It’s FebRUNary..come and join my CONSOLIDATION... - Couch to 5K

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It’s FebRUNary..come and join my CONSOLIDATION CLUB....

Mummycav profile image
78 Replies

Woo hoo!!! Who’s a clever runner then???? You did smashed it and boom, you’re here, ready to take those next steps...but before you do, this is the in between bit, the stepping stone before you take your running to the next level....

How long was January??? It seemed to go on forever!! I’ve been doing RED January (running every day) and I’ve enjoyed it, it’s hard work but so motivating...and I’ve run just over 90kms so far this year!! Phew..that’s some mileage! But before you attempt something like this you have to consolidate all your hard work, all those runs that have built up your stamina and got you running for 30 minutes need to be cemented like strong foundations that can be built on and this is where we come in.....

This is the place for those who have just graduated to talk about plans, problems, terrors and triumphs.

This period, post graduation, can be tough, without either a programme to follow or the regular satisfaction of achieving a new aim each week. So we bring you the Consolidation Club as your go-to monthly post for all your post-graduation questions and answers!

What do we mean by CONSOLIDATION?

As at any stage in running, when you have increased your running distance or duration over a few weeks, it is good practice to consolidate (work on feeling stronger running for 5k or 30 minutes) for a short period, bedding in all that effort.

Having just finished C25k, it is a good idea to:

★ Continue to run for 5k or 30 minutes (whichever you achieved during the plan) for a few weeks

★ Try out different routes

★ Just enjoy your new found ability!

Without having to increase duration week on week, you can take the pressure off, have fun, run somewhere beautiful and new, forget about pace. While you are consolidating you are also helping to establish the habit of running in your life. It is said to take twelve weeks of changed behaviour to create a new habit, so a three-week consolidation will get you there!

We encourage you to check in here straight after graduation, tell us how you're doing and feeling. Give us your run reports, swap ideas, ask questions and get help formulating plans and targets, knowing that at least one member of the admin team is keeping an eye out, with all the usual advice to offer. There is no need to sign up, just drop in and have your say.

★★ And check out our full GUIDE to post-C25k running:

Consolidation is not compulsory, but is considered good practice for all runners, at any stage, who have increased duration and distance over the preceding weeks and is particularly appropriate for new runners, to reduce risk of burnout and injury. How many runs this takes will be very individual, but it is so much better for you if you feel strong and confident about your 5k or 30 minute runs before starting work on faster times and longer distances.

Most runners discover the importance of having better general fitness and strength than running alone can give you, which is why CBDB has produced this twelve week consolidation and strength training plan that will see you maximising your running ability in just a few weeks.

So, over to you new graduates! Who wants to tell us how it is going/feeling? How can we help support you at this stage? Know that we've all been there, and we're HERE, with and for you!

Let’s enjoy this month...everything’s starting to wake up...I’ve got snowdrops in my garden and little green shoots everywhere & that tells me spring is just around the corner...and just like those little green shoots will blossom into something wonderful so will your running...

I am looking forward to chit chatting to you all about all and hearing all about your journey so far....

Running with a smile on your face improves performance apparently so let’s see those big cheesy grins 😃🏃🏼‍♀️🏃‍♂️

Happy running everyone...

Stay positive, test negative

Be safe, be seen

MummyCav xx


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Mummycav profile image
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78 Replies
Markeaton68 profile image

Hi Mummycav. I graduated about four weeks ago and have continued the 5k runs. I can’t say I’ve found my runs getting any easier and because of poor weather and injury niggles I’ve averaged one every four or five days. Is this he reason I’m not building more stamina? I am running at 32min pace for 5k. Age 52 not particularly overweight. Thanks 😀🏃😓

Mummycav profile image
MummycavAdministratorGraduate in reply to Markeaton68

Hi Markeaton68 ...firstly congratulations on your graduation...Running every other day is what we would suggest in order for your stamina to improve but having said that, the weather has obviously put paid to that some weeks and if you’ve had niggles here and there then that’s been a problem too...I can’t say that I would ever describe running as easy...I don’t run like a gazelle, I’m more like an old puffing steam train but what I would say is that what’s going on in your head has a lot to do with performance...thinking too much about what your doing can be so off-putting...being in the right frame of mind is massively important and will make all the difference...also, starting your run slowly so you’re not burning yourself out after 15 minutes will’ll find that as the minutes tick by and you settle into your run your pace will gradually increase naturally....when are you due to run next?

Markeaton68 profile image
Markeaton68Graduate in reply to Mummycav

Tomorrow. Will see if I keep your advice in mind. 😀

Mummycav profile image
MummycavAdministratorGraduate in reply to Markeaton68

How are you getting on Markeaton68 ??

Markeaton68 profile image
Markeaton68Graduate in reply to Mummycav

I had typed a reply but seems to have disappeared! Yes I ran Friday and tried to stay in the moment rather than thinking how far or long I was going. Ran my 5k in usual pace and just need to build it up from here weather permitting next week 😀

Mummycav profile image
MummycavAdministratorGraduate in reply to Markeaton68

Sounds good to me!! No peeping at distance, just concentrate on the time...and most of enjoying the time and you can’t go wrong...fingers crossed for the weather..I’ve heard the white stuff is on the way again 😩❄️⛄️

Markeaton68 profile image
Markeaton68Graduate in reply to Mummycav

Yes could be a nasty week but I agree, the clock watching is best avoided. Thanks.

Fishypieface profile image

I love that there is a consolidation club now MC!! So needed this back in the day! I remember feeling so up and down during that period of time. Why wasn't it getting any easier??!! Hindsight is a beautiful thing! What a great idea. And with you in charge - well it's gotta be a winner! Hope you are well xx

Mummycav profile image
MummycavAdministratorGraduate in reply to Fishypieface

Hi Fishy my old pal!! Soooooo good to hear from you!!! What a lovely thing to say?! The consolidation club has been going for a while now and I honestly think it’s such a good idea, I also remember feeling a bit lost when I graduated, having somewhere to go and chat to other new graduates and an old steam train like me hopefully works 😉🏃🏼‍♀️🚂

I love my ‘job’ ....if I can help at least one person then I’m a happy bunny 🐰

How are you? Any running going on??? xx

Fishypieface profile image
FishypiefaceGraduate in reply to Mummycav

I think it's brilliant, you are perfect for the job. No - but I do think about starting again more and more and more... when the planets align in my life I think I'd like to be back out there. And I'd actually be excited to start c25k again! One day! 😂 xx

Mummycav profile image
MummycavAdministratorGraduate in reply to Fishypieface

Well, I’m hoping that it’s not long before the planets align!! It’d be good to have you back on here entertaining us all with your funny stories and inspiration xx


I graduated in January and have run 30 minutes every other day. I do have to admit though that I have incorporated Jeffing in my running, having been experimenting with different run - walk ratios. Despite being able to run 30 minutes straight, it just did not feel good enough for me and as I am not running to go to the Olympics but to have fun, who cares whether I run my run in 1 go or with walking breaks?

Anyhow, after having been experimenting with the Jeffing ratios in my consolidation runs (which was with ups and downs), I have come to the conclusion with my 11th consolidation run that a combination of Slow Jogging (or something there about) with a ratio of 4:30 running + 0:30 walking is best for me.

My run yesterday (CR 11, though I don't know if I can call it a CR still) felt sooooo good! After 30 minutes I decided to keep running and went for 40 minutes (I have run for 35 minutes 1 time too). I felt I could go even further, but did not want to press my luck. Slow and steady it is for building up to 5K.

Yeah, I am not at 5K yet. Slow Jogging does not equal distance! In 40 minutes I reached 4,25 km, which I already found very well done. Slow and steady and that 5 km will come eventually! But contrary to a few years back when I also ran but hated it, this time around I am actually loving it. I still keep to running every other day, keeping a rest day in between, but I wish I could run every day!

So my plan now is to just keep to the Slow Jogging type of running with a Jeffing ratio of 4:30 / 0:30 and slowly build up the time and thus the distance.



Mummycav profile image
MummycavAdministratorGraduate in reply to

Hi Hidden ...yes, I’ve seen a couple of your posts...what you’re doing is what’s best for you...I’m a great believer in tweaking a run...I posted about tweaking runs a long while ago, it’s a great tool to have...I don’t believe in setting unrealistic goals for ourselves either, there’s absolutely no point in setting off for a 5k run and not achieving it, this only leads to disappointment and frustration...just heading out and carrying on when you feel like you can, just like you did, is perfect and leaves you with an enormous sense of achievement...running is a gift...and we should always try and take at least one positive from every run...even the rubbish ones 🏃🏼‍♀️🏃‍♂️💪🏻

Asthmaticsnail profile image
AsthmaticsnailGraduate in reply to

I’m really interested in this blackscorpion; I’m going to get a few consolidation runs under my belt first though I think before I form a plan, but please do keep updating- I’m very interested to hear more

in reply to Asthmaticsnail

No worries, you'll see me around 😉

Zip54 profile image

Thanks for the post. I have done 8 cr's and haven't found it getting noticeably easier. I'm focusing on trying out different routes, playing around with sound tracks and trying to keep my speed slow. My mental state is probably my biggest barrier as the last few runs I've found quite hard and now I'm in the state where I'm not looking forwards to running as I think it's going to be hard again. Got my next run today probably at lunch time.

Mummycav profile image
MummycavAdministratorGraduate in reply to Zip54

Hi Zip54 ...I know exactly what you mean...& like I said in my reply to Markeaton68 the mental battle that’s going on in your head is often the hardest thing to’s like world war 3 in my head sometimes....‘I don’t want to go’ ‘I do want to go’ I can’t run that far’ ‘I’m not cut out for running’ ..believe me, we all go through this process...what you have to do is just get your trainers on and head out of the door, no over-thinking..& set off slower than slow...let me know how your run goes today 😉

Zip54 profile image
Zip54Graduate in reply to Mummycav

Hey, thank you for the wise words. My run today was much better than any of the previous ones because I actually felt as if I had something left in the tank when the time was up when before I've been desperate to stop.

Mummycav profile image
MummycavAdministratorGraduate in reply to Zip54 therefore you finished your run happy!! Yay!! 🥳

Lindsey1097 profile image

It's good to have this group just to stay in touch with how others are doing. I have just done my CR4 after having a few shin niggles and with work commitments taking over my time I haven't been out as much as I'd like since graduating mid January.Today was a lovely sunny run with a bit of warmth to it too! I ran today for the first time listening to a podcast instead of music. It totally took my mind off my pace but I had NRC in the background. Without thinking, I am now consistently hitting a smidge over 4k in 30 mins. I do think I need to work harder on slowing down though as I know I'm not able to run much further, I need to walk.

I am hoping to start the magic programme in a couple of weeks so hopefully the variation will help my to increase duration.

I've tried jeffing and was really surprised as how far I got in 30 mins. It's certainly interesting.

State of mind is definitely a thing for me. Sometimes when I'm only 3 or 4 minutes in, I think to myself, there's no way I can complete a full 30 mins, but then once I get to about11 mins or less to go, I think, there's no way I'm going to stop, I can do it. I don't find it easy running, but I can definitely tell that I'm managing it better now. I remember when I upped from 28 to 30 mins, I definitely felt the difference and struggled that last 2 minutes. It felt like an eternity. All in all, I'm enjoying consolidating and building up my own experiences and learning what works for me, whilst still picking up tips from fellow runners.

Onwards and upwards.... Spring is upon us🌞


Mummycav profile image
MummycavAdministratorGraduate in reply to Lindsey1097

I agree, being able to chat on here is invaluable, you can pick up so many tips and so much advice, today was a beautiful, sunny day, still very cold though, until you start running 🤣 ...I’ve listened to podcasts before, I like the ‘true crime’ stuff, occupies my mind. 4k in 30 minutes is very respectable at this stage, concentrating on running 30 mins rather than distance will increase your stamina and then, like you say, you can up your distance or speed and just mess about finding out what works for you 😉

Spring is definitely round the corner 😊

Asthmaticsnail profile image
AsthmaticsnailGraduate in reply to Lindsey1097

State of mind is The Thing for me too. My mind is my biggest barrier, so I hear you. Good to hear you feel consolidation is helping - I’ll do my first CR on Wednesday.

Asthmaticsnail profile image

Hi 🙋‍♀️

I’ve just graduated today. Very happy, but tentative about the future. I know I want to try and increase my fitness through running but as I’m not in a position to increase my time running (I have a three year old, need I say more) I thereby really have to increase my speed and therefore distance to get to this goal.

Im so pleased there is a consolidation club, I’m not ready to go it alone & think I would feel quite lost.

Looking forward to just consolidating what I’ve achieved for now though.

Mummycav profile image
MummycavAdministratorGraduate in reply to Asthmaticsnail

Congratulations 🥳 very well done to you! Consolidating your runs by running 30 mins for the next few weeks is the aim of the game at the moment...I understand having a three year old will limit your time but running will improve your fitness without a doubt!

Feeling a bit lost is normal but we are here for you! We’ll cheer when you have a good run and pick you up when you have a bad one....remember, your body is still learning how to run so easy does it 😉

Asthmaticsnail profile image
AsthmaticsnailGraduate in reply to Mummycav

Thank you 😊

Lindsey1097 profile image
Lindsey1097Graduate in reply to Asthmaticsnail

Fabulous! Well done. It's a brilliant feeling when you reach that graduation finish line isn't it? 🤩 Managing to juggle everything with a little one too. Here's to future runs🌞🏃🏼‍♀️😊

Me again, I already posted here, but I don't think there is a limit on how much you can post here? Just wanted to let you know I have made myself a plan for the coming weeks and am looking forward to it! I have done 12 consolidations runs (of which 1 was 35 minutes and 1 was 40 minutes - oops), so I thought it time to have something to look forward to, something to plan for.

During the week my runs are going to stay at 30 minutes like the consolidation runs, this in the Slow Jogging pace combined with a Jeffing of 4:30/0:30 run-walk ratio. During the week I also have a little bit more trouble with running, running after a work day and having a lack of energy because of it. So I think it wise to do 30 minute runs in the week.

And my run during the weekend is going to increase gradually, a bit like JuJu's Magic Plan to run 60 minutes (except I do my own thing during the week). Last Sunday I ran 40 minutes, coming weekend I do 40 minutes again (also with the Slow Jogging and Jeffing thing). The weekend after it will be 45 minutes - 45 - 50 - 50 - 55 - 55 - 60!

I am so happy to have a plan and I so look forward to it!!

Mummycav profile image
MummycavAdministratorGraduate in reply to

Hi Hidden ...there is absolutely no limits to how many times you post on here!!! That’s what we’re here for and the more we hear from you the better!!!

Your plan sounds perfect and being kind to yourself after a days work sounds perfect point putting the pressure on I think you’ll see excellent result 😉

Sunshinejumping profile image

I graduated in the middle of January and like many folk I'm finding the CRs hard and don't really understand why. I am running every 2 or 3 days and still play the W9 runs but alter the coaches so I don't get bored. Somehow it doesn't seem fun anymore, and that makes me sad, and that makes me not want to run, so every time it's a struggle to get out. BUT it still feels good when I jump in the shower afterwards, so I'm trying to hold onto that.

I'm running around 4k in 30 minutes, but the ground is so wet and the tracks so full of puddles it's hard to get into a rhythm. Gosh I sound like a real moaner, maybe it will all get better when the sun shines!

Mummycav profile image
MummycavAdministratorGraduate in reply to Sunshinejumping

Hi Sunshinejumping ..congratulations on your graduation...I’m sorry to hear you’re not enjoying it as much as you did though....are you concentrating on running for 30 minutes or how far you’re running in that time?? The weather has certainly made running a challenge over the last few weeks...snow, ice, wind and rain can all make running feel a bit miserable and let’s face it, we could all do with some sunshine and I’m not just talking about us lovely runners, I mean everyone!!! Try slowing down a doesn’t matter how far you go, 30 mins is what you’re aiming for no matter how slow..& that feeling in the shower keeps me going too!!! Keep plodding on, I’m sure spring will lift our spirits, you’re doing well, even when you think you’re not...we’re cheering for you 😊

Sunshinejumping profile image
SunshinejumpingGraduate in reply to Mummycav

Thanks Mummycav I really appreciate the support - I will indeed keep plodding on!

Sunshinejumping profile image

Great advice yesterday, I thought about what you'd said Mummycav and realised that because I was running the same circular route each time, I was actually focusing on distance instead of time spent running - I felt bad if I hadn't got round so carried on running until I knew I was only a 5 minute walk away from home.So today I just ran in a straight line until the bell rang (I still listen to the W3 run on the app), then turned round and ran back. And it felt sooooo much better to just be able to jog at the pace I wanted to without worrying about where I would get to.

Thanks for the advice, it's made a huge difference. Was it also you who made the sun shine today?☀️

Mummycav profile image
MummycavAdministratorGraduate in reply to Sunshinejumping

Awww, that’s fantastic...honestly I feel so happy for you...a great run is good for the soul...I think that’s what’s made the sun shine xx well done

Rem81 profile image

After a disastrous CR1 where I just wasn’t able to complete it, I went out yesterday with complete dread. But I followed some advice from Hidden and added in a little walk. I broke the run with a 30 second walk in the middle and did a full 30 minutes. Now I’ve restored a little bit of faith in myself I might add in some more short walks. I was still slower than I was in my last C25K week - instead of 9.20 a km ,much nearer 10mins again. But I’ve never ever run in life and still have a hideous amount of weight to lose. So I’m not expecting to be completing a 5k anytime soon!

Mummycav profile image
MummycavAdministratorGraduate in reply to Rem81

Fantastic Rem81 ...sometimes a little tweak is all it’re out there running, however you’re doing it...and if you feel better for going then that’s’s all about what works for you 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻😉

JRF5 profile image

Hi Mummycav have just graduated c25k and wonder where we go from here. Are there still apps we can listen to I think I still need someone giving me directions thanks

Mummycav profile image
MummycavAdministratorGraduate in reply to JRF5

Yay!! Congratulations JRF5 ...that’s great news...welcome to your new way of life!!! There are many, many apps that will talk to you and guide you while you’re consolidating your hard work...Nike running club have a great app with lots of different runs on and some excellent coaches that tell you how wonderful you are!! There’s also run keeper, you can programme your run in and have someone interrupting you telling you how far you have to go...the sergeant major on there comes out with some funny on the link here makes for interesting reading...keep checking in on here and let us know how you’re doing...most of all though, don’t be tempted to push yourself too hard...and enjoy what you’re doing 😉

JRF5 profile image
JRF5 in reply to Mummycav

Thank you

endohope profile image

I’ve been quietly working on consolidating for several weeks and finally yesterday it felt right so I kept running until I hit 5k and managed it in 33 minutes! So happy.

Mummycav profile image
MummycavAdministratorGraduate in reply to endohope

Yay!!! That’s fantastic endohope ...really well done...I bet you’re still smiling?!!

endohope profile image
endohopeGraduate in reply to Mummycav

Just hope I can do it again!

Mummycav profile image
MummycavAdministratorGraduate in reply to endohope

Im sure you will 😉..just don’t push yourself too hard 👍🏻

Skiptonmel7ssa profile image

Hi Mummycav I completed c25k on Thursday, and am soooooo happy I seriously thought I was not a runner and my body was not capable of running but hey I am and it can. But I know what I am like, I love having a goal to aim for and something to complete. So hope it's ok that I pop on here what my next goals are as this will help me stick to it if I have written in down and committed to it. So I am going to repeate week 9 for the next 4 weeks and aim to run at least 3 times every week.

Mummycav profile image
MummycavAdministratorGraduate in reply to Skiptonmel7ssa

Woo hoo!! Very well done Skiptonmel7ssa ...I think when the majority of us even think about running before we start the programme we automatically think we’re not built for running and will give the plan a go but honestly don’t think we’ll get to the end but might as well try...that’s what makes that first run the biggest commitment because once that’s done, your hooked!! Even when, like me, your lungs feel like they’re trying to get out of your chest, your heart’s racing like Lewis Hamilton on speed and your legs wonder what the heck just happened..something inside just clicks and you’re already looking forward to the next run..I LOVED the feeling...even the runs that didn’t go so well, I still went out for more...and then I found this little place that had being going on without me even knowing about it!!! I couldn’t believe it!!! And what a wonderful, surprising change to your life running makes...suddenly, you’re shopping online for all things’re boring your family to death talking about all things running...subscribing to runners world...entering virtual run challenges...getting up at ridiculous o’clock to go’re travelling in the car, pass a runner with your eyes on stalks trying to see what brand of trainers they have on!!! We want to hear from you regularly!! We’re so interested in how your new life is going and if your family get bored of hearing about it, come and tell us!!

Your plan to repeat week 9 is perfect..also, if you click on the following link it makes for interesting reading and will take you to other places where there’s loads of tips and advice 😉

Happy running ☺️👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

TwiggyL profile image
TwiggyLGraduate in reply to Mummycav

What a wonderful post! You just described everything exactly what is going on to the T. “Legs wonder what the heck just happened” 😂

Mummycav profile image
MummycavAdministratorGraduate in reply to TwiggyL

🤣🤣 honestly...I know....I just know xx

Learnerlady profile image

Hi MC Just completed CR16 after graduating end of December. I've reduced number of rest days and managed to do 3 runs/wk last couple of weeks so nice dry, warmish day and was feeling mentally up for increasing run time 10% today but unfortunately my body didn't get the memo. Really struggled to just complete the 30 min. Usually it's the other way around so a new experience.....will have to see what Wednesday brings.....

Mummycav profile image
MummycavAdministratorGraduate in reply to Learnerlady

Sometimes when we set out with certain goals it’s like our head and legs are just not in a relationship!!! But it doesn’t last long...remember to start your run slow and you won’t burn out...3 runs a week sounds perfect...good luck with tomorrow

Learnerlady profile image
LearnerladyGraduate in reply to Mummycav

Well it's Friday, Wednesday's run was another challenging experience and today had to give myself a strong talking to just to get out the door. Decided to follow easiest route and felt a bit better at the finish. Don't think Im going too fast as only doing 3.3 - 3.5k. Going to cross my fingers and hope it's just a rough patch, anyone else experienced this following graduation?🤨

Mummycav profile image
MummycavAdministratorGraduate in reply to Learnerlady

Whatever you’re doing is what you can manage right now and you’re far better doing what you can rather than aiming high and sloping home my latest post and you’ll see we’re all feeling a bit like that at the moment...we’re all getting our big girl pants out 😉 x

Learnerlady profile image
LearnerladyGraduate in reply to Mummycav

Thanks MC, good to know these things 💪💪🏃‍♀️👍

IndieRunner profile image


Looks like this might be a nice club 😀. I graduated last week (3.93K in 30 mins) and have completed a couple of 30 min runs since.

CR1 (3.75K) - I decided to try and run at my 'comfortable pace' and see how far that took me 🙂. It was a nice run despite being freezing and I went home happy.

CR2 (4.01K) - I decided it would be nice to achieve 4k given I was close. I still tried to pace myself but this run was nasty. Gremlins for 1k, ok at 2k, tired and overheating at 3k, and finished the 30 mins feeling like a wreck.

I was very surprised when NRC announced 4k just as I was finishing. I wonder what CR3 will have in store for me 🤔

Mummycav profile image
MummycavAdministratorGraduate in reply to IndieRunner

Hi IndieRunner ...congratulations on graduating 👏🏻 ...well done on getting to 4k in those 30 mins...but honestly, at this stage distance is not important...what’s important is getting yourself running comfortably for 30 mins...I get the ‘gremlin ‘ thing, ooof, when those little monsters are on your shoulder whispering in you ear it makes for a very hard way to stop them is to start your run slower than slow...amd stick to that pace so they don’t bring on your fatigue or self-doubt...let us know how you get on 😉

IndieRunner profile image

Thanks MC. You are so right, I guess I got a little caught up in hitting 4k because it was so close. It was a little challenge for myself. For CR3 today I just ran at the pace I felt comfortable with at the time and it felt pretty good. In fact, after a pretty dull lockdown work from home day it was a high point 😀. I'm so glad I started doing this 🏃‍♂️👍

Mummycav profile image
MummycavAdministratorGraduate in reply to IndieRunner

That’s what I like to hear!! So much can come out of a good run, well done you 👏🏻

Hollycole profile image

I graduated yesterday so looking forward to consolidating from tomorrow. I found using the app for c25k so easy and it really motivated me just one click and you're off. its a pity there's no consolidation app. Is it OK to just repeat w9? I'm aiming to build slowly up to 5k. I think I managed just over 4 yesterday.

Mummycav profile image
MummycavAdministratorGraduate in reply to Hollycole

Congratulations Hollycole you should be very proud of yourself 🤩 Repeating week 9 is perfect for consolidating...good luck and let us know how you get on 👏🏻👏🏻

Nuclear_Cat profile image

Hi Mummycav, it's been really useful reading through all of the comments and questions here. Having graduated I was wondering what my next steps are going to be as I'm a bit pants at planning! I'm continuing to run 3 x a week for 30 minutes and currently use Strava to remind me what I'm up to distance wise, but do you have any recommendations for other apps that help? Thanks!

Mummycav profile image
MummycavAdministratorGraduate in reply to Nuclear_Cat

Hi Nuclear_Cat ..congratulations to you, graduation feels great doesn’t it?!! The forum is so supportive and the advice on here is invaluable, it’s so good to read about each other’s journeys and to be able to come here for support. Using Strava is a good way to keep track of distance and time etc, there’s plenty of running apps out there, I’d def say Strava is the most popular, there’s Runkeeper where you can set the distance or time you are aiming for and Nike running club, that has different runs and different coaches that talk to you and motivate you through the run...all available on the App Store ☺️

Nuclear_Cat profile image

Thanks! I'll have a look at some of those! I think I'm going to concentrate on getting to 5k consistently for the next few weeks and build up from there, hopefully !!😂

sribri profile image

Happy to join CR group. Completed c25k a couple of days ago. Now I need to work on doing 5k. My 30 minutes run covers only 2.9 kms. So it is going to be interesting journey to 5k.

Mummycav profile image
MummycavAdministratorGraduate in reply to sribri

Hi sribri , congratulations on your graduation 🥳 At this moment in time, it doesn’t matter what distance you’re covering in the 30 mins, what you need to do is just carry on running for 30 mins comfortably for the next few weeks and then you can work on your distance, pace etc...don’t push yourself too hard and don’t forget to enjoy yourself 😉

Voldatort profile image

Help mummycav.I'm one week graduated, but really struggling with getting my groove on, I thought to just go to NRC, but the early runs are all a bit too short, as I'm a slow runner and I've been doing 45-50 minutes regularly for wks 7-9.. I did two back to back today but then the trainer voice changed on the second run..,, 😱 I liked coach Cory!!! I've had a look around the app and I think it's just getting used to it. I've done 9km this week so far, and my times are pretty good for me, so will see how CR3 goes before I get too despondent.

Mummycav profile image
MummycavAdministratorGraduate in reply to Voldatort

Hi Voldatort ...when you say you’ve been doing 45-50 mins regularly are those the times of each CR run you’ve done?? Consolidating is all about running continuously for 30 mins until it feels comfortable...this can take a good few weeks, what plan on NRC are you doing? What we would normally suggest is repeating week 9, that way you still have the coach you’ve chosen and you can listen to whatever music you like, once you’ve consolidated that’s the time to move on to different plans and working on different aspects of running like pace and distance at this point we don’t want you to push yourself too hard and burn out...running back to back runs won’t give you time to recover, rest is vitally are hydration and nutrition...

Pushing yourself too hard too early really can make you lose your confidence and is a common mistake made by new runners, remember you’re still learning and you should be just enjoying your new found ability with no pressures 😉

Voldatort profile image

Thanks I'm not pushing it, just that I wanted to reach 5km at the end of the 9 wks so about wk 5 started extending the runs to get the distance as I felt ok to do so as it's couch to 5km, not couch to 30 mins......! When I say 'runs' I mean very slow jogging so I did 5km in about 45-50. I've done that for about 5 or 6 runs now. I feel like I'm going backwards to just do 30 min runs.

Mummycav profile image
MummycavAdministratorGraduate in reply to Voldatort

Hmm...although it’s called couch to 5k the actual aim of the programme is to get you running for 30 minutes continuously...couch to 30 mins doesn’t quite have the same ring to it!!

Once you’ve consolidated I have no doubts that you will reach your 5k goal as you sound very determined...but, if you’re feeling despondent maybe you need to just ease the pressure a bit...

The runs are worked out specifically to get you running 30 minutes if you follow the programme...I wouldn’t personally feel like you’re taking a step backwards, you’re just consolidating all your hard pressure

Mummycav profile image
MummycavAdministratorGraduate in reply to Voldatort you might find this interesting and also this makes for a good read 🙂

sribri profile image

Completed my first consolidation run. Completed my c25k on the 20th. 30 minute run is getting easier but still when I start the run, there is a doubt if I will be able to complete it.

roseabi profile image
roseabi in reply to sribri

Hi, I'm roseabi, stepping in for my friend Mummycav, who is taking a little break.

Congratulations for graduating, and well done for doing your first "solo" run!!!

I know that feeling well, but as you say yourself it's getting easier, and if you stick with it I promise you soon won't worry at all about being able to run for 30 minutes.

Have you had any thoughts about what you would like to do after consolidating your 30 minute run?

sribri profile image

Thank you for asking my goals! I am 58 years old, an ex smoker, overweight, not having strong knees. Some of them can be fixed and some can't be fixed.Keeping these in mind, my goals are very modest. A 5k under 40 minutes, a 10 k in a years time. If everything goes well half marathon whenever that happens.

I would appreciate a simple road map to achieve or even to attempt it!

roseabi profile image
roseabi in reply to sribri

Those are great goals!

Did you know that we have a 10K forum, Bridge to 10K and also a community for those running half marathons (and beyond) ? You are welcome to come and join - great for inspiration and advice!!

But with respect to your running plans, of course the best way for you to progress safely is to take it nice and slowly - so for the next few weeks just carry on getting more comfortable with your 30 minute runs.

After that, I think your next goal should be to run 5K in any time (don't worry about 40 minutes at first, it will come!). Gradually increase one of your weekly runs by 5 minutes every couple of weeks - or every week if you're feeling strong! But listen to those knees 😊 I suggest you decrease the time of one of your weekly runs to 20 minutes to help balance things out.

Keep going until you can regularly run for an hour - if you have time of course! There is a 60 minute badge you can claim on the Bridge forum if you like. And as you continue with longer runs you will probably notice that you can run a bit faster on your shorter runs.

This will get you off to a good start. After you've got into running for longer you can proceed towards your next goals of a faster 5K, and a 10K! Have a peek at our in-house 10K plan - this post also has information about speed work that you might find interesting for future reference:

But first up: Consolidate! 😊😊😊

What do you think?

GoldenGirly profile image

Hi MC! I just graduated yesterday and am still revelling in the amazing buzz it gave me ☺️My journey took 29 weeks as I was very overweight and had never run before. I therefore had to repeat and repeat and take some time out due to injury. I kept going though and eventually finished up yesterday with a 32lb weight loss and a HUGE SMILE on my face! Believe it or not I still have weight to lose so I’m going to try the 12 week programme you suggest incorporating the flex and strength stuff too. I think however that I’ll drop back to some nice 25-28 min consolidation runs first and just enjoy what I’ve achieved. 30mins was a bit of a push for me but I was determined to finish the plan. Was thinking that I’d start the flex and strength stuff now though as it can only help? Would that be an ok idea? Thanks xxxx

roseabi profile image
roseabi in reply to GoldenGirly

Hi GoldenGirly! I'm roseabi, standing in for MC because she's taking a little break.

Can I just say that I think you are amazing?!!!!!!!! You have done an incredible job there and I've got a huge smile too reading this post - you superstar!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And, I think that those are great ideas. Running as you can will keep you getting out there, and you are so right to say that the strength and flex work can only support you as you continue towards your goals.

Good luck, and have loads of fun! And keep us posted xxx

GoldenGirly profile image
GoldenGirlyGraduate in reply to roseabi

Thanks so much!

Jacqx profile image

I graduated from c25 3 weeks ago & have been following the nhs 12 week consolidation programme I’m 63 & have exercised - aerobics, Zumba, yoga more often than not since ballet classes 60 years ago. I got unfit during the first lockdown & was shocked just how much I struggled with getting back into regular workouts

I know I’m fitter but each run is a struggle & I felt just as surprised I completed 30mins today as I did week 9 run1, 4 weeks ago! & I’m certainly not any faster in fact I think I’m a tad slower achieving around 3km, with c25 I completed 5k inc the 2 x 5 min brisk walks

Is it likely I’ve reached my max ? I can’t imagine running faster or further

I was hoping to have established a routine before I come about of lockdown hibernation & my life gets busier

linda9389 profile image
linda9389Graduate in reply to Jacqx

Hi, and well done on your first three weeks of consoludation. Establishing a running habit is the best goal of all. Have you reached your max at this point? I very much doubt it!!! I often think the sane thing, but in reality it's only my mind playing tricks. It's a habit it picked up during C25K and is hard to shift! Keep up the habit of regular running and you will find yourself going further and faster if that's what you want, but have patience and enjoy each run for the amazing achievement it is now 😆 (it can be so easy to miss that when we are focussed on where we're going next). Enjoy and more will follow.

Jacqx profile image
JacqxGraduate in reply to linda9389

Encouraging reply - Thank you 🏃‍♀️😊🏃‍♀️

IannodaTruffe profile image


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