So after R3 of W6 & R1 of W7 I found that my feet ached liked billyO. After speaking with her indoors off we went to the local runners need shop for advice. Off I went on the treadmill for some gait analysis. Turns out my old slappers besides being worn out and over four years old and not really suitable for task were doing nothing to help me. He told me I was over pronating in my step. Henceforth new big boy running slappers purchased, along with new socks as my hillys were getting a bit used and compressed.
So this morning I thought to myself time for a wee change, up to now all my runs have been done on the treadmill in the gym, this morning I thought now is the time for the world to see this fat boy run (well plod quickly). Looking back perhaps I should have worn my old daps or gone on the treadmill the first time of using the new daps. It was hard, harder than I thought it would be. But I persevered, the bridge just after the start of my run and just afore the end was as steep as everest, I also started off a bit quick but soon checked that. One thing that annoyed me was I had to keep looking out for the doggie parcels that people can't be bothered to clean up but all in all I enjoyed it. Different to the treadmill, some ways harder and then some ways easier. Didn't sweat as much because I was in the open air. Yes it was harder but in a different way. Also somehow Jo stopped talking to me, I looked at my phone, 2.57left to run, carried on keep going looked at phone a while later still 2.57left to run. I had paused it somehow, must have run a extra. 3 - 5 mins but ho hay its all good practice.
Covered a total of 4.28km according to my fitbit so something must be going right. R3 of W7 next indoors or out, that will depend on work but hopefully outdoors. Onwards and upwards. Sorry if I've rambled on