Today I wanted to do my 3rd run. I feel a little under the weather. I am worried to get more ill, as in 1 month I am starting new job and I want to be on my finest.
Struggling with motivation: Today I wanted to do... - Couch to 5K
Struggling with motivation

Take a break till you feel better again! Going running when you're ill can be quite dangerous for your heart. I'm sure the motivation will come back once you feel well

I think it depends on what you mean by a little under the weather. Chest infection coughing up phlegm I wouldn't go; head cold with runny nose, then I would.
What ever you decide, hope you feel better soon - and good luck with the new job!
Thanks. I am not ill, not yet. I have some pain in sinuses and throat. I think I will just dress up warm and go for a very slow run. I am still gathering my motivation by reading your posts and the forum
That sounds like a good plan, test out how you feel after the warm up, try the first run and if you quit then at least you have got some fresh air and a little gentle exercise. More likely you'll find yourself thinking "I'm OK" and carry on.

Relax... you had a busy week.. guests and running your last run in the bad weather. Maybe slightly overtired and the normal stress factors of a new job looming.
So. be kind to yourself... take it easy. Have an extra day's rest and then steady and low when you head out for your next run.. Make yourself the priority
Use the run, to free your mind,a new job, anew adventure.,bit like this running lark really x
Thank you for your kind words, Oldfloss . I want to run, as I know it will make me feel better, about myself and less stressed. I think I will go for a very slow run without my dog to keep it as easy as possible.
I just need to push myself to dress, ut those nice running shoes and step out the door.
Tomorrow I will have lazy rest day only with some stretching

Just go out!😊

I went for 20 min walk and pley fetch with my dog, to tire her a little. Back home to change clothes and we went running I couldn't leave her, those eyes... I am glad I took her, she made me run a little faster. She is learning how to run with me and doesn't pull so much anymore
or at least today
Weather doesn' like me, it started spitting. We concuire the wind and finished the run
Thank you guys for motivation. I wouldn't do it without you!

Well done Iga....I think it was that push from Davelinks😆😉
Now you can relax and feel runned..😄xxx

It was combination of messages
Now, I am just keeping myself warm and hoping I sweat out infection leaving myself healthy.

Well done Iga! I hope you feel lots better very soon x