Never give up πŸ’ͺ🏻: I have been reflecting on my... - Couch to 5K

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Never give up πŸ’ͺ🏻

ju-ju- profile image
β€’46 Replies

I have been reflecting on my running journey lately ( as you do!!). I just wanted to share that at age 46.4 I feel the fittest and strongest I have ever been in my life!!... and I have the most energy I have ever had. I'm also at the best size - I used to be a size 16 and am now a 10/12 and I eat loads....This is also due to giving up sugar which was another good decision last year.

I never ever would have thought back in my 20's that I would be up at the crack of dawn running before work and loving it!!!I have also recently started to run to the gym, doing my spinning class and running back... and I love it!!! Admittedly it's taken me 3 years of running regularly to get to this point but it is so worth it. The pic is me this week in spinning gear then running back from the class....

I'm training for my 3rd marathon in April which is in Exmoor on the coastal trail.... I am sooooo excited I cannot wait.

So if you are struggling.... never ever give up, it will pay off....

Happy panthering


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ju-ju- profile image
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46 Replies
healthyjoel profile image

I absolutely love this. I'm reading the book Mastery, which says we should buck the relatively new (as far as history goes) temptation to shortcut everything. According to him we only reach true greatness through 'rigorous apprenticeship'- working at it diligently over time. This is you!

Anaverageman profile image
AnaveragemanGraduate in reply to healthyjoel

true everyone wants instant success . Not prepared to fail.. Xx

ju-ju- profile image
ju-ju-Graduate in reply to healthyjoel

Wow that sounds like an interesting read.....

healthyjoel profile image
healthyjoel in reply to ju-ju-

Do you listen to audio books while you run? I'm constantly listening to one, so when I say that I'm reading it, I mean I'm listening to it.

ju-ju- profile image
ju-ju-Graduate in reply to healthyjoel

Good idea... I have to say I so love music when I run, it's a thing for me. I really should try that on a long run though to stop any boredom!!

Anaverageman profile image

and looking really terrible with it jj !!

ju-ju- profile image
ju-ju-Graduate in reply to Anaverageman

Thanks 😳

Realfoodieclub profile image

You forgot to mention all the inspiration your posts have been to everyone as well. I remember your first half marathon post so well, because at the time I thought only in my dreams could I ever run that far, I now have two under my belt. πŸ˜€. The Power to be a panther has brought out so much in me. Well done on your journey. Rfc x,

ju-ju- profile image
ju-ju-Graduate in reply to Realfoodieclub

That's just made my day.... Thankyou so much RFC..... 😎😎😎😎😎😎

Raymond16460 profile image

Great post, very encouraging to us all

ju-ju- profile image
ju-ju-Graduate in reply to Raymond16460

Thankyou 😎

Pc59 profile image

An inspirational post just what i needed😊

Blackbird77 profile image

Thanks for your post. I have literally just finished my W1r3 this morning and any feeling of calling myself a runner feels a long way off.

What I like about your post is how strong and good you feel about yourself. I turn 40 this year as realise I want to feel stronger and have more energy- to be more positive. I hope my journey will help me realise this.

ju-ju- profile image
ju-ju-Graduate in reply to Blackbird77

It will, and feel excited because this journey will change your life completely and you are already on it 😎

McFitty profile image

Not only an inspirational post but inspirational pics too! I'm just off out to continue my 'rigorous apprenticeship'😊Thanks Juju

ju-ju- profile image
ju-ju-Graduate in reply to McFitty

Thankyou... and hope it was a good one?

Millsie-J profile image

Looking great there juju! A terrific and inspirational post, great start to a running weekend, go girl!


ju-ju- profile image
ju-ju-Graduate in reply to Millsie-J

Thankyou so much 😎

Oldfloss profile image

Brilliant post @ju-juthank you.

I totally agree with Realfoodieclub ; you have not only had an inspirational journey, (so far) :) but have shared that inspiration with me and so many of us.

I only have to read your posts, and look at the great pikkies that you put up, ( the one on the beach, a while ago, is my favourite)... to feel motivated to go out and just go for whatever I want to achieve.

Even on days like today, when it is misty and cold, and I feel a tad under par, I read a post of yours like this, and I still think..yes, but I can do it.. I will feel better tomorrow, the sun might break through at some point... I even imagine ( in my wildest dreams, I might look as fit and healthy as you! :)

Thanks you!

Many more happy runs and posts too :)

ju-ju- profile image
ju-ju-Graduate in reply to Oldfloss

That's just brought a tear to my eye... really lovely words, Thankyou so very much 😎

JaySeeSkinny profile image

There are some people you look up to and really want to emulate. You posted a video of you running part way through one of your marathons on here a while ago. Loping along easily, chatting away after miles of running, with miles ahead of you, happy and enjoying yourself. "Want it" cried my inner child and I have been even more of an admirer since that point. Don't think I'll ever get there, but I will have fun trying!

ju-ju- profile image
ju-ju-Graduate in reply to JaySeeSkinny

Gosh that's so lovely, I think the fun trying is what keeps us all going when it feels hard.... Thankyou so much 😎

Sandraj39 profile image

Great post ju-ju and others have said it all - you are a huge inspiration and great support to so many of us on here! I totally agree that there is no short cut in this running journey - we just have to lace up and get out there! I think misswobble described the attitude well the other day when she said "I kick my own butt!". That's the attitude that gets results and you have it in spades. I am somewhat behind you in my running journey and aiming for my first HM at 51. Now, that is something I would not have contemplated before C25K - and it has influenced my confidence in so many other areas too. Keep doing what you do and lots of luck with the exmoor marathon. xπŸ™‚

ju-ju- profile image
ju-ju-Graduate in reply to Sandraj39

Wow... that is so exciting to be training for your first HM....and Thankyou for your kind words... for me there is something about the grit in never giving up because that's what keeps us going when it is so hard .... 😎

Burgdude profile image

Looking good JuJu! My weakness is the sweets😟

ju-ju- profile image
ju-ju-Graduate in reply to Burgdude

I used to eat about 3 choc bars a day... I went cold turkey, felt like I was going to die for 3 days and then felt liberated. I eat loads of fatty foods etc and I don't put on weight. Sugar is evil and you will feel so much better if you don't. Instead of sweets have peanuts??

Madge50 profile image

Inspirational ju-ju, that reminds me of a Winston Churchill quote that I have used in the past to keep me going through a difficult time......'.never give in....never, never, never, never - in nothing great or small, large or petty, never give in except to convictions of honour and good sense. Never yield to force. Never yield to the apparently overwhelming might of the enemy.'

Enough said. πŸ€—


ju-ju- profile image
ju-ju-Graduate in reply to Madge50

Wow... he was made of pure grit wasn't he.... great quote thanks for sharing... and so true too xxx

Madge50 profile image
Madge50Graduate in reply to ju-ju-

And if you want a David and Goliath image, look up the scorpion mouse, it is the mouse that roars! I am that mouse......πŸ˜„


ju-ju- profile image
ju-ju-Graduate in reply to Madge50

I will take a look!!!

skysue16 profile image

Inspirational post, thank you. My family live in Exmoor - beautiful place to run, best of luck with the marathon :)

ju-ju- profile image
ju-ju-Graduate in reply to skysue16

My husbands family are all from round there and it is just so beautiful isn't it?

misswobble profile image

Wahay! Go Ju! You can keep going for donkeys years yet. The 70 plus ladies who turn up at my local races are blummin awesome. I hope I can be like them. If you can stay fit the running outlook is unlimited πŸ™‚

ju-ju- profile image
ju-ju-Graduate in reply to misswobble

I want to be like that- did you see a programme called the fashionistas? All over 70 and hugely inspirational ladies. That's how I want to be at that age...

melly4012 profile image

Wow, real inspiration, Juju! LOVE your necklace too, it's gorgeous! It's very you, seems like it represents your running trails. :)

ju-ju- profile image
ju-ju-Graduate in reply to melly4012

Thankyou... my amazing mum bought it for me for Christmas so I can wear it and think of the lovely woods I run in....

ancientrunner profile image

Great stuff. I have to agree about feeling fitter and stronger than ever before - never dreamt this would be me at 60. Hadn't realised I had staying power either!!

ju-ju- profile image
ju-ju-Graduate in reply to ancientrunner

So good isn't it.... !!

Happygirl1970 profile image

Thanks for this post, so inspirational! I am very early in my journey, just about to start week 3 and tbh doubting that I can make that step up to 3mins of running !! We are the same age and I too have drastically reduced my sugar intake , I have lost almost 2 stone with 2 more to go. I am beginning to feel stronger and more powerful. Just wondering if you have any handy hints to help combat the negative thoughts that sneak in whilst I am learning ( and care for myself)

Many thanks Sharon xx

ju-ju- profile image
ju-ju-Graduate in reply to Happygirl1970

Wow well done you that's so impressive. Sugar is so bad isn't it??! Well done in your running... the best advice I have is to just focus on the run you are doing. Don't worry about the next etc but achieve what you set out to do that day. That works for me. Also get a mantra.... mine is, I am strong, I am powerful, I am a Panther,' bit daft but it really works when you are struggling especially if you yell it out!! I hope that may be helpful for you? Good luck and use us here to support you xxx

AncientMum profile image

Inspirational stuff JJ. If anyone doubts the power of commitment and the benefits of running they just need to look at your photos and read your post. Thank you for sharing xx

ju-ju- profile image
ju-ju-Graduate in reply to AncientMum

Thankyou :)

misswobble profile image

Yes I did see that programme 😊 One or two of them were runners I recall

Seeing older ladies on a recent fell run - my first - inspired me. It's not principally about speed so the more mature of us can really take part and do really quite well

misswobble profile image

I thought about you Ju the other day while in the hairdressers. I was reading an article about the history of the panther being represented in jewellery, and how it became an icon of beauty for Cartier who started using the creature in their pieces from the 1920's and still do. I think it was Harrods magazine. I normally gravitate to seed catalogues but it was all they had πŸ˜€

vitabrevis profile image

It is never too late - At 64 I too feel fitter and stronger than I ever was, although that more reflects having been such a weed, despite occasionally playing mediocre squash in my yoof. I'm aiming at 10k soon... But as for "loving it", I don't really get it. Yes, running is an achievement, and sometimes the run through the fields as the sun comes up and I catch a glimpse of a hare feels very rewarding, but it is still quite hard work.

Chrysanthemum profile image

It's so good to read all the inspirational posts. I so hope I can get to be a good runner and I would love to give up the sugar too, I can't seem to go a day (an evening even! ) without sweets or chocolate and I must stop. Ju-ju- how did you just stop? How did you stop your mind from thinking about wanting sugar?

Madge 50, thankyou for sharing that Winston Churchill quote, I have copied it in a notebook and I'm going to be using that in my war against sugar.

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