. Such a support in so many ways.

Well done you!

Leotigris profile image

Like many I graduated well short of 5k but I would love to be able to achieve that elusive distance. I am currently in the consolidation period and, after about 9 successful post-graduation runs, I am trying to extend the duration of my runs to eventually get there (hopefully). Slow and steady is my approach.

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Leotigris

Yeay!!! Slow and steady is the way. Many of my real snail friends agree.That 5K will come, when it and you are ready.


Weirdly, it is the longer slower relaxed runs which build everything up. Stamina, strength, distance and yes...speed.

Just enjoy the learning process getting to where you want to be.

Well done you!

Snail friend
Leotigris profile image
LeotigrisGraduate in reply to Oldfloss

Thanks Oldfloss. I never thought I would get this far. All my life I've been a dedicated non-runner, and positively hated sport at school, although I have always enjoyed hill walking. If anyone ever mentioned running I would say "I don't do the R-word"

It has taken me a long time to even start C25K. A few years ago I realised that I was getting stiff if I sat down for too long at work so I took up the opportunity to join a weekly yoga class at work.

When lockdown came and we were asked to work from home I found that, without my usual walks to and from the station at each end, walking up and down escalators, and walking around during the working day to visit sites I was hardly getting any exercise. I decided to start cycling again and do a short bike ride or walk every day before or starting work.

Finally, in autumn last year I decided to try C25K. Still working from home, I find it fits in nicely at the start of the day.

It hasn't all been plain sailing though. Coming late to this forum I had not read the excellent advice before starting and so made many mistakes along the way, but I got there in the end!

next stop - reach 5k,

after that? who knows!

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Leotigris

Well yes, who does know... we reach one goal, which we think might be all we wish to do... and suddenly... we are thinking of other things!I was a sprinter at school.. and really quite speedy... whereas now.. I love my relaxed slow and steady :)

Mistakes are horrid...unless we learn from them, and you clearly have!

Lockdown has been hard but it has had another effect too... and you are a prime example.

Well done you! This running , whatever level you are at, is a great start to your day!

WhaleSongC profile image

The hills make a slow/steady rhythm a real challenge… especially as it is easier to let myself speed up for the last little downhill part, and then my legs try to keep it up :p. Oh well. Overall I am succeeding despite the hills.

I completed week 9 run 1 yesterday. Made the full 30 minutes except for about 10 seconds watching some cheeky monkeys and a confused cat :p. Tank didn’t feel empty at the end of the jog, but it sure did by the time the cool down walk was done!

I haven’t run the loop twice yet, but I’ve started going a little further each time on the hills either side of the ‘flat’ bit so my overall elevation gain is increasing slightly.

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to WhaleSongC

You are doing incredibly! Hills are tricky...and we all adopt our own pace for getting up them! In my case faster than on the flat!

Downhill is such fun...hard to resist letting go!

You certainly are succeeding and if you finished with a walk....? You made it!

Extending the route a little at a time, excellent plan...on you go!!

Well done!

Oldfloss profile image

Just a shout out to a few folk... the cushions are here, when you are ready BUT if you are busy running and moving on,,, I'll catch u with you in your posts:)Greenthorn Elfe5 Renidragas Hidden Dhiny Lola-bear 3rd_time_lucky Greenrunner47 Liono LanciaA Mum22boys ( Hoping that all is still on course for you )xx

Oldfloss profile image

A few empty cushions, although... I am seeing a lot of folk moving onward to some exciting running goals:)030961 Tbae Bluefly FrankyC BarbieW Shandy1 Marvincat Katprid LottieMW Mumpark Week7 BS44 slipstick

FrankyC profile image
FrankyCGraduate in reply to Oldfloss

Oldfloss 👋 Hi I'm still here 😃Had a couple of busy weeks and haven't posted. I had gone 12 days without a run. Week 6 Run 3 (a long one was next) and felt in order to do it justice I should re run Week 6 Runs 1 and 2. So I ran run 1 two days ago and due to run again today so I will be all back on track before tackling the longer Run 3 👣 🤞🍀 wish me luck.

On the subject of slow 🐌 I sometimes post that I was slow in a run if I've felt I've lacked energy or felt sluggish ( no pun intended 🤣). I usually just compare it on my Strava or Garmin app with previous runs where I've felt good and my body is usually right 👍

I never compare myself with others as you say I'm doing this for me for enjoyment and the health benefits 💯

My competitive days are far behind me.

It was very nice to be missed from the cushions 🛋 🙂 thank you for noticing my absence. But I was lurking 🤣😶‍🌫️

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to FrankyC

Just great to have you here. I am of course an old worrier, and if I miss folk's post on the forums I get neurotic!

You are doing really well and it is good for folk here to read what your experiences are. We are all so different and to see those differences reflected in the runs is so helpful!

Enjoyment is the thing, certainly for many and most of us:)

Thank you for popping in x


Lurk away.... you are always welcome!

grumpyoldgirl profile image

(Plumps up a cushion, lowers herself thankfully onto it) Hi all, nice to see everyone looking so fabulous☺️

I've managed one little week 2 run again which felt fine, but the hip is a little twingy after some hardcore weeding at my allotment- it's a recent acquisition and there are lots of nasty weeds. Thank goodness for my weekly Pilates class! Anyway, next weekend is my son's wedding so who knows what I'll manage before then - but afterwards I'm intending to pick up the c25k from where I am.

Floss, it's true, there are always people who worry that there is a pace they *should* be achieving, and they push themselves too hard and too soon trying to achieve it. Apart from the risk of injury, I've read posts from runners who are losing all enjoyment of running in the process. Listen to your body folks, don't force it, and it will repay you☺️

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to grumpyoldgirl

Hello! Its taken me a day to get back on to a cushion! Gardening!Well done on getting that run in...not so good on the twingy hip front though! These gardens and allotments. They take a lot of time and effort and count as real workouts too!

You need to feel on form for the wedding. How exciting! The runs will wait and you will feel all the better for them :)

It is true. folk are not kind to themselves, even though sometimes, pushing can almost be subconscious.

You are so right... we should try, always to listen to our body and not ignore it. It is our best friend and our best guide .Thanks for this :)

Happy hip heal and do have a lovely time next weekend! x


Don't run to the wedding in your running gear will you x

grumpyoldgirl profile image
grumpyoldgirlGraduate in reply to Oldfloss

😂 I think for this trip I'll leave it behind - although at one point I was almost desperate enough to wear it😜

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to grumpyoldgirl

I know the feeling!!! My husband eventually picked out my whole outfit for my daughter's wedding...I was desperate...but he chose wonderfully ..including shoes and fascinator!!!!

grumpyoldgirl profile image
grumpyoldgirlGraduate in reply to Oldfloss

Other way round here - got myself sorted, then hubby discovers his suit doesn't fit. Got alternative sorted. Still needs a shirt. I am staying calm.

Mum22boys profile image

A bit late to this week! Haven't been able to run since the weekend because of husband being away a lot for work but hoping to get out tonight as along as he's not too late back. I can't remember whether I've done 1 run of week 2 or 2 🤔

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Mum22boys

You did Run 1 Week 2... Hopefully you may get a run in this evening, but if not...the runs will wait.You have been having plenty of strength and stamina work.

Hope all is going as well as it can do right now xxx

Mum22boys profile image
Mum22boysGraduate in reply to Oldfloss

I checked my app... last one I'd done was run 2 week 2 so now I've finished week 2. Really enjoyed being out, was still a bit hot 🥵 but thankfully a cooling breeze.

And yes thank you, all is going ok at the moment, thank you for asking xx

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Mum22boys

Wonderful! Well done you! x

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