Hello October! It's time for a new Quest!!! 😊 - Couch to 5K

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Hello October! It's time for a new Quest!!! 😊

roseabi profile image
β€’75 Replies

Hello everybody!

And Hello October!!!

It's the first of the month, the air is crisp and cool - it's definitely Autumn now! What better time to set out some new fitness goals with the Hello October Quest?! πŸ˜„πŸ’₯🍁

What is the Quest?

The aim of the Quest is to help you find a focus or goal that you would like to achieve by the end of the Quest period.

This Quest will run all the way through October!

You can join at any point during that time.

I ask that you are a C25K Graduate before joining the Quest. The reason for this is that pre-graduation your week is very much structured according to the C25K programme, and I wouldn't want the Quest to interfere with that.

Some popular goals are:

β˜… To run three times a week

β˜… To slowly increase distance

β˜… To train for a specific race

β˜… To add Stretch and Strength exercises to your weekly routine

This is a personal challenge, so it's completely up to you! Set yourself an achievable goal and have fun with it 😊😊😊 NEED SOME INSPIRATION? Take a look at Iannodatruffe's wonderful What Next? guide for C25K graduates:


If you want to join the Hello October Quest, all you have to do is comment below with something like:

I would like to join the Quest, or, count me in! I want to ..............

Every week of October I will put up a new post and we can all chat about how we are doing, share tips, and motivate each other - it’s going to be awesome!!! πŸ˜ƒ

Wishing you a happy and healthy October!

IannodaTruffe, UnfitNoMore, Oldfloss, and roseabi xxx

October 1st, 2019

Written by
roseabi profile image
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75 Replies
roseabi profile image

I have had more than a week on the couch with a completely diabolical cold! I am going to spend October easing back into running with two runs a week - increasing the distance of one of them each week. And I will be getting back into my strength routine with at least one session per week. Good times! 😊😊😊

Nannymo30 profile image

I am going to increase my time. I already do strength and stretching and I’ve added yoga which really helps. I meditate every day too. My other goal is to run when it rains!!! I hope your cold is feeling much better. 😊

roseabi profile image
roseabi in reply to Nannymo30

I love your goal to run when it rains!! I think a rainy run can be really lovely 😊😊😊

Thank you very much, I am feeling much better! xxx

Strangethings profile image

Count me in - run 3 times a week and do yoga alternate days - achievable ?

Nannymo30 profile image
Nannymo30 in reply to Strangethings

Yoga has helped my running so much. Yes that’s achievable 😊

roseabi profile image
roseabi in reply to Strangethings

A good challenge!

damienair profile image

Count me in. I’ve entered a 13K Mountain Trail Race in November which I am currently training for. I will continue my training by running 5K and 7K during the week, parkrun on Saturday and a longer 10K+ run on Sunday. Ran 10K in just under an hour on Sunday. Need to increase my distance to around 15K before the race.


roseabi profile image
roseabi in reply to damienair

Wow, you are on fire! I love the sound of that 13K race - what is it called? Can you share a link?

damienair profile image
damienairGraduate in reply to roseabi

My brother-in-law is a volunteer in the Dublin/Wicklow Mountain Rescue Service. They have a few fund raising events organized during the year. This one is called Run the Line. There is a 26K and a 13K race across a mountain trail. Never done a trail run before, never mind on a mountain. But I’m looking forward to the challenge.

backintime profile image

Count me in too

my goals are

- continue my HM training

- run all the way on my 10k event this weekend (I know I should be able to do it, but it all depends on the day)

- train for my 13k trail event in December

- get just a wee bit faster (HM cut off is 3 hours) - so intervals or jog run sprint or something.

fingers crossed

roseabi profile image
roseabi in reply to backintime

Heyup! Another 13K trail race, wow! What is this one?

Good luck and have fun xxx

backintime profile image
backintimeGraduate in reply to roseabi

It's the chocolate medal one :D

I figured it seemed like an appropriately mad thing to do to run 13k in the cold, potentially sub zero temperatures for a chocolate medal and a hot chocolate :D

It's local and it cost 11€ - seemed like a bargain - people pay more for a mud bath and I'll get it cheap :D


small video in this one - 200 steps - I will be out training on those steps I think :D


roseabi profile image
roseabi in reply to backintime

Oh yes, I remember you talking about that! I love the chocolate medal idea, and the race looks fun 😊😊😊

backintime profile image
backintimeGraduate in reply to roseabi

It does - there's a 2.5 hour cut off - I should be ok, but I think it speaks of the difficulty too - I will walk / run the course before hand as practice methinks lol

roseabi profile image
roseabi in reply to backintime

Great idea!

Annieapple profile image

Look forward to joining this group soon. 3 runs to complete first😁. Beautiful photo!

roseabi profile image
roseabi in reply to Annieapple

Exciting!!! Good luck with Week 9 xxx

Annieapple profile image
AnnieappleAdministratorGraduate in reply to roseabi

Thank you! Week 8 has been my favourite so looking forward to 9:1 tomorrow 😊

Strangethings profile image
StrangethingsGraduate in reply to Annieapple

Week 9 is so good as the end is in sight and each run makes you feel like a winner

Annieapple profile image
AnnieappleAdministratorGraduate in reply to Strangethings

Thank you for this encouragement 😊

WombatCreek profile image

Count me in. Just finished a big project at work that has stopped me getting out running regularly for the last few weeks. So my goal is simply to do at least 6k, at least twice a week.

roseabi profile image
roseabi in reply to WombatCreek

Marvellous!!! It's great to be able to get back out there, isn't it!

Lysia profile image

I would like to join the Quest, or, count me in! I aim to add strength training to my usual routine, probably once a week.

roseabi profile image
roseabi in reply to Lysia

Hi Lysia! Fabulous goal, I love strength training xxx

Lysia profile image
Lysia in reply to roseabi

Made a start, had my gym induction and short work out this afternoon πŸ‘ŠπŸ½

Count me in. I would like to get back to three runs a week and get to 9k.

roseabi profile image
roseabi in reply to

Hi Rainbow! Awesome plan xxx

Irish-John profile image

I'm in a time crunch lately. Too much time spent traveling instead of running so my quest is that no matter what, or where, I'm going to get my three runs per week in. I want to be in good shape for the Army ten miler November 2nd :)

Heading to Minnesota tomorrow, will get an early morning run in here, and then tomorrow surveil the "Far North" landscape for good running routes :)

roseabi profile image
roseabi in reply to Irish-John

Get cracking πŸ˜„

Irish-John profile image
Irish-JohnGraduate in reply to roseabi

Oh I'll be cracking! Cracking joints, cracking lungs, cracking bones lol πŸ˜πŸ˜‚

backintime profile image
backintimeGraduate in reply to Irish-John

No more delights of Deptford for you then? lol

Irish-John profile image
Irish-JohnGraduate in reply to backintime

Ah, dear old Deptford :) More life on show there than Mogadishu the day after the night before! 😁

Ping-pong profile image

Hi, count me in too. My goals are the same as for last month:

- Run 3 times per week

- Increase distance

- Do strengthening exercises regularly

- Try a new route

roseabi profile image
roseabi in reply to Ping-pong

Lovely stuff - looking forward to hearing about that new route 😊😊😊

sl42 profile image

Count me in too. My goals are to run 3 times a week and feel confident enough to go on a run with my husband who’s been running for years.

roseabi profile image
roseabi in reply to sl42

Oh lovely - looking forward to seeing how you get on xxx

Cath400 profile image

I have been lacking motivation since graduating so goal is to run at least twice a week. Also want to pick up speed so redoing C25k from start again but jogging at normal speed in the walk sections then running a bit faster during the run sections. Hoping the structure keeps me motivated

runwithdog profile image
runwithdogGraduate in reply to Cath400

great idea .

GoogleMe profile image

Me too please!

1) Swim 5km total (which is back to what it used to be...I am aiming to complete my virtual Derbyshire Wye river swim by the end of the year and this will keep me on target)

2) Yoga on 17+ days and 5+ online classes

3) On 17+ days, 15 minutes of paperwork, decluttering etc (I want this public and accountable!)

4) ... over which I have agonised somewhat... should it be 150 active minutes a week (I love a double up!), should I try to record my walks as well as my runs on Runkeeper (which does do a nice simple goal setting and progress thing), swimming does affect what else I can do... but I want to run! I need to run! This is a running forum! I'm going to let this one evolve I think over the early days of October but I am thinking one or more of: *a* 5k, 10k total, 7 runs.

roseabi profile image
roseabi in reply to GoogleMe

Wow! Way to go!!! Despite the fact that it is, as you say, a running forum, I Iove to see those non-running goals mixed in. I may borrow your idea 😊😊😊

Good luck and have fun xxx

j6b1 profile image

Count me in....since graduating I have not run due to circumstances although I have done plenty of walking and cycling. So I am going to aim to run 3 times a week and see what I am managing by the end of Oct and if I’m not happy with my progress I will repeat C25K 😬🀞

roseabi profile image
roseabi in reply to j6b1

Great idea! You should be fine because you've been keeping fit, but I'm sure this little nudge will be a great help xxx

UnfitNoMore profile image

I decided to enter the quest here this month as my main aim is to end the month a runner at the end of a plan and injury free for my event on November 3rd.

So I will:

Run every run to the exact distance specified by my current plan... no jogging home.

Run every run at conversational pace to improve my aerobic fitness

Plank 3 times a week to make sure I have the strongest possible core going into my event.

Do leg strengthening exercises after each set of planks to help keep me injury free

Have one day a week where my only exercise is a gentle walk for an hour or so.

Have a great month everyone... we can all succeed in October!

roseabi profile image
roseabi in reply to UnfitNoMore

This is a fabulous Quest!!! I am going to nag you so hard πŸ˜„

Biddy62 profile image

I’d like to join please. I’d like to incorporate at least one strength session per week into my training. πŸ‘πŸ»

roseabi profile image
roseabi in reply to Biddy62

Awesome! Good luck and keep us posted xxx

Somersetsmithy profile image

My Aim is to be back to week 4 after pulling a calf muscle W4 R2 so a 2 week brake , some exercise and see where that takes me. not going attempt to run till after 15th October.

Aim to still hit week 9/10 before 2020

roseabi profile image
roseabi in reply to Somersetsmithy

Take it easy, and all the best - keep us posted! xxx

runwithdog profile image

please count me in :)

i aim to run 3 times a week including pr on 19+26 oct.

i was very sloppy food/exercise wise during the holiday period but have enjoyed the last couple of weeks being back to routine.

roseabi profile image
roseabi in reply to runwithdog

Welcome! Holidays are holidays 😊 I'm sure it will feel a little hard at first, but great to have a plan and to be getting back into a running routine. Have fun!!!

FatterPenguin profile image

Hi, I was told about quests the other day but never seen them before (I'm easily lost both in Health Unlocked and out in the real world!).

You can count me in as I eventually want to run a 10K so on Monday 30th September, a day early, I started Ju Ju's Magic Plan. My schedule has already gone a bit wrong, as I intended to run 5K on Monday but the weather was awful so I did the short run instead. Felt guilty all Monday for not running as far as I have been doing, but it's back to the C25K approach - "trust the plan".

so I suppose my quest is to be doing week 5 of the plan at the end of October!

roseabi profile image
roseabi in reply to FatterPenguin

Hi! Great to have you in the group xxx

The great thing about plans is that you can shift things around so they suit you. And it doesn't matter one bit if you take a bit longer than 8 weeks to get through - the main thing is that it works for you. Good luck and have fun!!

60fit profile image

I was on IC for just over a week with a pulled groin. I really missed running...when did I ever think I'd say that! I'm grateful to be back this week. October Quest is to run three times a week and listen to my body.

roseabi profile image
roseabi in reply to 60fit

Awesome - welcome!!!

Babyrunning profile image

I've had more than 3 weeks break from running. 2 of them justified due to mole removal and stitches in my neck but I'm still to pull on my running shoes again. Also my eating has gone to pot.

I've got a plan for an easy run tomorrow after work and half a plan to park run on Saturday. This is just the thing to get me back to running 3 times a week and sort out my diet. Thanks for the motivation 😊 x

roseabi profile image
roseabi in reply to Babyrunning

Great stuff - looking forward to seeing how you get on!!!

Babyrunning profile image
Babyrunning in reply to roseabi

3.5k tonight. All set for Park Run on Saturday. Would have been so easy to sit on the sofa after work but your challenge was calling 😊

Kat_runs4490 profile image

Ooh love a challenge!

I just graduated this morning and managed 3.85k in the 30 minutes. So my goal is to continue running three times a week and hit the magic 5k!

roseabi profile image
roseabi in reply to Kat_runs4490

Congratulations!!! Good luck and have fun 😊😊😊

Anna675 profile image

Count me in I’ve been struggling to run 3 times a week since the summer holidays as I lost all structure having the kids at home. So my quest is to get back to 3 times a week 😊

roseabi profile image
roseabi in reply to Anna675

Welcome! Looking forward to seeing you get there xxx

Cottagegarden profile image

I’d like to join .

I’ve just had a 4 week break , after sons wedding and a holiday . I was running 5k 3 times a week first thing in the morning, after graduating in August, last run was 11th September.

My goal is to run 5k twice a week during the winter as dark mornings get in the way , building up my speed and strength.

Completed first 5k run tonight.

roseabi profile image
roseabi in reply to Cottagegarden

Fabulous plan, and well done for getting started! Be sure to keep posting xxx

iain-strachan profile image

Ok I’ll have a go. Have had a cold this week still not quite thrown off. Last week, after a streak of 5 Parkruns I did the volunteering instead and got my running in by running to the venue then back. A total of 6.4 k. I’ve never run continuously for more than 5k. So this months quest will be to try and increase distance. I’ve one run mapped out at 5.5 and one at 6.2, so hopefully that should be doable by end of month. But I think tomorrow will do a shorter run rather than Parkrun on a notoriously muddy course, when I’ll still be coughing a bit.

roseabi profile image
roseabi in reply to iain-strachan


NewRunner4 profile image

Count me in!

I’ve been consolidating along over the past couple of months and very much enjoying the freedom of just running. Sometimes it’s a short 20 min run, but more often I’m continuing the 30 min target and have definitely noticed an increase in pace, although not at 5K in 30 mins yet.

I think my aim this month is to be more consistent in running 3 times per week. These dark mornings don’t help as I’ve previously been a pre-work runner but struggle now it’s dark so I need to find a slightly different routine.

Still loving the running, though, and amazed I’m still at it after 5 months!

roseabi profile image
roseabi in reply to NewRunner4

That is wonderful! Looking forward to seeing your progress xxx

Perygl profile image

Count me in: I want to go back to running at least three times a week, not just on weekends! My new job doesn't let me run during my lunch break, so I've become a weekend warrior -- not ideal. Time to get back on track!

roseabi profile image
roseabi in reply to Perygl

Welcome! xx

Week 1 complete. 3 runs including an 8k and a yoga class. Repeating again this week.

roseabi profile image
roseabi in reply to

Well done!!!

in reply to roseabi

Just realised I was premature with my report and that you post every week!

Annieapple profile image

I would love to be counted in roseabi as I graduated today! My goals are to consolidate the Week 9 run until I can do 5K in 30 mins then I will try a park run.

Many thanks! 😊

roseabi profile image
roseabi in reply to Annieapple

Congratulations runner!!!!!! Well done, fabulous work xxx

Annieapple profile image
AnnieappleAdministratorGraduate in reply to roseabi

Thanks SO much!! X

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