W3R2 Sore Knees!: Hi All! Ok so first off thank... - Couch to 5K

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W3R2 Sore Knees!

KatiePeg profile image
29 Replies

Hi All!

Ok so first off thank you to everyone that posts here on a daily basis. Your stories have really helped me feel like I'm not alone on the couch 25k journey, I doubt I would have made it this far without you! :)

I'm really loving the programme so far but my poor knees, not so much. I am currently lying with a frozen hot water bottle placed on both knees to try and ease the ache. :(

So my lovelies, do you have any suggestions for how I can keep up with the programme and not feel like I have knees like the tin man?

They are not really sore when I walk, just when I jog. But if I kneel on the floor it's agony! Any ideas what is making them so tender?

Much love and thanks in advance! x

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KatiePeg profile image
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29 Replies
IannodaTruffe profile image

What are your shoes like?

KatiePeg profile image
KatiePeg in reply to IannodaTruffe


They are Green and Pink... ;) sorry... haha...

No, seriously now! They are just puma running shoes. Do you think they could be the problem?

I run on tarmac paths around a nature park. But today I ran for a bit on the grass verge as I felt it was hurting less that way.


IannodaTruffe profile image
IannodaTruffeMentor in reply to KatiePeg

How old are the shoes?

Have you had a gait analysis?

Running on grass is definitely kinder to knees.

KatiePeg profile image
KatiePeg in reply to IannodaTruffe

They were new when I started the programme so not old at all.

And I know it probably doesn't mean anything for my knees but my feet are always comfy when I jog. The pain sarted at around the end of week 2, which was really week 3 as I repeated week 1 twice as i wanted to be able to do all of the runs without stopping before moving into the next week in the programme.

I haven't had a gait analysis, but am considering it. Would you recommend it? Any particular shops or places that do it? Any you would recommend and likewise any you would avoid?

Sweatyfaced profile image
SweatyfacedGraduate in reply to KatiePeg

"Run and become" do natural gait analysis. "Runners needs" is another. I had mine done in John Lewis! Dunno where you are but there will be somewhere...

KatiePeg profile image
KatiePeg in reply to Sweatyfaced

I'm in Newcastle so there's bound to be somewhere close. I'll have a google and see what I find. Thanks again!

IannodaTruffe profile image
IannodaTruffeMentor in reply to KatiePeg

I used to only run off road, to save my knees. I wore cheap Karrimor trail shoes which do not require gait analysis because the impact is more random. As I increased distance I found myself running more on the road (same shoes) and sustained an Achilles injury. Having considered that gait analysis was possibly just a marketing ploy, I was skeptical, but wanted to avoid further injury so had a go. I was staggered by the before and after videos which showed misalignment of knee and ankle joint being corrected by the suggested shoes. I have had no further running injuries, but am reminded by my achey knees that these shoes now need replacing.

Go to a reputable running shop with well trained experienced staff, who run themselves. In Sports Direct the staff have always known less about running and the product than I did.........not recommended.

KatiePeg profile image
KatiePeg in reply to IannodaTruffe

Wow, I had no idea it could be that drastic. Like you I was a bit skeptical so up to now and thought it was a ploy for running shops to upsell me a more expensive shoe! But I'll definitely give it a go now. I'm also somewhat a feared of actually entering a running shop for fear of looking like a total buffoon! I purposefully run in the quietest spot I can so that I don't have to see anyone, or more to the point nobody else sees me! But like another post I saw on the forum earlier today said, maybe I just need to come 'out' about my new found pleasure and not be such a big wuss! ;)

IannodaTruffe profile image
IannodaTruffeMentor in reply to KatiePeg

Take your shoes with you and be dressed to run for a short time.

You can do this, fellow runner.

Sweatyfaced profile image

It's pretty much 100% likely that it's down to your shoes. Especially if they're fine when you walk. Go to a decent running shop and have gait analysis. You don't have to spend loads in shoes but you need to spend right....

KatiePeg profile image
KatiePeg in reply to Sweatyfaced

Thanks for the advice. Deffo going to get checked as I'm loving the programme and don't mind investing in a new pair of shoes if it means I can keep going relatively pain free!

IannodaTruffe profile image

I forgot to mention exercises nhs.uk/Livewell/c25k/Pages/...

Squats, squats, squats.......

fatboytorunner profile image

Hi Katie I would definitely get gait checked but I don't agree it's the whole problem I am afraid ... when I started c25k I had two weeks of absolute agony after completing week 2 run 2 ... I was eating paracetamol and ibuprofen like sweets just to get some pain relief and I though I would be done and dusted there and then this running lark was not for me and my body ... however .... I did some research found this is a common problem and found strength training was needed as well outside of running not just relying on running to strengthen you .... first of all rest ... pain is your body's way of telling you something is wrong ... it's frustrating but if you don't you could do yourself more harm than good .... ease yourself back in slowly and do some alternative strength conditioning... I used a combination of HIIT sessions and body weight excercises ... I don't do the gym I don't have time .... i would also recommend regular foam rolling as well on non running days ... I am a run leader at a running club and so many new runners get this problem and I tell them this advice all the time and it works in my experience ... I now run approximately 25 miles a week and by using this combination have stayed pain and injury free ... it does take a little time out of each day to begin with but the results are well worth it .... good luck and I hope this has helped!

KatiePeg profile image
KatiePeg in reply to fatboytorunner

Thank you for the advice. I will 100% be doing some strengthening exercises too. I have found my cardio fitness is improving but my actual muscle strength is rubbish. So much as I hate squats and the like I think it's essential if I'm to make it to graduation and beyond! :)

fatboytorunner profile image
fatboytorunner in reply to KatiePeg

There is loads of stuff online to help you .... good luck sure you will be fine 😊

anthonyhelene profile image
anthonyhelene in reply to fatboytorunner

I had the same problem. I got to Week 3 R 1 and could barely make it around the track because of my knees. I pushed through, which was probably a mistake, and now I've taken a full week off with ice, rest and Aleve. I plan on getting new shoes at a place that can actually advise me, but I think you are correct that I need strength training. I'm 62 and have never run before. What HIIT and body weight exercises do you recommend?

KatiePeg profile image
KatiePeg in reply to anthonyhelene

Hope you are on the mend and feeling less sore! I'm doing a combination of squats and core training and a bit of yoga too. I know I have shortened hamstrings from nearly 10 years of sitting all day at a desk job so doing lots of hamstring stretches too. I just go on YouTube and pick an activity that way I don't get bored. :)

Allypally25 profile image

I know that sore knee phase so well........Mine started about week three and I began to worry about how much damage I might do by carrying on. LIke you say I was able to walk and run but getting up from the sofa or after sitting at work was really painful to the point of eye watering.I visited a sports osteopath who showed me some fab exercises . TIght hips are what caused the problem and one treatment and proper stretching of hips later it has never recurred. This may not be your problem but it may give you some hope that it canbe corrected .

KatiePeg profile image
KatiePeg in reply to Allypally25

Thank you for the advice and hope you are all fixed now. I might see a physio when I get back from my holidays in September. Just to put my mind at rest that I'm not damaging my knees for good! :)

linda9389 profile image

I too suffered with a sore knee. I already had support shoes after going to a specialist running shop, so for me it was more than that. I took time off (frustrating), did the NHS strength and flex program to keep the 'half hour, three times a week' discipline, and also did additional exercises to strengthen my quads (as recommended by the physio). Six weeks later I tried again, and this time got to the end of the program and beyond with absolutely no recurrence of knee pain (well, not yet at least). Rest them well until they calm down, get a gait analysis done, strengthen anything and everything that supports your knees, then go for it again and good luck :)

KatiePeg profile image
KatiePeg in reply to linda9389

Brill advice thank you! I will deffo look at the strength and flex programme and see if that helps me too. :)

Bek2000 profile image

I've always had bad knees and running made them much worse, so by week 3 I was in agony (I'm week 9 now!!) anyway I got a strap for the worst one and then when still in agony, my friend suggested kT tape. I got some on Amazon, just a standard brand and followed a tutorial on line. It has been a wonder. I've just put fresh ones on weekly, and made the world of difference! May be worth a try. I couldn't have carried on without the KT tape. Knee is still weak, but it stops the shooting pains etc

KatiePeg profile image
KatiePeg in reply to Bek2000

I've seen the tape but not known how to use it. I'll deffo look into now. Thank you. :)

Bek2000 profile image
Bek2000Graduate in reply to KatiePeg

My friend said about it and I just googled the 'how to' . Loads of tutorials on YouTube. It is brilliant. No idea how it works, but it does! Good luck!

KatiePeg profile image
KatiePeg in reply to Bek2000

Thank you! 😊

shsoga profile image

I have dodgy knees too but have found that I have been ok if I stay very slow (Oldfloss would approve!) and don't overstride - I try to make sure my leading leg always lands underneath me. I am a very severe overpronator but I wear a neutral shoe with custom-made orthotics. Although I'm a Southern Softie I bought some shoes online from Northern Runner who I believe are based in Newcastle, they were so friendly and helpful and I would think that they might do gait analysis. Hope it helps!

KatiePeg profile image
KatiePeg in reply to shsoga

Haha southern softie! Bless you! 😂 Well I'm pretty soft too regardless of geography! I think there's a northern runner shop in town so I'll look them up and get booked in for a gait analysis and see what they say. :)

Rignold profile image

It is almost certainly 100% that the muscles of your legs are not strong enough to sustain full range of motion of your knees, and shoes are not going to fix that.

I know everyone is going to roll their eyes at this but skwaats is almost always the answer. If you can hold the bottom position of a below parallel squat for. 2 minutes or more, that is a reasonable benchmark. If not, skwaats.

KatiePeg profile image
KatiePeg in reply to Rignold

I think you could be right... I've been doing more strengthening work this week. Squats, core work and hamstring stretch exercises while I have been 'resting' my poorly knees. I will not let them get the better of me!!! 😉

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