First run feelings. : W1R1 complète. I'm... - Couch to 5K

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First run feelings.

TrixabelleB profile image
57 Replies

W1R1 complète. I'm wondering if anyone actually enjoyed their first one. That was torture!

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TrixabelleB profile image
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57 Replies
Jullaly profile image

I have to admit I panicked on my first run and went off far too fast and it was torture lol. I did learn to slow my pace right down, go very slow and then slower. Good Luck

TrixabelleB profile image
TrixabelleBGraduate in reply to Jullaly

My running was slower than my walking towards the end. 😂I'm not sure I will ever enjoy it but I'm committed to completing the 9 weeks. Thanks for the reply.

wagshaz profile image

Hi - I've just completed second ever run today! I found it ok - just wondering if you ran too fast- I do a slow plod lol 😂

TrixabelleB profile image
TrixabelleBGraduate in reply to wagshaz

I deffo went slow, I wanted to make sure I completed it. Which I just about did. Ive never ran before. Not since school in 1996 😂

TrixabelleB profile image
TrixabelleBGraduate in reply to wagshaz

Congrats on R2.

Jullaly profile image
JullalyGraduate in reply to wagshaz

welcome to the slow plod club, im sure im the founder member lol

TrixabelleB profile image
TrixabelleBGraduate in reply to Jullaly

Even worse than the run was the witnesses to the slow plod. I hope I get less embarrassed as the runs go on.

Jullaly profile image
JullalyGraduate in reply to TrixabelleB

I agree thats a tricky one, I am an 'underground' runner as I get so embarrassed too but you showed them, I am sure your witnesses will be impressed. I found posting on here the greatest help, learning from others

TrixabelleB profile image
TrixabelleBGraduate in reply to Jullaly

Thank you.

Big_maz profile image
Big_maz in reply to Jullaly

I do it’s nice that there are others feeling same

oldwheezer69 profile image

My first run was the hardest thing I had done for a long time! I was a purple sweaty wheezing mess at the end, diving into a hot bath to ease my shredded calf muscles... Fast forward to today's 28 minute week 8 run and what a difference! Trust the programme and stick at it... It really does work! Oh, and jog slowly, I mean really slowly 😉

Jullaly profile image
JullalyGraduate in reply to oldwheezer69

I remember your first wheezing runs ..look at you now

oldwheezer69 profile image
oldwheezer69Graduate in reply to Jullaly

I actually ran without my inhaler today as I couldn't find it after unpacking after our holiday... Unbelievable!... May need to change my user name 🤣

Jullaly profile image
JullalyGraduate in reply to oldwheezer69

me too, I swear im getting younger lol

Sortyourlife profile image

Yay well done you did the first one!

Maybe for the first few try different times for running (especially if you’re bothered by witnesses) and different areas, then you’ll settle in nicely. I personally prefer going out at 5am (I’m usually awake anyways) than later on in the day (plus it’s a great time to wash my hair afterwards). Some people prefer to go out in the evening.

Just don’t worry about the speed, make sure you get out to do your second one after at least a days rest and just listen to whichever coach you’ve got.

Stick with it and you’ll definitely end up finding it easier without even realising it :D

Good luck with everything and remember there’s always loads of support around 💞

TrixabelleB profile image
TrixabelleBGraduate in reply to Sortyourlife

Thank you so much. I'm quite proud of my first run. My next run will be on Tuesday morning instead of early Sunday evening so should have less people around.

Sortyourlife profile image
Sortyourlife in reply to TrixabelleB

Aw you should be! And yeah there should be , but honestly people don’t really notice you anyways I don’t think. People in cars are going by too quickly to pay attention to your speed if they even notice you at all, anyone else probably admires you for actually giving it a go and doing more than they feel like they could :D keep it up and keep posting :)

HoagyM profile image

First one was the hardest of them all, no question.

The thing I learned on the way through the early weeks is that I really could go slower - slowing my treadmill down to my usual fast walking pace and even on one run a bit slower again. I was still learning to slow my pace further in weeks 3 and 4, and only sometime after that started to increase it again - and even then it was not because I felt I should, but because by then I actually started to find it easier to go just that little bit faster.

If you are out of breath, you are probably still running too fast, even though you think you’re not!

TrixabelleB profile image
TrixabelleBGraduate in reply to HoagyM

Thank you. I will remember this, it seems to be the general consensus so I'd be foolish to ignore it.

Jay66UK profile image

Me too to most of the above.

Well done for starting. I’ve gone from dreading my runs to loving them, no matter how hard I’ve found some at the time.

Stick with it. Not every moment is fun but you will feel yourself progress at an almost impossible rate. Enjoy the next run.

TrixabelleB profile image
TrixabelleBGraduate in reply to Jay66UK

Thank you. I hope I can say the same in a few weeks.

ToughBean profile image

Yep, my first run was terrible and I wrote pretty much the exact same post as you. Today I had a great run. It gets better :) keep at it! Ease into a pace, try to relax the shoulders. You’ve got this!

TrixabelleB profile image
TrixabelleBGraduate in reply to ToughBean

Thank you!

IannodaTruffe profile image

Please read the guide to the plan which may clarify why you are having trouble.

Irish-John profile image

😂😂😂😂 - I so seriously looked like I was going into cardiac arrest I had to stop a passerby from completing the 911 call they were frantically making when they saw how bad I looked :)

Did my second 10k a few days ago though :)

Onward and upward, slow and steady - that's the way to graduation :) And for more than 90 percent of us it took longer than 9 weeks, believe me :)

Wishing you many happy miles in your future ☺

wez70 profile image

Nope, didn't enjoy the run but the after run was what kept me going … it's hard work and it feels like such a challenge when you start but by week 2, when I could tell I'd committed myself to this, I started to enjoy the structure, the progress and the knowledge that I was doing at least something to benefit my health (even if I thought I was going to keel over!!!) so … as my hubs says … it's not meant to be easy but once you've done it, you realise what you've achieved. Good luck and keep us posted :-)

Gemima-Jam profile image

Congrats on completing your first run! I’ve found each run tough going but yesterday I did W6R3 and loved every minute of it, came home absolutely buzzing. For me my enjoyment has grown throughout the weeks. Keep going, you’ll totally catch the running bug soon 😊

Scaredycat2 profile image

I hate every minute, even now as a graduate running 40 minutes I have to really motivate myself to go out at all, however the fantastic feeling I get after completing my run is completely worth it and addictive. It sets me up for the day ahead, it gives me so much energy and makes me feel alive. You can do it.

Pencoed18 profile image

Congrats on making the first run, I too started this week 2nd run tonight the 1st run I had no control on my breathing my legs felt like lead but I did finish . I’m a female very over weight going to weight watchers I’ve lost 1 stone but still have 3/4 to go. This forum is great the surport that I have had this week just makes me want to do it even more. Good luck with the second run x

TrixabelleB profile image
TrixabelleBGraduate in reply to Pencoed18

You too!

Steved110 profile image

I enjoy my runs most when they are over but running slowly means you dont have to worry as much about breathing and getting hot and hurting yourself

As for people looking at you - no one looks twice except other runners and they are on your side!

That’s even with fluorescent colours, so stop worrying

I even run in tights now ( in cold weather ) and couldn’t give a monkeys what anyone thinks. It won’t take long for you to get used to being out there

TrixabelleB profile image
TrixabelleBGraduate in reply to Steved110

Thank you. I must admit the only thing I ever think when I see runners is either a)they are insane or b) fairplay to them...usually a combination of both.

Eafinn profile image


I’ve just completed week 6, but I remember the first runs!

They do feel awful at the start, but remember, it’s not about the pace or how other people think or anything(!). What matters is finishing the run.

It’s really great that you’ve taken the first step. Whilst it never gets “easy” it does get easier. You’ll find that as you run for longer, with fewer breaks, it’s nicer than the stop/start of the first week.

Just be proud of your achievement and keep going!

LG92 profile image

I wanted to quit multiple times. Every time Sarah said “GO” 60 seconds couldn’t come quick enough!! Today I do my second run, I 100% don’t want to but know I will feel better for it later. Someone told me about 130bpm music on Spotify which should keep you at a slow pace so I’m giving that a go this time.

Guesty26 profile image

Didnt enjoy any of the runs until week 3/4 just because of nerves, but addicted now. Stick with it the programme works

MarciePower profile image

See this beginning as the start of a transformative process. You are in a period of transition from being an unfit person to a new, younger-feeling self with an entirely transfigured attitude to life. This is something to be excited about!

TrixabelleB profile image
TrixabelleBGraduate in reply to MarciePower

I'm a great believer in the power of reframing your thinking and your words, so I should apply this to running, telling myself it's torture will inevitably make it feel like torture.

MarciePower profile image
MarciePowerGraduate in reply to TrixabelleB

Absolutely. And think of it not just in terms of a physical effort with a physical outcome, but a mental discipline with a holistic outcome.

TrixabelleB profile image
TrixabelleBGraduate in reply to MarciePower

Thank you. I shall practice this for my second run tomorrow.

Victoria1james profile image

Morning, no I didn’t enjoy my first run either. I had an Ill fitting bra on, (I now wear two) was worried I’d get lost, didn’t want to bump into anyone I knew.........and felt very self conscious but that had all changed by the 3rd run. Stick with it.

Sisi94200 profile image

I enjoyed the 1st week so much that I stayed on it at least 3 weeks! I think I was unconsciously no completing the 3 runs to start the week again! I have now just completed week 2. It was tiring! :-). Am slow, self conscious, about all these people running and overtaking me but am running/ walking which, is an improvement from sitting at home!

Saffire84 profile image

Well done for doing the programme! Nice to meet some more newbies, did my second run yesterday, shinsplints leg cramps much like my first run although the shin splint pain wasn't as bad after following some advice on this forum - but still not very pleasant!

I will say when doing a workout I thought it got easier and it didn't much you just learn to deal with it better and improve slowly. Take one run at a time and slow right down to a fast walk, good things will come!

TrixabelleB profile image
TrixabelleBGraduate in reply to Saffire84

Good luck I hope you get the shin splints sorted.

kathyred333 profile image

Hello... Well done you! It took me about three years to get rou d to doing the first run.. So it's difficult. But yiu have started! Go slowly slowly and you will get to know your own bod. But whenever it's a pain slow down. X

Carlo63 profile image

I did not like it one bit lol but this morning done W7 R1 25 minutes no stop don't give up take your time and good luck

Kazbar10 profile image

Haha I know exactly how you feel it does feel like torture....By the time you get to run 7 of the 8 I could only do half of it & a tiny bit of the 8 as I couldn't recover my breath to do it, I thought I was to have a heart attack or my lungs were gonna explode. Infact I did week one twice as felt I needed to do it to move on.

I'm now on Week 7 so you will find it gets easier I promise, you just need to stick with it & trust the programme

In a few weeks we'll remind you of your first post 👍🏃🏃👍

Kamia profile image

Hi there,

My first run was difficult because the first minute of running was up hill. Defo learnt my lesson there and avoid hills now.

My most difficult was W1R3, I don’t know why but I really struggled. I’ve now just completed W2 so don’t give up sum runs will be difficult and some you will fly through.

Good luck with your next run, if you need encouragement come on here everyone will support you and get you through it.

Toryblueyes profile image

Keep going... It does get easier I’m now on W5R1 tomorrow.

Gigabit profile image

I didn't start enjoying running until Week 5...

Sheytan profile image

The first 6 weeks was really easy and i was bored because of the walking but at week 8 it's fun as hell :)

Kar43 profile image

Well done on joining the running 🏃 fun

You may have bee going too fast?

I thoroughly enjoyed my first run 🏃‍♀️in fact I enjoyed all apart from 3 which was due to going too fast and unable to breath properly as of it during transition from treadmill to outdoors

LadyGault profile image

Haha I'm not sure many would say they enjoyed it. I remember thinking I might die. Keep at it it really does work

Bless you! I started this programme to ease myself back into running after nearly a year's break for medical reasons. When I did W1R1 I struggled a bit & honestly never thought I would never build my fitness levels up again or enjoy running - or even get that "runner's high" again. It wasn't until W3 that I really felt that I was running again & W5 when I really got that high. I'm up to W8 now & haven't felt that high again but I have felt a deep feeling of satisfaction. Sorry- rambled on a bit there but I'm sure you will start to enjoy it - you've got the hard bit over now -R1 & well done for starting. It will get easier & you may even become addicted like the rest of us! Good luck & keep on running. Keep us posted. You will get loads of advice& support on this forum.

Kitt-1981 profile image

I started last week and was dreading it. Thought I would collapse just walking. I made.... so can you :)

Underdog68 profile image

I think I enjoyed it when I got home! The feeling of satisfaction at having got out there and done it was worth it. I didn't enjoy it whilst I was doing it though. I've just completed run 2 of week one and managed all the running bits without stopping, which I'm pleased about. Still hated it though, I mean how LONG does 60 seconds feel like when you're in the middle of one, for me about twice as long, but hopefully I'll keep trying! 😉

monkeyannie profile image

thought I was going to die lol but felt great to complete it well done on your first run

I didn’t enjoy my first run. In fact I didn’t enjoy the first couple of weeks 😆 I thought I was going to die on week 1 run 1 being at least 4 stone overweight and not having exercised for years. I could barely run the 60 seconds. 😔

Tomorrow will be week 9 run 2, I love running and hate rest days! 🤣 there’s a turn around.

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