Making this my time: I’m a 40 something mum of... - Couch to 5K

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Making this my time

41 Replies

I’m a 40 something mum of 2 who has never been “fit” I’ve been thin I’ve been fat But never fit. Ive always wanted to be that runner in the park but never had the confidence. If this crazy time we are all going through has taught me anything is that life is precious and I need to make sure I’m the fittest I can be not just for my family but for me. I’m taking something good out of something bad and tomorrow is my first run....wish me luck 🤞🙌🙌🙌🙌

41 Replies
Sanj1972 profile image


I felt just like you. 47 mum of 5 and never been a runner although occasionally went to the gym.

I started the 5k programme in Feb.

I've just started week 8 and loving it.

Just go for it. You will get such a buzz from ticking each one off.

Good luck x

in reply to Sanj1972

That’s fab, thanks for the motivation. Really good to know someone in the same situation and you have done so well x

UnfitNoMore profile image


Reading that... you’re not going to need luck! This IS your time... you can do this, it’s all about not quitting. That, for me, is the key attribute of a runner... we get setbacks, but refuse to step back, we learn and we continue on our journey rather than walking away. You’re gonna be just fine out there.

Have a read of the guide to the plan linked below, come and talk to us lots, and enjoy your journey.

in reply to UnfitNoMore

Thanks so much for the motivation, I’m so looking forward to it 😁

UnfitNoMore profile image
UnfitNoMoreGraduate in reply to

Go nice and slowly.... there’s no too slow, but there is a too fast

Runnf profile image

Good luck! You'll feel so proud of yourself afterwards.

Go gal go you'll do this poppie👍 read the c25k plan, and importantly enjoy it and rest between runs it's not a race BTW!

Stretch afterwards it'll soon be week 9 it'll fly by

in reply to

Thanks, I’ve read the plan and I’m actually quite excited for the Morning now. 🙌

Speedy60 profile image

Great decision. 👍 At least you're not like me, who waited until I retired before I decided it was my time!

Take your runs slowly, very slowly. The aim is to be able to run for 30 minutes nonstop - it really doesn't matter how fast, that will come later.

Good luck and let us know how you get on.

in reply to Speedy60

Thanks so much for the guidance, I will be sure to take it slow. Will be checking in tomorrow to share my first day 😂

IannodaTruffe profile image

Welcome to the forum and well done on getting started.

This guide to the plan is essential reading

Enjoy your journey.

Freespirit5 profile image

First run is the hardest then it actually gets easier... You can do this!! 😊

Jaycooper71 profile image

I was 47 when I started c25k last year. I got a buzz from completing it. I had a holiday to look forward to and thought it was the perfect excuse I needed to get out there. Today I did the first run of the 10K training. Ran for 45 minutes with 2 one minute walks. Never thought I’d get to this point. You can do this poppie. As already said just go steady. Get your stamina up and try to enjoy it. Good luck.

MildredNfk profile image

Hi Poppie1

I'm 51 & like you have never been fit (not since being a teenager anyway!).

I started this programme the end of January & am now at week's amazing 😁 I love it! I hope you do too 😊

Good luck 👍

Curnie1 profile image

Well done you! Just go at your own pace, enjoy it and get in no time you’ll be on week 9! I’m on week 3 . Look forward to seeing your progress.Good luck!😀😀😀

Mands50 profile image

Good luck on your journey. Hope your first run goes well and enjoy the time out for yourself. X

Allbarron profile image

Well done Poppie1. Such a positive attitude in this uncertain time. Reading your post made me think about why I did this too. From being just like you, thin or fat but never fit and a tad older as I'm in my 50s. Much to my amazement I can now run 30 minutes. It took me slightly longer than the 9 weeks and I'm still running slowly in consolidation but I really don't mind. Members here have reassured me I'm doing ok. I'm looking forward to my run tonight when I get back from work. Good luck today, pace yourself and enjoy. Looking forward to hearing about it. You've got this👍😁

Stationary profile image

Poppie 1 enjoy!

BexHD profile image

That is just brilliant, go for it, this app for doing it is amazing, I am about to be 50 and haven’t been running since 1991 (and that was unusual), have done HIIT quite a bit but gobsmacked this app has got me happily to week 7, the sense of achievement is amazing. My ridiculously fit family are so happy. There really will be aches and pains along the way, but taking the day off in between makes all the difference, and your recovery of sore legs gets quicker as time goes on. I felt so self conscious as well to begin with, which now seems ridiculous but that seems normal as well. Good luck.

cameldoc1 profile image

You can do this you’ve set your mind to it ...something good from something bad..

There will be good days and bad....your knees will hurt your back will complain’ll think I can’t go on like this...but you can it will get easier...if you follow the plan you will like so many of us get through it......stick with the plan it really works.the sense of personal achievement is immense and without realizing you will inspire others......5k an awesome experience

After an accident in my 20s I was told to never run again 56 encouraged by a patient who had completed the C25K I thought give it a was really tough but I battled through...5k led to 10k then I thought as you do let’s do a marathon😂😂😂 so last year aged 57 after being told again by a Physio you’ll never do it I ran(mainly) the London marathon with my daughter......slowly but we did it raised a lot of money for ovarian cancer and had the most amazing day

C25K who knows where it will lead you

You can do it poppie

Go for it 👍🏼🇬🇧🌈

Good luck

in reply to cameldoc1

Wow such an inspiration, thanks so much. I completed my first run this morning. It was tough and I felt a bit self conscious as I struggled to keep up, but the sun was shining and just kept thinking of the reasons I decided to do this

cameldoc1 profile image
cameldoc1 in reply to

Well done Poppie...awesome’ve started😁 your on the road...the journey of a 1000miles starts with a single step👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼You can use this run 🏃‍♀️ now 👍🏼👍🏼

Jobrobie profile image

Good for you, hope you enjoy it x

MinkyT profile image

Your description could have been me exactly! 46, mum of two, never prioritised my own fitness.

I started the programme on 30th of December (deliberately not a couple of days later because I’ve never kept a New Year’s resolution in my life) and with the support of the amazing people here when things got sticky (as they sometimes did), I emerged just over nine weeks later as a runner

I now go running a few times a week - somethingI NEVER thought would happen - and I cannot tell you the joy it has brought me. I feel fit and strong and what’s even more important, generally happy. It’s wonderful!

Do make sure you come back here with any questions - the brilliant peeps here were always my best source of advice and my favourite cheering squad. And don’t worry if you think it sounds silly (one of my questions was ‘can I run in the rain?‘ 😂) because if you’re thinking it, it’s bound to have occurred to someone else.

Good luck with everything and let us know how you’re getting on. Hope it all goes brilliantly!

in reply to MinkyT

Thanks so much for the motivation. I completed my first run this morning and it was tough 😅 the sun was shining and I just kept thinking of why I made this decision in the first place 💪

Noodle1991 profile image

Well done for starting this. I’m 62 and started the programme last October. Once I’d remembered to go slowly and then even more slowly, I got more confidence and completed all of it. Once you’ve got the confidence to run for 30 minutes, you can then speed up, if you want to. I’m still running now and working towards 10 k, again going quite slowly but getting there. My key tip would be to take it one run at a time and don’t worry about what’s ahead. The programme works and you will be ready for the runs when you get to them. Have fun x

CandyCool profile image

I hope you enjoy everyday of your running. Remember some days it will feel like you are running in treacle and some days you’ll feel ‘this is great’. Just take each run as it is. Don’t criticise yourself. Getting out through the door is the hardest part. Mind over matter! Your body will achieve what your mind believes.

Have fun xx

Oliverunner profile image

So great you’re starting this - it’s chnged my life. I’m 45, a mum of three and have put myself on hold for years. Time for us to feel fit and vibrant!

B-face profile image

You will smash it ! I’m on week 3 now very similar to you xx

M132829 profile image

Hi Poppie1. Completely get where you’re coming from and I too have just completed my first run this morning. Good luck for yours. 😊

Thisgirlcandoit profile image

I started the programme on 6th Sept. it took me slightly longer than the 9 weeks and some weeks I repeated but stick at it - I have just in April run 7 X 5k and taken over 2 mins off my personal best. I am a very slow runner but you know what I have stopped caring about other people speeds and just concentrated on my own achievements.

One tip - don’t weigh yourself before you start but take a tape measure and measure your waist etc... that will give a better indication of your journey. Good luck and enjoy - you will have some days when you can hardly put one foot in front of the other and days when you feel you can just keep going.

Wonderdust profile image

Go for it Poppie1. I, too, am on this journey (excuse the pun) and am feeling very much my age but my motivation is to get fit too - doing a park run will be a bonus and one I fully intend to undertake. I am finding it hard, my body feels heavy and sluggish but when I get home my recovery has improved a lot (I’m only on Week 3) and I feel an enormous sense of satisfaction and pride in my self- motivation and determination to keep at it, and you will too.

Tazzy_wazzy profile image

All the very best on your running journey 🏃‍♀️

Harrysmummy2020 profile image

Hi Poppie

I’m just about to do my second run x reading your post reflects exactly myself you’ve given me the encouragement to keep going x I always feel guilty that I should be doing things for my family whilst I’m having some time to myself! I will do this would love to be fit it’s not about fat or thin just feeling great!! Good luck x

Mummycandothis profile image

Morning I'm 36 to 5 kids and I'm in run 2 wk1 as only just started i want to be fitter

Keep up the good work and good luck x

OnearmedBandit11 profile image


Take your time with your time, enjoy your time. Breathe in “it’s my time”, breathe out “starting now”

Love the journey, love Poppie, and if nothing else....... Don’t think, Just Run 😉

Whippety1 profile image

A very motivational piece, Poppie1! I’m 54 and never been sporty or properly fit in my life! Losing some weight recently has actually given me confidence to do this, as well as seeing the weight literally drop off a lady I work with, who swears by the programme. Looking forward to sharing our newbie experiences xx

Sybilw profile image

Good luck - you can do this. I left school in 1972 and had never run (or even wanted to!). Took a notion 2 years ago this week. I ran 10k yesterday. Trust the program is my best tip and start each run with a positive attitude.

23Violets profile image

The very best of luck you can do do it, your young!! Follow the app take it slowly. Enjoy,we are in for some wonderful sunshine. Have confidence xx

Forrestgump54 profile image

Hi I can hear myself in your words, I'm 54 definitely have never been able to run although did used to enjoy Zumba classes.

I started this amazing journey at the beginning of January and did my final run at the weekend, honestly it's so worth it the feeling you get with each run accomplished.

Stick with it, believe in it , good luck, looking forward to reading your success story 😊

in reply to Forrestgump54

Aw amazing, well done. Can wait to feel fit. It’s so good to hear from people that were just like me now and to know it can be accomplished. Seems so far away and I know it’s not always going to be easy but Im determined 💪😁

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