What's your story: I'm intrigued to find out... - Couch to 5K

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What's your story

Lsteeps profile image
27 Replies

I'm intrigued to find out what as inspired people to take up the challenge of c25k. So here's my story. Last year I applied for my dream job which involves a fitness test as part of the application. After a half hearted attempted at improving my fitness I failed the test, I tried a bit harder and passed on my second attempt.......just. I was quite upset with myself and knew I had to do something. I'd had the app for about 6 months so I ordered new ear phones and off I went. That was 9 weeks ago when I could barely put one foot in front of the other. Today I graduated and I feel great. I just want to say thank you for all you members that have helped me along the way.

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Lsteeps profile image
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27 Replies
Lsteeps profile image

And as for the job, I start Monday. I was so excited I forgot to mention that part.

BurlyBean profile image
BurlyBean in reply to Lsteeps

My inspiration to do C25K is my daughter has booked me a place on a 5k run in Walt Disney World( she will be doing the 5k, 10k and half marathon )and not being a runner I thought I’d best put some training in🏃🏼‍♀️🏃🏼‍♀️. I’ve known since last November but started C25K in August( ran out of excuses for putting it off 🙂) had been going to the gym so not a complete couch potato but was amazed at how hard the first run was😩. Fitting three runs in ( around work ect) isn’t easy but you have too make it happen. Once I found my flow and got into it it became easier and I started to enjoy it. I’m now about to start week eight and have a route that is 5k from my house to finishing line which each time I go out I do a bit more of so it’s fingers crossed( it’s a hilly route - little hills... bumps really) that I do it. All going well I should graduate the day I fly to Florida. 😃

Exoticwelshy profile image

Congratulations on the new job 😊👍

Petitpoi profile image

Congratulations on the new job and well done for graduating.

I also have a new job which I start in 3 weeks time. I must admit the occ health assessment where I was asked how often I exercised did guilt me into starting exercising. But my main reason for starting the program was to improve my health. I’ve had two miscarraiges in the last year and both have been devastating. Although I’ve come to terms that neither were my fault I feel like starting running and improving my fitness can only be a good thing and will losing a bit of weight will hopefully help with fertility treatment as well.

I’ve found running is also helping my mental state, giving me time to myself to think about things.

I’m just about to start week 5 so I still feel a way off graduating. Over half way through though.

Richard7 profile image
Richard7Graduate in reply to Petitpoi

Well done there’s no going back now that you’ve passed the midpoint :) not quite the home strait but not far off.

Lsteeps profile image

Petitpoi, thank you for your post. Clearly this means more to you than most. I hope c25k is just the start of your journey.

misswobble profile image

You're welcome. Keep running though! Fitness is forever! 😃💪✔️

jaxxmal2 profile image

It’s a great question and probably could help researchers understand why people finally tackle their health!

I started because I’ve had a problem for almost 10yrs with all over body pain & excess tiredness-the GPs have never got to the source and say it’s “probably” fibromyalgia. As I’ve been carrying too much weight for far too long (about 2 stone over my ideal) I decided to tackle that to help with body & mental health.

So I started yoga,Pilates,Zumba and learning to run. I can’t progress as quickly as I’d like but I’m getting there slowly (wk8 now!) -just a shame I like food too much cos although I’m getting fitter I’m not seeing much weight loss. Once I’ve cracked this I aim to tackle my healthy (but too big a portion) diet 😬

Whatsapp profile image
WhatsappGraduate in reply to jaxxmal2

I also love my food, but I discovered it is more about what you eat. I don't believe in diets which have you starving yourself and then rewarding yourself with what you like on other days - to me it just reinforces the wrong mindset.

I have found that now I am running I am more inclined to eat the foods that supplement my running. No way am I sweating it out on a run to get fit then ruining all that hard work just for the sake of a doughnut

Jaxxf profile image
Jaxxf in reply to Whatsapp

Wouldn’t thank you a doughnut or cake but I agree diets are pointless. Definitely about what you eat-my trouble is hubby cooks (low fat due to his family history) then he shares 50/50 so my portions are too big!

We eat lots of home made veg soup but with bread, I eat loads of rice and chicken is our staple so I think what I eat is mostly ok for balanced healthy life style, it’s more the amount (I.e. Calories in V calories out)

Anyway I do think running has so many more benefits than losing a few pounds 👟😄

Sadie-runs profile image

Congratulations on your graduation, Lsteeps! And on the new job! Double celebration! Well done all round, you brilliant runner, you.

I started C25K just after I turned 46. Suddenly dawned on me that I could no longer take my good health for granted, and that the fitness of my youth was waning. I did lots of yoga prior to this, but I understood that I needed to start paying attention to my heart/lungs health. Best decision I have ever made.

ju-ju- profile image

Thats a great story, and well done! I started running 4 years ago as I wanted to lose a bit of pudding flab. I never knew I would last this long but the running far outweighs any desire to lose pudding than the passion I have for running.... its just the best :)

JJS21 profile image

Well done on the job!

I had several things to motivate me- being several stones overweight, having taken early retirement and wanting to get fit, and having booked a holiday to Australia next year.

But mostly because I made a New Year's resolution to run a 5k before the end of 2017. It seemed like pie in the sky when I said it. So in January I started walking 10000 steps a day and have carried on ever since. I lost more than 2 stones and then started C25K. Graduated in September and have been running twice a week since then (dodgy knees mean I need lots of rest days in between, but still walking my 10000 steps).

Next Saturday I plan to run my 5K and will get people to sponsor me in aid of Parkinson's research- then roll on Australia!

Surreyjelbel profile image

I started as I will be 50 in two years and wanted to be fitter, but I hadn’t planned to start yet!😱 I know!!

I got made redundant in August from a job I loved, so needed a reason to get up in the morning. Never having run before it is the most amazing feeling -fate maybe.

Anyhoo, just finished week 7 which has been my best week to-date. Legs, breathing and head have all come together - bring on week 8 😁

womblejogger profile image

Firstly huge grats on the new job, my motivation to start was my wife, she is blind and is in the process of applying for a guide dog through north wales guide dogs for the blind... they have been so helpful that i wanted to give something back to them, so in a moment of utter madness i signed up to do the chester half marathon and run it to raise funds for charity... not being a runner at all i needed to start somewhere and having done c25k in the past it was an ideal opportunity to do this again, this weekend i am running the 5k in the flintshire 5k/10k road race i will womble jog but i never in a million years thought it would be something i would be actively taking part in...

Melons1965 profile image

Well done on the new job 😁

There are a few reasons why I started c25k.

The first time I did it was to motivate myself after my partner left and I didn't want to sit on the sofa comfort eating for ever, also I sing in musical theatre and a choir as a hobby and trying to sing and dance is quite a challenge if you're not fit.

Then I fell ill about a year ago and everything ground to a halt for 6 months. The doc finally gave me the all clear to exercise again and I started the program again and I'm now on week8.

I've also got a new man in my life that although he doesn't run admires me for doing it which motivates me to still get out and run.

Also I start rehearsals in November for the musical 9-5 so I should have graduated by then and will be able to tackle the dancing without flagging after 30 seconds 😂😂😂

Pink-Floyd profile image

This year my sister has had breast cancer and a hip break caused a rapid decline in the health of my dad. Makes you consider your own health a bit more, and at 52 and 4 stone overweight, I needed to take some action. I set a swimming target for the summer but difficult to complete as I needed to be with family so much (no pool near my parents). Was flicking through a Sunday paper supplement about 9 weeks ago and read a tiny article on the c25k. Never had any inclination to run but it sounded as if it was aimed perfectly at someone like me. Downloaded the first podcast and was out on my first run the next day. A real spur of the moment decision. Only one run left which I will do tomorrow as I went swimming this morning (still doing that once a week too). Not lost any weight yet ( yes - I know I actually need to eat less for this) but much fitter. Just hoping I can keep the impetus up once I have graduated. Best of luck to you all.

Wellse profile image

I need to be more healthier. There has been recent events relating to heart disease in my family and both family members are not in the greatest of health. So I'm doing it for me and loose some weight is a plus.

in reply to Wellse

Amen to this - i have the same reasons as you! Well done! How are you getting on?

Wellse profile image
Wellse in reply to

Ok I've moved to Ireland so wanting to go for a run in this weather is tough 😂 what about you?

in reply to Wellse

Yeah i feel your pain, its currently blowing a gale, and peeing it down....but i know if i dont go tonight, i cant get out until Sunday night :-(

MrsT82 profile image

Congratulations on the new job and on graduating. I love seeing everyone’s reasons, some are very humbling. For mine it’s probably easier to direct you to my graduation post from 4 weeks ago.

angemum profile image

I started because, tho I'm reasonably fit, I've just turned 66 & want to be in the best shape possible for the years that lie ahead.

angemum profile image

ps - congrats on new job & graduation!

CT2017 profile image

I started trying to run about 3 years ago, after A health diagnosis that may in the future cause issues. I was (still am) fatter than I should be, and I tried to learn to run on my own, a mile downhill was fine, but that was it. Then I had 2 beareavments with 3 months of each other, fell over in the road in front of a van and ended up crying on the way home, and then I don't know just tried harder , I suppose it wasn't an entirely conscious decision to complete the programme, but I've stuck with it, I think this blog side of it has really helped motivate me, and around week 4, realised I'm enjoying it. I do 10 minutes of yoga type stretching after every run, have remained injury free. Have improved my mental health and thank everybody here for their great tips!

SaskAlliecat profile image

Congratulations on the job!

I was running with a friend a few years ago but it all got derailed when I was in a car accident. Fortunately the physical injuries were minor but mentally I shut down. My running partner had a double mastectomy around the same time and asked me to do the Queen City Full Marathon Walk with her to help take control of her life again. Well, you can't say no to that!!!! So a group of us walked and walked and walked and finished the marathon just over 6 hours. I loved the comraderie and atmosphere of the race and was flabbergasted that I completed something so epic but swore the next one would be a run. Unfortunately a month later I started to experience severe pain in my tailbone that was similar to the pain I felt at the end of my pregnancy years prior. Long story short, a mass was found in my uterus (thankfully it was benign) and I underwent a hysterectomy. The tailbone pain improved but never went away. A year ago, I started pelvic floor Physio which helped but am still battling chronic pain. Mentally I was struggling and remembered how running used to clear my mind. With the ok from my physical therapist, I started trying to run again in the spring but was failing miserably. I was used to running with a running partner and I had no stamina. I was so frustrated and down. I came across the nhs website and started the C25k entering the runs into Runkeeper. It went so well. I loved the slow build and the variation - it kept me interested. With each successful run, my mental fog started to lift. Then I found the forum!!! How supporting and amazing. I lurked more than posted but found so many feeling the same as me on many of the runs and no longer felt alone. I completed my first 5k trail race in September and am working on my journey to 10k. I hope to run a 50k trail race by the time I'm 50 (I'm 43 now) but baby steps first. I'm taking it one distance at a time, loving my journey and the mental clarity I feel during and after every run. I am so thankful for this programme and the forum.

Lsteeps profile image

Thank you all for your lovely comments and sharing your stories. Some of which brought a tear to my eye, you are all amazing.

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