Breathing is not normally one of my problems - possibly due to trumpet playing as a teenager - but last week was a total nightmare; especially after my sinuses joined the hay fever ‘party’.
I’m not saying today’s run was a thing of beauty, but sniffing was at a minimum and I don’t think I coughed once! Though I did start after I got home, but nothing like last week, when I genuinely thought I sounded like my dad used to when he had bronchitis!
Today’s run should have been at a faster pace, but I’m totally happy with just having gone out and run for 45 minutes without having to stop.
Any runner out there who has asthma? You are fantastic!
5k(ish) in 45 minutes
I’m due to do 2 evening Canicross runs this week, so I’ll soon see if running at a different time of day changes things.