Have been taking it steady, bought proper running trainers, everything was going well and now I think I've shin splints in my right leg.... hobbling around this morning, gutted....
Shin splints : Have been taking it steady... - Couch to 5K
Shin splints

Oh boy, they hurt something awful. Mine arrived during my last run of the program. I literally couldn't put any weight on my left leg. Since then I've done 2 walks, 1 run and a session on the rowing machine. Hoping tonight when I try another run it will be rested enough.
I had a little in the early days but found I wasn't stretching enough after my runs and when I did it stopped.
Hope you manage to shake it off. Maybe a second rest day will help but do lots of stretching.
I even used a foam roller last night when I got back and they are just evil 😂 do you stretch even on non running days??
I do. Although I've slacked a little which could explain why they're back. I used to plank on non run days, and I tried a few yoga moves just to do something extra.
Working on getting back into a routine as it's all gone out the window just recently.

Your body may still need time to get its head around what you're asking it to do. Just a thought, but check if you aren't 1) overstriding and 2) landing on your heel - if you overstride, you tend to land on your heel, and can cause shin splints. Check if your foot hits the ground below your hip rather than miles out in front - short strides and landing mid-foot are the best way to avoid injury. Hope you feel better soon.
This too shall pass

Early days! rest so the pain fades then resume, slow & steady..

How fast are your walk breaks? I get shin splints if I walk too fast.