June Consolidation Club for new C25K Graduates... - Couch to 5K

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June Consolidation Club for new C25K Graduates! 🤩

roseabi profile image
78 Replies

Hello runners!!!

JUST ADDED - 5K PLAN!!! Not reaching 5K in 30 minutes yet? Have a look at this plan! healthunlocked.com/couchto5...

Congratulations for graduating C25K, and a huge, warm welcome to the June Consolidation Club!!!!!!! 😊😊😊

If you haven't already, head on over to IannodaTruffe's Graduation Badge post and write a comment to request your Graduate Badge!!!! healthunlocked.com/couchto5...

This is the place for those who have just graduated to talk about plans, problems, terrors and triumphs.

This period, post graduation, can be tough, without either a programme to follow or the regular satisfaction of achieving a new aim each week. So we bring you the Consolidation Club as your go-to monthly post for all your post-graduation questions and answers!

What do we mean by CONSOLIDATION?

As at any stage in running, when you have increased your running distance or duration over a few weeks, it is good practice to consolidate (work on feeling stronger running for 5k or 30 minutes) for a short period, bedding in all that effort.

Having just finished C25k, it is a good idea to:

★ Continue to run for 5k or 30 minutes (whichever you achieved during the plan) for a few weeks

★ Try out different routes

★ Just enjoy your new found ability!

Without having to increase duration week on week, you can take the pressure off, have fun, run somewhere beautiful and new, forget about pace. While you are consolidating you are helping to establish the habit of running in your life. It is said to take twelve weeks of changed behaviour to create a new habit, so a three-week consolidation will get you there!

We encourage you to check in here straight after graduation, tell us how you're doing and feeling. Give us your run reports, swap ideas, ask questions and get help formulating plans and targets, knowing that at least one member of the admin team is keeping an eye out, with all the usual advice to offer. There is no need to sign up, just drop in and have your say.

★★ And check out our full GUIDE to post-C25k running: ★★


Consolidation is not compulsory, but is considered good practice for all runners, at any stage, who have increased duration and distance over the preceding weeks and is particularly appropriate for new runners, to reduce risk of burnout and injury. How many runs this takes will be very individual, but it is so much better for you if you feel strong and confident about your 5k or 30 minute runs before starting work on faster times and longer distances.

Most runners discover the importance of having better general fitness and strength than running alone can give you, which is why CBDB has produced this twelve week consolidation and strength training plan that will see you maximising your running ability in just a few weeks. healthunlocked.com/strength...

So, over to you new graduates! Who wants to tell us how it is going/feeling? How can we help support you at this stage? Know that we've all been there, and we're HERE, with and for you!

roseabi xxx

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roseabi profile image
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78 Replies
roseabi profile image

I just spotted this on someone's post today, it is SO inspirational thought I'd share it here! It's not just about losing weight, it's also about finding a love of running 😊😊😊


Sisteract5 profile image
Sisteract5Graduate in reply to roseabi

I watched this as I desperately want to love running. Started C25K as my sister, who is a runner, is undergoing chemo and can’t run so, I thought I’d do this until she can do it for herself. I’ve done consolidation run 15 today but, still not feeling joy or enjoying it. What’s the secret? I want to enjoy this——- don’t know when that happens or if it every will——- has anyone else had anything similar/similar experience??

Cloakie profile image
CloakieGraduate in reply to Sisteract5

Hi, I love the feeling from achieving the run but like you I don’t know if I enjoy the actual run! Does anyone have any good breathing tips as I think this hinders my enjoyment too?! 🥺

roseabi profile image
roseabi in reply to Cloakie

I think you both might find it helps to slow down for a few runs, run at a REALLY easy effort, barely more than walking. Then try adding in some super-short faster intervals - make yourselves out of breath. Then take a recovery break - walk til you get your breath back, then jog slowly, then push yourselves into another short fast interval. Repeat a few times and notice the differences in your breath. This kind of work can help improve your cardio fitness and also help you appreciate the compatible ease of running slowly.

And, this may not be for you, but if you can enjoy it include some regular swimming in your fitness routine. You will be amazed how much easier it is to breath out of the water!

Good luck! xxx

Cloakie profile image
CloakieGraduate in reply to roseabi

Thank you, I’ll give it a go - is there a week of Couch25K that we could use to follow and maybe use the walks for slow running etc… it’s all new this running but I’m determined not to let the last 9 weeks go to waste 😂😂

roseabi profile image
roseabi in reply to Cloakie

That's a great idea to use some of the C25K intervals. I would think Week 1 would be your best best to start off with. If you struggle to recover by walking the 90 seconds just stop completely. As you continue you will find you can keep moving.

KJB72 profile image

Consolidation run no.4 this morning. Managed 28mins ✅ Hopefully will be back at 30mins next time. Running alone is definitely taking some getting used to but I’m enjoying myself, and that’s all that matters I think. Out again on Monday… Have a great weekend all 🏃‍♀️

roseabi profile image
roseabi in reply to KJB72

That is definitely the most important thing! Have a great weekend yourself, and enjoy your run on Monday!!


roseabi profile image

Do you want to run 5K?

Are you running less than 5K in 30 minutes? Try gently increasing the time you are running until you reach 5K - it's a great goal!

Here's a little plan for increasing your time running with one 'long run' per week, with an aim to get to 5k and then on to an hour of running. I have shared this in previous Consolidation Clubs, and a number of people found it useful.

The basic idea is to reduce one weekly run to 20 minutes, and increase another one by 5 minute increments. I have suggested that it might be best to repeat the first two weeks, but you can carry on repeating weeks if you feel the need. Alternatively, don't repeat weeks at all - see how you feel!

Week 1&2: Run 1, 20 minutes; Run 2, 30 minutes; Run 3, 35 minutes.

Week 3&4: Run 1, 20 minutes; Run 2, 30 minutes; Run 3, 40 minutes.

Week 5: Run 1, 20 minutes; Run 2, 30 minutes; Run 3, 45 minutes.

Week 6: Run 1, 20 minutes; Run 2, 30 minutes; Run 3, 50 minutes.


Here is a link to a printable version of the plan to stick on your fridge: drive.google.com/file/d/1Yx...


Go back to Imc50's July Consolidation Club: healthunlocked.com/couchto5...

Image of the printable 5K plan
depechegirl profile image
depechegirlGraduate in reply to roseabi

Thanks for this, have done 20 minute run on Monday and planning on the 30 tomorrow! was really starting to feel despondent about the fact I could only just do 30 minutes, have not improved my snail like pace or distance!!! Tried Laura's stepping stone podcast and was WAY too fast for me... BUT do remind myself that in March I could only just about do the 60 seconds x 8 runs!!!

roseabi profile image
roseabi in reply to depechegirl

Absolutely, you have made fantastic progress!

Enjoy your run today and keep us posted xxx

Running-rings profile image

Hi roseabi👋 Thanks for working out the 5k plan. I've 9 normal consolidation runs done and this week I used the Stepping Stones 30min podcast for CR10+CR11 which I really liked following.

I feel like I'm jumping from different new goal ideas since graduation though...

I tried starting the Strength and Flex post-grad plan but found it too hard to get the time 'off' with my 2 kids. The eldest,6, joined in for the first few sessions of S&F but the interest dwindled for both of us. I started adding most of the exercises on at the end of my runs, after the 5min cool down and stretching. Feels easier to tape them on to the running when I'm already dressed in activewear and out! Wondering if this is 'ok' going forward? (I'm not totally inactive on my rest days.)

Seeing your plan now I'm wondering if the 3 runs should be all standard listen to music runs or could I use the stepping stones for that 30min run each week? I'd like to try out the other 2 podcasts too the stamina 35min and speed 16min. Maybe I'll try those first and then start the 5km plan...I'm a bit unsure of the best way forward, or maybe it's all trial and error?!😆 confused.com!

Hope everyone enjoys the weekend!🙋‍♀️

roseabi profile image
roseabi in reply to Running-rings

I think it is a great idea to do some strength work after a run, when you are nice and warm and as you say dressed for action!

Also an excellent plan to do Stepping Stones for your 30 minute run, or even Speed for the 20 minute one! There's nothing like mixing up your runs to get you fitter and keep you interested - and a bit of trial and error is no bad thing either.

Good luck and have fun!! xxx

Running-rings profile image
Running-ringsGraduate in reply to roseabi

Thanks for your reply and ideas. Will give it a go. I def like variety (in all aspects of life!!) and having the 5k goal I think will help keep me motivated too. Have a lovely weekend 😃

Skiddle1 profile image

Hi all, I guess this question belongs here after just graduating this morning! Yey me! 😁 I have progressed to 5k in 31 minutes but during most of my runs my watch has been alerting me to the fact my heart rate is exceeding its maximum and this morning on my last run it got to 197bpm. Should I be concerned about this and will it get better over time? I do slow my pace to allow it to drop a little and I feel fairly OK but I would like to be able to increase my pace and currently I can't because I'm worrying about my heart rate. Anyway, glad to be at consolidation stage! I'm really chuffed and I have absolutely loved using C25K. 😁👍🏃‍♀️🎓

roseabi profile image
roseabi in reply to Skiddle1

I don't think you need to worry about your heart rate, but if it would help you to stop worrying get a check up with your doctor.

The usual maximum heart rate calculations are very general and therefore do not fit everyone - for example women tend to have faster HR than men. Also your device may well not be accurate anyway. If you feel OK then you will most probably be fine.

Pushing yourself to run with a faster heart rate from time to time will help you to get fitter and faster - it is a basic principle of exercise that you need to go outside your "comfort zone" to achieve results. But by the same token you need to establish that comfort zone by regularly keeping around 80% of your runs at an easy effort.

I think it would help you a lot to switch off the HR alerts, and also remove your HR from your watch screen. Run by feel and just check your stats occasionally.

Finally, my esteemed colleague IannodaTruffe recently posted a detailed article about running heart rates, well worth sitting down with a cuppa and reading it through! healthunlocked.com/couchto5...

Don't worry, and enjoy your runs! xxx

MrsRobbo2009 profile image

Good morning! I just completed the 9wk program and feel so good! I had Strava on and kept going even after the app said to walk, managed 5.21k in 36mins non-stop. Cannot believe it!! Thanks for the consolidation post, was wondering what to do next! This will prove very helpful x

roseabi profile image
roseabi in reply to MrsRobbo2009

Great stuff!!

Have you had a chance to think about what you would like to do next? I suggest that the Magic 10K Plan might be worth a look: healthunlocked.com/bridgeto...

KJB72 profile image

Absolutely buzzing this morning. 35mins / 4.4km. Felt so good, never checked my watch. Think I could have kept going but decided to do the sensible thing and stop. 🏃‍♀️

roseabi profile image
roseabi in reply to KJB72

Amazing work!! xxx

Doris-1950 profile image

Wow … hadn’t realised this group existed… think its what I am looking for . I am repeating W9 runs but I would love to hear a different trainer to Jo . She’s got me this far …. Thanks Jo … couldn’t have done it without her …. But now i would like to hear a different voice!

roseabi profile image
roseabi in reply to Doris-1950

I see that my buddy Instructor57 has sorted you out!

That's a great idea to switch trainers - which one have you gone for?


p.s. I have awarded you your Graduate Badge! It is a virtual badge that appears as the word 'Graduate' next to your name when you post in this forum. Let me know if you can see it?

DIKN19 profile image

I’ve never done any running before, often thought I’d like to try it, but didn’t think I’d get anywhere!! Started the couch to 5k programme beginning of May and really enjoying it. Really surprised myself, just started week 5 today and couldn’t believe I completed the first day! Feeling so happy with myself.

roseabi profile image
roseabi in reply to DIKN19

You are amazing!!! So good to read that you are enjoying C25K xxx

Pigpog profile image

I've just completed consolidation run 1 and managed the 30 minutes. I'm still a long way from reaching 5k but that's ok. It was hot this morning and I left at 6.55 am. I tried a different route which helped but that final minute was really tough! I still used the Week 9 C25K podcast as I'm a bit reluctant to let go of Laura yet but we'll see how it goes. Guess I'll have to get up earlier on Thursday for my next run as it's supposed to be getting even hotter 🥵🥵🥵

roseabi profile image
roseabi in reply to Pigpog

Well done, sounds like a good run! Great idea to carry on with Week 9 for a bit, I found that helpful myself.

It's hard to run in the heat for sure, everyone runs more slowly when it's warm. Here's a post I published last year with a lot of helpful tips for running in heat: healthunlocked.com/couchto5...

Take it easy and keep us posted! xxx

Pigpog profile image
PigpogGraduate in reply to roseabi

Thank you for the info roseabi 😁

Kirst13 profile image
Kirst13Graduate in reply to Pigpog

I worried about losing Laura too, and have repeated week 9 a few times and week one with slow jogs instead of walks and upping the pace slightly for the one minute runs. But, when I was brave enough to go without Laura, I had a great run and really enjoyed my own playlist. I plan to do it again this week.

Pigpog profile image
PigpogGraduate in reply to Kirst13

Thanks for that, Kirst13 . I'm sure after a few runs with Laura, I'll be ready to go it alone. Love the idea of your week 1 slog jogging/faster jogging! Might try that soon. Cheers.

KJB72 profile image

Short on time this morning for a run but didn’t want to miiss it altogether. 15mins/2k completed ✅

roseabi profile image
roseabi in reply to KJB72


Pigpog profile image

Well, I got up early today and left the house at 6.15 am to do my consolidation run 2. It was so hot and a really hard slog. After 10 minutes of running, part of my brain wanted me to give up but the stronger, more stubborn part said - 'You got up early purposely to run so just do it!'. So I did and managed to run for 30 minutes, at a snail's pace. Amazing what stubbornness can do! May have to rethink Sunday's run though, it's going to be hot hot hot 🥵🥵🥵

roseabi profile image
roseabi in reply to Pigpog

Well done, that's a great bit of self-talk!

There's no harm in taking a break if it's too hot for you xxx

Runner6w profile image

Still trying! Managing 30 mins but heart rate at max whole time still. But I’m 61 so may be that’s acceptable. 3.64 k! Off road and love it … mostly!

roseabi profile image
roseabi in reply to Runner6w

How is your breathing while you are running? Do you think you could speak a full sentence fairly easily?

Runner6w profile image
Runner6wGraduate in reply to roseabi

Not entirely yet but I do think the second k is getting easier.

Pigpog profile image

Consolidation run 3 (30 minutes) done! What a difference a playlist makes. I decided to ditch Laura (sorry Laura) and the week 9 podcast and go it alone with my fave songs playlist on. It made such a difference. Despite the heat, I left at 6.45 am and I had a really good run, most likely because I was really enjoying the music. I checked my watch periodically and found that I nearly ran longer than I wanted to. I was thinking I needed to stop running at 40 minutes but then at 34 minutes, realised I only needed to run until 35 minutes, as the final 5 minutes is my cool down brisk walk! The truth is, I could have run that extra 5 minutes but I'm taking it slow and steady because I don't want to get an injury. 😎😎😎

roseabi profile image
roseabi in reply to Pigpog

That's wonderful, well done runner!! xxx

Pigpog profile image
PigpogGraduate in reply to roseabi

Thank you! Still feels weird being called a runner 😬

roseabi profile image
roseabi in reply to Pigpog

You'll get used to it 😊😊😊

mancrunner1 profile image

Literally just graduated today! I ran a tiny bit over 5km in 37:44 so my aim for consolidation is to keep doing that distance and try to bring the time down - we’re off to Shropshire on holiday next week so also looking forward to running somewhere different!

roseabi profile image
roseabi in reply to mancrunner1

Amazing!! Well done and have a great time holiday running! Let us know how it goes xxx

mancrunner1 profile image
mancrunner1Graduate in reply to roseabi

Thank you so much, I’ll definitely keep you posted! xx

I have successfully completed consolidation run 2 without any issues. I have to say, i am really enjoying the post run feeling of satisfaction.

Anyhow, whilst running today my mind for some reason wandered to thinking about how people cope with winter. What happens when the snow and ice arrives? Do we stop running? Are there special running shoes, do people wear leggings etc?

I know its some way off with 25 degree sunshine at the moment but how do people prepare / continue.



roseabi profile image
roseabi in reply to

A good idea to think about cold weather to help you keep cool! 😂

A lot of us avoid running on ice altogether, and running in snow is pretty interesting! Some of our members from colder climes invest in non-slip shoe gear designed for running in snow and ice - look up Yaktrax for example. Leggings are certainly helpful for keeping the legs warm, extra socks, and layering up your tops will help too. A waterproof jacket is a good idea for longer runs, and a nice warm hat and/or ear coverings is also a good investment. Personally speaking, I have been known to wear two hats!

in reply to roseabi

Brilliant. Thank you.Now I have this running bug I am determined to continue.

After struggling with the last 3 consolidation runs I slowed right down and today went further, lasted longer and really enjoyed it.

I ended up completing 39 minutes of running and doing a distance of 5.4k without panting like a broken steam engine.

I really enjoyed it this morning.

roseabi profile image
roseabi in reply to

Awesome!!! Great work xxx

mancrunner1 profile image

First consolidation run today and managed 4.1km in 30 mins - it was hot and I run uphill at the start so I didn’t find my legs until about 17 mins in and then loved the end. The bigger challenge for me today was mental - my pace was fairly slow in the first half and I wasn’t happy about it!

I thought I’d really enjoy the break of just running for the sake of it but in actual fact I’m extremely competitive with myself and I was struggling to make myself slow down as I clearly wanted to beat my previous 30 minute pace! That’s definitely going to be the challenge of consolidation for me but very pleased to have the first one done and I clearly need to stop monitoring myself and just focus on the run!

mancrunner1 profile image

Consolidation run 2 today, much better than the first - I used the NRC guided 5km run and so was much less focused on checking my watch/measuring pace. As it happened, I knocked 44s off my 5km time from the graduation run and really enjoyed getting out! Total was 5.11km in 37:44, 5km time was 36:44.

roseabi profile image
roseabi in reply to mancrunner1

Brilliant! Well done xxx

mancrunner1 profile image
mancrunner1Graduate in reply to roseabi

Thank you for the encouragement, it helps so much! xx

roseabi profile image
roseabi in reply to mancrunner1

What would you like to do after consolidation?

mancrunner1 profile image
mancrunner1Graduate in reply to roseabi

Hopefully Bridge to 10k! I’ve run for years but never tried more than 5km, I’m feeling really inspired having done C25K to get me out of a lockdown slump so fingers crossed!

roseabi profile image
roseabi in reply to mancrunner1

Once you've run 5k a couple/few more times, if you feel ok I reckon you'll enjoy the Magic Plan! xxx

KJB72 profile image

Consolidation run no.8 today. Longest run to date was 35 mins so I just wanted to equal that. Ran for 38 mins & 50 seconds 🥳 Over the moon!

Kicking myself just a little though - the run was 0.1km short of the elusive 5km 😬

roseabi profile image
roseabi in reply to KJB72

Haha well done - next time! xxx

mancrunner1 profile image

Consolidation run 3 today - first time in a while I wasn’t really in the mood to run so I did the NRC 30 min head starts guided run and vowed not to look at my pace once! I felt very slow but I really enjoyed it and I ended up at 7:37/km, which isn’t terribly slower than normal actually - 4.09km done in 30 mins.

roseabi profile image
roseabi in reply to mancrunner1

Good stuff!

The_Crow profile image

Started on 13th April completed C25K 20th June. Took me 10 weeks but I am so pleased with my efforts. Most runs from week 6 were a real self motivation exercise.

I would honestly say that after completing the challenge I'm still not in a position where 'I want' to go for a run, but I'm still telling myself I 'ought' to go for a run. I enjoy when I am out running but the thought of it before I go .....that couch still has a hold on me.

Each time I was going out for a run over the last 10 weeks have simply been a discussion with my lazy side of my brain around getting my trainers on and getting out there. I won some of the battles (enough to complete the challenge) but the war is still ongoing....

After reading your welcome statement roseabi I'm kinda looking to when I do my first run without Jo whiley twittering in my ear....thanks

roseabi profile image
roseabi in reply to The_Crow

Sounds good! Getting out there and just running 30 minutes for fun will help get you started on your new running habit - once a habit is ingrained you won't be having so many of these battles.

NB to your other comment, it doesn't really matter if you're running 5k at this stage, better to concentrate on the 30 minute runs for a couple of weeks. After that you can start planning your next goal!

Good luck and have fun xxx

The_Crow profile image

Ok, so now I've graduated and reading more articles, and now I'm wondering am I actually running 5k.....so what's the simplest way to measure my run distance? App or map or step counting, lamposts? I'm so confused 🤪😲🤔😬

mancrunner1 profile image
mancrunner1Graduate in reply to The_Crow

I use the Strava app and that’s very simple, you just hit start and stop and it will measure your pace and distance - very useful if you run the same route a lot too as it will show you how you compare to previous runs.

roseabi profile image
roseabi in reply to mancrunner1

I agree, Strava on your phone will give you all the information you need!

There are also handy apps and websites you can use to plan out routes in advance - couple of examples, I have been using onthegomap on my pc, and several people on here use the Komoot app.

mancrunner1 profile image

Consolidation run 4 and the first of my holiday runs - although very flat the terrain was quite hard-going underfoot and I was much slower than on city centre pavements! We reversed our route and on the way back my marathon-running husband said the side I’d run out on was much harder than his so that made me feel a bit better! Managed 4.13km in 32 mins.

Photo of a field
roseabi profile image
roseabi in reply to mancrunner1

Gosh yes, it can be really tricky running in fields - well done!!!! xxx

Kiai profile image

Hello! I graduated today and am on a high! Most of my runs have been at home on a walking pad at 6km/hr (the top speed) but I took a short drive out to a scenic lakeside path for that special W9R3 run today :-) Really enjoyed being out and the views, and the run itself was great - The knees and feet held up and I felt like I had loads in the tank at the end. I’m looking forward to doing the consolidation runs now and building my new found confidence, plus increasing the number of runs I do outdoors now where I can get used to the firmer surfaces and take it up a notch!

roseabi profile image
roseabi in reply to Kiai

This is absolutely amazing!!! Well done, superstar, you have a whole new exciting world of running to look forward to - keep us posted xxx

Kiai profile image

Thanks roseabi! 😀👍

mancrunner1 profile image

Consolidation run 5 done today whilst on holiday in Ludlow and only 3hrs after a big French lunch and a glass of wine! I knew it wouldn’t be my best but very proud of myself for going out, I did just under 4km in 30mins, pace 7:35/km - not my slowest so pleased with that!

Photo of river
roseabi profile image
roseabi in reply to mancrunner1

Well done, looks lovely!!

mancrunner1 profile image

Consolidation run 6 done on Friday, the last full day of our holiday. Unfortunately we had to start downhill and then run back up and it was warmer than we expected! I was also definitely feeling the impact of a week eating and drinking a lot more than normal and hiking 10-15km per day.

Around 4km done in 30 mins so all my holiday runs have been slower than at home but so pleased I did all three as it would have been really easy to justify taking the week off and I wanted to make sure I’ve really re-embedded the running habit! Looking forward to the third week of consolidation now I’ve had a weekend off.

roseabi profile image
roseabi in reply to mancrunner1

You are doing brilliantly!!! xxxx

mancrunner1 profile image

Run 7 went well yesterday, it felt like fairly hard going at the start (it was cloudy but I under-estimated the humidity!) but I settled into it and it ended up as my fastest consolidation run (and I think second fastest overall) - just short of 4.2km done in 30 mins, pace was 7:14/km.

mancrunner1 profile image

Run 8 this morning was my best one yet - really enjoyable and I shaved a lot off my pace (not on purpose! But I started slow and then had lots in the tank so did my best reverse splits yet). I did 4.4km in 30 mins, pace was 6:53/km. I felt like my progress had stalled a bit lately so this was a really motivating run!

roseabi profile image
roseabi in reply to mancrunner1

That's such good news!! 😍

mancrunner1 profile image
mancrunner1Graduate in reply to roseabi

Thank you, I’m really chuffed! xx

mancrunner1 profile image

Final consolidation run done today and I decided to do another 5km as it’s been a couple of weeks since I last did, I managed it in 36:06 today which is 1:33 faster than when I did it for my graduation run and my fastest time since starting C25K, so pleased!

I’m off to London for the weekend for some extended 40th birthday celebrations with my friends and then can’t wait to start Bridge to 10k on Monday! Thanks for all the support during consolidation! xx

roseabi profile image
roseabi in reply to mancrunner1

Thank you for being here, it's fantastic to witness such great progress!! Massive congratulations and best wishes for the next step on your running career xxx

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