cast my mind back to the forum advice given in relation to duff runs and reminded myself 'it happens'. So with my lethargy in control of me for the first minute of WK5R1, while it took me aback for at least another couple of minutes, I chose to persevere. Within a further minute, it felt much more like previous run and I was back on track with about 1 minute to go. The last two 5 minute runs were still challenging but easier than the first. I'm now kinda looking forward to WK5R2 and the 8 minute slot to see how I respond to that. I'm feeling more confident than last week. Thanks for the ongoing support, advice shared and so on!
I wasn't expecting this so I...: cast my mind... - Couch to 5K
I wasn't expecting this so I...
Read this and look forward to the longer runs.
Sounds like you lived up to your name there! It makes all the more delicious when you manage it after doubts.
It does happen... and there will be days of terrific highs also Just take it steady and try to relax into the run. You are going to be fine
Well done and keep going. Yes, you will do it. I actually found reaching week 7, when it all becomes continuous running, much easier than the interrupted running of earlier weeks. (Mind you, I couldn’t have done the continuous running without the training of the earlier weeks!)
Hello, just a thought and I don't remember if I'd already shared it with you but perhaps, you could lengthen your warming-up. It's a way to cope with the toxic ten: by experience, I know that my heart needs a longer warming-up walk than 5 mns (even if now I can run after 5 mns of quick walk). I call myself a "diesel" lol, and once I understood I needed more time to warm up, things got easier. The good side of this is that the longer you run, the more comfortable you feel in general. So enjoy the next runs!