Too many excuses! : Hi, I only joined yesterday... - Couch to 5K

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Too many excuses!

Sunflower333 profile image
22 Replies


I only joined yesterday and this now my second post - which is novel to me as I don't have any social media accounts

I see people frequently out and about enjoying their run and I feel quite envious as I too want to be that person.

I find it too much hard work, lack motivation and get out of breath by far too easily.

This maybe a silly question, but I feel that what I'm doing is wrong - but I don't know what's right or where to start.

Hopefully joining this site is my starting point, but I know I do make too many excuses to avoid going for a run as opposed to going for a swim (which I enjoy).

I listen to music whilst running, but all I think about is the ending as opposed to enjoying the process.

Also, just a thought! Is there a right way or wrong way to breath whilst running?

Hello to everyone

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Sunflower333 profile image
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22 Replies
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If you haven't already download the app. It is a carefully constructed program which will help you to become a runner.

Those runners who are out enjoying their runs do so because they have put in the groundwork. It takes a lot of work to make it look effortless.

Post on here for advice. Do the program. Do the runs slow and steady and read all of the advice on the app. If you start today and stick to the program you will be running for 30 minutes in a little over two months.

SC1472 profile image

Hello and welcome, I assume that you have done your first run, in which case well done that is the hardest step. As this stage it is just a case of getting out there and taking each running segment at a time. Once you have built a bit more time under your running feet you will start to develop a 'style' (I am still trying to develop this!!) but there is no right way or wrong way.

The right way to breathe? Just in and out at this stage!! Just take it slowly and try to relax - don't hold yourself stiff as this will restrict your lungs.

Mrsmc10 profile image

Hello, I always used to wear earphones and have the up tempo songs blasting away in my ear! I never really got very far and gave up quite quickly.

This time round I have no music, to start with I am just concentrating on my breathing and keeping going. After so long, my head just clears and it's the only time of the day when my head space is just mine. Not worrying about work or house work, it's just clear.

I also find it better with out music! I control my pace! I found the tempo of the music sped me up or slowed me down! Now I can just be consistent.

With regards to breathing, I found 2-2 really helps, two breaths in two breaths out. It's also something else to concentrate on! I admit when I first started (only 7 weeks ago) I couldn't breath either, but I have stuck to the plan and now my legs go before my lungs give up!

Lastly you are not doing anything wrong! Jo whiley tells me to say "I love running" to start with I was screaming at her "I hate running" and I did, I hated it! But this morning I got up 3.5 hours earlier than usual to meet my friend for a run and due to my progress I am running with a smile on my face!

It gets easier I promise! I never thought I'd be able to run three minutes, let alone 20, honestly I was so unfit! You will be able to do it! Have faith xxxx

Sunflower333 profile image
Sunflower333 in reply to Mrsmc10

I'm loving all this great advice

Thank you

Irish-John profile image

Take it in oyur own time, your own pace. The app is a brilliant thing but 'one size fits all' - most of us take longer than 9 weeks to get to 5K.

I think the best thing I have to offer from my own experience is this. I always thought people were born to either be 'able to run' or 'not able to run'

Runners make it look much easier than it actually is. Even when I am hitting my pace and everything is going well I 'feel it' It sure isn't like sitting on the couch - but it is ten thousand times more exhilarating. :)

I have done ten k without stopping - but every run I breathe hard, feel the pressure on my chest, legs etc.

So - it is NOT about 'suffering' when you run, but it is about 'physical effort'

Run slow...then slower still is THE heart of the program. 'fast' and 'distacne' comes later.

And - if you can get through 'Day One' EVEN IF it takes you more than 'one day', I promise you that if you keep to the programme and remember 'slow and steady' you absolutely ARE capable of one day having 'Graduate' beside your name here.

Read as many posts of Gradautes from their beginning days as you can - you will see what I mean :)

Wishing you many happy miles in your future :)

Sunflower333 profile image
Sunflower333 in reply to Irish-John

Awww thank you! Slow and steady - I love reading all the great advice.

IannodaTruffe profile image

Some people do not like physical exercise. Most of us on here are running junkies, having discovered the endorphin high through the NHS C25K programme. It is not clear whether you are following the plan or not, but it is certainly the safest and most satisfying way to learn to run.

Following the app or podcasts (if you have a high tolerance to #@*! music) you will be mesmerised by your own progress and smiling through the sweat at the end of the session.

Breathe naturally, and if it is difficult, slow down.

Wizziewood profile image

Hi and welcome!

I won't go into a lengthy reply as those before have said it all ... and it's all good advice.

All I will say is take it slowly and slow down some more if you need to, always take your rest days and follow the programme religiously. You're doing this for you so listen to your own body and do what's right for you.

Go for it! good luck and Happy Running!

Sunflower333 profile image
Sunflower333 in reply to Wizziewood

Great advice! Thank you

Irish-John profile image

Oldfloss profile image

Welcome ! Hi there:)

Read the replies, download the C25K programme and follow it. Slow and steady, your run at your own pace... take your rest days... and most of all enjoy.

Relax into the runs... don't worry about how to breathe...just do it however you find it works for you. At the start, it can feel hard.. our bodies do protest... why wouldn't they...?

But.. warm up well, make sure you are hydrated and step out slowly, then slow down some more:)

Listen to your body, try to do some exercise on rest days, and when you run, know that each run makes you day, not too far away, you will be a runner whom people envy... and right from the start, people will look and think..." I wish that was me".

Post your runs and be assured of support and motivation and encouragement...

" The question isn't ,can you do it, but will you do it....?"

And yes, you will :)

Sunflower333 profile image
Sunflower333 in reply to Oldfloss

I'm going to read this post again when I need motivation as I like the 'can do' attitude and passion.

Thank you

Miller2 profile image

My advice is to go slowly. If you have slowed down and are still finding breathing hard, slow down some more. Speed will come over time, stamina is way more important. You haven't been bitten by the running bug yet. When I first started I found it a chore - I stuck with it because I wanted to improve my fitness. I don't know what happened, or at what point it happened, but I did at some point get bitten by the running bug. I love it now. Don't get me wrong, not every run is enjoyable at the time (some of them are mind you!), but I always love the feeling afterwards. I love the fact that I get that time to myself. My mind goes truly blank and it's just me time, away from life, just me an the pavement. I look at peoples gardens when I run past, admire some of the flowers, and generally just enjoy the fresh air - even if I am gasping at it occasionally!

It is hard at first - read any graduates posts from when they started and I guarantee that nobody found the whole programme easy!!! But persevere and the rewards, sense of achievement and pride are incredible. Fitness won't come overnight, but it will come over time as you follow the programme I promise you. The feeling you'll get when you complete your graduation run I can't put into words - it's amazing.

When I started, someone told me that if you are feeling unmotivated and can't be bothered going out for your next run, get changed into all your running gear anyway. They said, by the time you've gone to all that effort, you will almost certainly go for a run. They were so right! I have done this a few times (in fact I did it tonight) - I'm a graduate so I still follow original advice given to me from when I started. Keep going. You may well find at some point you start to enjoy it and the breathing will get easier, just go nice and slowly. This site is in my mind completely invaluable. Use it lots - the support network is second to none and people will encourage you when you are struggling, and celebrate with you when you succeed.

Happy running!

Sunflower333 profile image
Sunflower333 in reply to Miller2

I feel motivated just ready your advice, but what is a graduation run? apologies - I'm new to this.


SueKen profile image
SueKenGraduate in reply to Sunflower333

When you've worked through all 9 weeks of the programme you 'graduate' hence week 9 run 3 is your graduation run. And you will get there sooner than you think!

Miller2 profile image
Miller2 in reply to Sunflower333

If you are following the couch to 5km programme then your graduation run is week 9 run 3 (the last one on the programme). That is 30 minutes of solid running without a break. It sounds unachievable when you start but the programme does work and when you do that final run, I challenge anyone not to finish it with a big beaming grin on their face! It took me considerably more than 9 weeks (more than double that to be honest) but I wasn't in a rush. I did it for me, at my own pace and much like the tortoise in the story of the tortoise and the hare, I got there in the end. It's the best thing I ever did and I've made some lovely supportive running friends along the way on this forum - I've no idea who they are in real life and I could probably pass them in the street, but I love them all to bits for all the encouragement and support they give.

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Sunflower333

The Graduation run... Run 3 Week 9, is when you, yes you.... will be cruising slowly and steadily towards the Graduation podium where your Graduation badge will be waiting and all of us... ready to cheer you in :)

davidhwynn profile image

Nothing to add except to encourage you to post often on this forum, tell us (as your virtual running buddies) about your highs and lows, successes and practices (has anyone told you you that you never have those F-words here?) At the start I couldn't do W1R1, it took me 3 whole weeks to get through week 1. By being determined and with colossal support from people on this forum I did finally make it to the Graduation W9R3 a week or so ago - I would never have believed it and I'll tell you something else ... it is worth ALL the effort. WELL DONE - GO YOU!

Sunflower333 profile image
Sunflower333 in reply to davidhwynn

Your correct! I really need to use this site a a source of support. All this is very new to me - but I'm liking it so far.

By the way - well done and hopefully I too will become a graduate.

Maztink profile image

Its all true , every single encouraging word.

Bluebirdrunner profile image

Hi Sunflower and welcome😊

I have just read your other post on the healthy eating site...if 7pm is your craving time, why not make it your 'running time'. The c25k program only takes half an hour with at least one rest day inbetween running days. When you get back from your run you certainly won't feel like eating anything unhealthy...and on your rest days go for a gentle walk at 7pm cos'you have started running now and want to get fitter and sugary foods won't help.

Once you start c25k and enjoy that feeling of success and confidence it brings you will find being a runner fun.

Good luck and keep posting.😊🏃

Sunflower333 profile image
Sunflower333 in reply to Bluebirdrunner

I need to have a realistic look at my days and when I can fit it in as I'm too tired when I get home from work.

Some of my friends run early in the morning - maybe that's a possibility (just thinking out loud).

Thanks for you advice

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