Can anyone help, am on the 5th of consolidation runs and today after 15 mins my right calf went very tight and still is now, I always stretch and warm up before and after. I stopped straight away.
Tight calf : Can anyone help, am on the 5th of... - Couch to 5K
Tight calf

Couple of things - have you tried using something like ibuprofen spray/cream on it for now to ease it; daft though it sounds, are you hydrated enough - it’s warmer out there than when you probably did the plan and then the general take it nice and easy and slow on the next run - at least day after tomorrow and only then if you feel ok

I had calf’s that were tight in the early weeks feeling like I had permanent cramp and someone suggested eating bananas 🍌 two or three of them a day as it’s the potassium that helps. I also got a foam roller from Aldi for 4.99 which I used for a while. After the bananas 🍌 and extra fluids no further issues with tight calves.

That was me last week on week 8 .. don’t know why it happened but I think I need to do more warm up than the 5 min walk so will see how it goes on Wednesday when I give it another go it and don’t give up

I was getting tight calfs too. I got a pair of compression socks on Amazon for around £9. I can honestly say they have worked a dream so far.