So much to learn…if we just listen.: Musing, as... - Couch to 5K

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So much to learn…if we just listen.

Oldfloss profile image
43 Replies

Musing, as I do, after reading the posts of all our friends, marvelling at the advice, support and encouragement in those posts and replies, I was struck by the number of times we use the word, listen. Listen to your body, listen to the advice, listen to Laura… do not listen to those pesky, annoying gremlins :)

I determined on yesterday’s run, to listen to some of my own advice, and take it; to listen to my body and maybe do a bit of extra eavesdropping too.

So, as usual, an early morning run. Up before it was light and out into the silent morning. As I left the warmth of the quiet close, the silence was the first thing I heard. A world, that is slumbering, and the first murmurings of wakefulness in the far distance.

The main road down into the village, deserted, as I turned up the hill and began to run. This was a choice, to start the run on the hill, a small test for me to see how the strength in my legs has improved with extra exercise. The sound of my breathing, in those first five minutes, that we all know so well, slightly ragged and uneven, as I hear Laura’s voice, hidden in my mind, in through the nose and out through the mouth. Not always successful for me, but this morning, it worked. The sound of my feet lightly hitting the wide pavement then muffled as I detour onto the wide grassy verge. The sky lightening as I ran up, with amazingly very little effort. The exercise may be working .

Slow and steady, the advice I offer in many, many of my posts. My breathing quieter now as I settled into a gentle rhythm and, as it is impossible for me not to, I am looking, as well as listening. The sound of cars now, far away and closer, a dog barking in an enclosed garden; the birds beginning their morning song. No fog here this morning. The moon, white-faced, a late night reveller in the grey-sheeted bed on an October sky. I can feel the warmth in my legs, I feel as if I can hear the blood coursing through my veins, as I run to my turning point this morning.

Cross over the road and downhill now, and slightly faster. The blood sings in my ears and my breathing gets faster, feet lightly hitting the narrower pavement. Past the golf course, the huge Silver Birch and Larch trees, still some leaves left on the branches; satiny paper-white trunks, glowing and ghostly. The ground underfoot is uneven, and there are leaves from other trees lying thick underfoot. My feet are silent now, with only the occasional crunch of the husks of nuts or the crack of small twigs. Steadying my pace, and a different route, before I head for the fields. Back around the Crescent, curtained and calm; the first early morning workers, placing bags or briefcases in cars; small offspring are deposited in safety seats, with protestations of discomfort, matched by the soothing tones of the depositor. Out of the Crescent and down the hill towards the station. It is half term and my feet echo eerily as I pass the wood mill, down Swan Passage and to the railway line. No chicken-run chatter of students today. The barriers are down and the lights flash warningly… I am glad of a breather. Listening to my body, my heart beat slowing, my breath steadying, and trying too, to second guess the train’s direction and how soon I will hear it as it hums along the lines. Cars here now, engines idling, voices through open windows as they wait.

The train comes; the barriers open, as I turn up past Rookery wood. The birds are early risers and I can hear their raucous cries high above; the leaves from the conker trees, litter the ground and crinkle and crackle under my shoes. The odd squeak as my foot slips on hidden damp leaves, and I slow down. My left knee is twinging, unused to hard running; I listen to it and go steadily. Up the lane, the slight incline, which I used to call a hill, poses no problem for me as I turn along the track to the field. The shingle (gravel surface) is satisfyingly noisy under my shoes. Onto the field and towards my majestic tree, resplendent in the turning shades of green, gold and brown. Huge thick branched arms flung towards the brightening sky, where a buzzard mews the familiar call, whilst being harassed by the Crow- bullies, whose size does not deter them from their haranguing. I run easier here, my feet now, land with light soft, thuds against the soft, but dry field. Over towards the steam- railway line at a good pace. The exercises for core strength and stamina are paying off and I pause by the stile.

The sounds of the earth now, as I listen. There seems, to my mind, to be sounds… an almost imperceptible slow exhalation of breath as the Earth releases the season; a soft sigh, lingering, just before that first sharp intake of the cold breath of winter. I listen harder. I can barely hear my own breath, my body is warm and comfortable, my mind, is still. My current concerns and worries, lost for a moment. I am part of it, listening, as it listens to me.

The spell is broken as the harsh bark of a dog across the far field disturbs me, and I need to run for home. Life and everything that goes with it, beckons and calls loudly to me. The run home is a delight, no pressure, no voice telling me to go faster or slower, to walk or to run. Just me running from the field and down the lane back towards the station, a road- worker placing cones to warn the drivers of impending delay, shouts cheerily, “I wish I had your energy, love,” I laugh loudly. I still have energy and the breath to laugh and I am still smiling as I reach the station.

A gentle jog up the hill and back home. Later, I read a post of Ullyrunner 's, she posted a glorious picture and in her post, she mentions the sounds heard on her run. A coincidence?

When I taught, I’d say to my small persons, “You’re listening to me, but you’re not hearing me.”

Today I listened, and I heard :)

Written by
Oldfloss profile image
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43 Replies
davelinks profile image

As good as always! I had a go with some words today, but not as good as this!😊 Baby will be along soon gran to be!🚼😊

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to davelinks

Thanks Dave.. I just wish it would arrive now. I needed my run yesterday and my ramble to keep me calm. :) Little Mum to be and I have been out today across the fields for a three mile walk..hoping to encourage the small one :)

Love to Mrs Dave too.. she is making super progress. xx

Irishprincess profile image

I told you I'd sneak away to read your post floss 🙂

What a gorgeous sounding run and that tree looks stunning. I bet you were a much loved favourite teacher 🙂 Very wise but very lovely, a perfect combination.

A beautiful ramble as always and I was there with you.

I see the little one is clearly not in any hurry 😊 A bit like this running business. All in our own time xxx

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Irishprincess

You are lovely xxx

Yes, it was a super run and cleared my head. Small one will arrive as and when, as you say, slow and steady. :)

MrsLis profile image

Today was such a lovely day for a run and this sums it up perfectly; thank you so much Oldfloss!

I've only been running since the end of July so the shortening days of autumn and the cold dark days of winter are new to the new me. I really hope that 'that first sharp intake of the cold breath of winter' isn't too much of a shock to the system but after three months of running the habit is now firmly embedded and I still expect to be out three times a week so long as its not actually snow and ice underfoot!

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to MrsLis

Well, I ran yesterday, but today I walked, almost the same paths across the fields, but with my was truly beautiful.. although a chilly wind.

It is good to run in the days when it is like this and we do get used to it. I ran out all last Winter, except for one very icy day, when husband, quite rightly said.. NO! :)

RunningGeek profile image

What a fab run and a magnificent post 😀 You took me with you 👟🏃👟🏃 Thank you.

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to RunningGeek

Thanks youx. I needed my run yesterday and I have not had a good Floss ramble for a while. You know, I always take my chums along with me... :) x

Sandraj39 profile image

Gorgeous post Oldfloss, just so evocative and beautiful. Lovely picture too but your words, as always, totally uplifting..."The moon, white-faced, a late night reveller in the grey sheeted bed on an October sky"! 😀 How lucky your small person will be one day to hear you read stories and listen to your musings on life! Take care. x

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Sandraj39

Thanks you...I have to lose myself in runs and a soothes me and makes me stronger...x

PippiRuns profile image

What a tree! Majestic, indeed! Thank you for another beautiful ramble :-)

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to PippiRuns

Welcome, my special friendx

Joy57 profile image

Very lyrical and I could imagine seeing your run as well. Thank you for a lovely soothing read!

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Joy57

Thank you for sharing with mexx

OldPossum profile image

I will listen to your run as I am out on mine in the dark. Darkness means I can imagine my surroundings and run wherever I like so thank you for a lovely run. I might not get as far as you though 😀

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to OldPossum

Lovely..I can imagine being out running in the dark with youxxx

RainbowC profile image
RainbowCGraduate in reply to OldPossum

I'm heading out soon, in the pitch dark. I hadn't thought of imagining brighter surroundings, so might give that a try...!

Bluebirdrunner profile image

Oh I really enjoyed that run Floss. Lovely writing describing a serene and therapeutic run. I love the idea of listening to your inner soul and taking stock. It was just what you needed with the immenent event on your mind......👪👵😊

Thinking of you and your family and sending you warm wishes.xx

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Bluebirdrunner

Thank you...soul healing runs...I am struggling a little..but..slow and steady as

loisamelia profile image

What an inspirational post. Thank you :)

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to loisamelia

Just runs,my rambles...thank you for readingx

Ullyrunner profile image

Lovely to read one of your beautiful posts again Floss. It's a great time of year isn't it, although each season has its own special charms.

Hope it helped settle your nerves while you wait for the new arrival. Can't be long now.

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Ullyrunner

Rambles return...the runs help..🙂 As you say, every special in its own way..xx

pollyp1 profile image

Lovely ramble Oldfloss . I run in nature vicariously through you!

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to pollyp1

Great to have my friends out there with me xxx

orchards profile image

Thank you Oldfloss . I will think of your lovely ramble tomorrow early morning when I run, and will listen too.

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to orchards

Wonderful... I love to go on other folks' runs with them.. thanks x

RainbowC profile image

What a fantastic post! Wonderful evocative descriptions of your run - I felt like I was there with you, just reading it.

Happy listening! ;)

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to RainbowC

Thank you... sometimes it is important to try to just hear the important thing, not always easy...I love that folk come with me and share my ramblings too x

Tailsmo profile image

Such a beautiful post. Thank you xxx

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Tailsmo

You are so welcome and very kind. I just run and I ramble... it has been that way since I started this wonderful running journey x Aren't we lucky to be able to do it ? :)

aliboo70 profile image

Just lovely floss😊 very soothing

🌞 it was sunny here but with sea mist....

I ran on the seafront this morning and I pretty much always run there with no music so I can listen to the sea and all the other noises😊

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to aliboo70

Thanks Ali... I am craving the sea at the moment... the sound of waves and the shale as it slides under the waves...:) I think once the small one arrives, we may try and nip to the coast in North Wales for a day,.... :) Lucky youx

Razouski profile image

Lovely post - I wish I could hear so many beautiful sounds on my runs. You are lucky. And what a fabulous way of sharing it with us all. Thanks. :-)

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Razouski

I consider myself very, very lucky. When i first started C25K, I think the lanes and tracks carried me through... the seasons and the sights and sounds. Thank you for reading x

You are, as I have said before it is lovely to share with you :)

JA13 profile image

Are you an author or writer? If not you should be as your posts are amazing! 😀

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to JA13

Neither... an ex- teacher... with a lifelong love of words ... a Wordsmith maybe :)

I just run and look and feel and listen. There is so much more to each run I do than just the running.. although that is pretty wonderful :) I am so lucky that I am able to do it.... slow and steady, as is our way :) Thank youx

JaySeeSkinny profile image

I ran with you - somewhat late - so I've just had my workout. I hope to run all winter aswell. To burn off energy, find myself and just think. Hope the little one comes soon and all is well. Exciting times.

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to JaySeeSkinny

Thanks youx

It will be great to run in the winter again... late Autumn and the winter were the start for me; this year I think I may still do the early runs, as I did then and now... :)

Getting rid of the surplus energy or pent-up whatever, is fantastic... and you have it spot on...just think. Keep anything you need, but let the rest ride away on the wind... Thanks you. x

nhs2015 profile image

Well said. I love your posts Oldfloss

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to nhs2015

Thank you... I need my runs and I need my rambling.. intertwined... :)

ju-ju- profile image

Lovely post..... ❤️

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to ju-ju-

Thank you.. the rambling comes naturally, I wish some of my running did too, but only sometimes :)

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