So I attempted my 2nd ever run today. It went ok til it started chucking it down, then my running app kept skipping so I didn't know when to walk and when to run. I gave up on the technology in the end (after crying!!!!) I just felt like everything was going against me. I'm desperate to get fit and lose this baby weight, but I'm just messing it up every time I try something goes wrong! Still, I'm not going to give up. Tomorrow is another day. Thankfully a rest day!!! X x
If at first you dont succeed...: So I attempted... - Couch to 5K
If at first you dont succeed...

Please don't be disheartened! Everyone has bad days, bad runs, tech glitches, it happens! It will probably take you a couple of weeks to get into a routine with your phone, headphones, stretches, etc, etc. I've heard the app can be a bit temperamental - maybe you could try the NHS C25k podcasts? People complain about the music but it's supposed to be at the right tempo for the intervals and Laura's encouragement along the way is really helpful - she always seems to pipe up at the right time! Because it's a podcast you just hit play and off you go!
I've heard it said a lot that even a bad run is better than no run at all (even if you were just out for a walk in the end that's better than sitting on the couch!). Today is done with, put it away and begin again with a new day tomorrow.

The biggest battle at the beginning isn't actually physical, it is mental. Beating those so-called 'gremlins'.
First, you need to know what you are doing brilliantly well just getting out the door, seriously. Second, think about the massive change this is compared to your 'non-running' coach days - your poor body literally doesn't know what hit it!
Third, realise this is a long journey, the 9 weeks is just the beginning.
Now, the reason we all do it is because at some point, usually after the first couple of weeks, there is a magical moment where the breathing is even, the legs and rhythmical and steady, the pace is great and it feels like you can run forever. Rain? Ha, no worries. Cold? Nope, that doesn't even come close to stopping you. Aches? Nada, diddly, squat is going to stop you once you experience that peaceful moment.
So yeah, it hurts, it is miserable at times, it may even feel like you aren't progressing but it really is worth it.
Slow and steady wins the race!

If everything seems to be against you, maybe that's because you're turning a corner and the rest of it hasn't caught up yet! You went out again, you did your best again - it *is* frustrating and distracting when the tech which is supposed to help us plays up and makes it harder. But keep at it. It will get easier.

Come on, you can do this. It's a complete pain when the tech fails. I remember it completely ruining one of my runs, like melly4012 says try the podcasts. Get set up before you go. We all have bad runs, you've done the hard bit getting out there. Don't let it beat you yet. Remember why you're doing it, and keep smiling.
Thanks you guys. Where can I find the podcasts? I have the public health England one at the moment and it's a load of pants X X

You can download the podcasts here:
Please don't give up; the program really works x
Don't give up. I started with the app and really struggled at the beginning but discovering Laura on the podcast was the best thing for me. That and realising I had to take it really slow, I repeated weeks 1 & 2 till I felt ready to move on and I totally get the annoyance of tech failure - my headphones went flat again yesterday 😁😁😁 makes it tough but you finished which shows you have the resilience to do this. Good luck with Laura.

Okay... relax and breathe! Slow and steady and just go with the programme.
You have lots in your head right now, by the sounds of it, step at a time.. literally
Take some time..( when baby is asleep maybe), check out your apps and the tech is so annoying when it goes pear shaped... look at the links to see what you should be doing , so if it does go wrong, at least you can make a good guess, using your watch.
Tackle one thing at a time. The programmes is not intended as a weight loss programme, but it may help and will, certainly, tighten and tauten..
Lots of folk are on the linked site, Weight loss UK as well as this..doing diet watching, healthy eating, ( you need your energy), and this running programme. Maybe take a look ?
You are doing well... you have started!
Stop worrying, keep posting take a look at linked posts... we are all in this together and are right here for you...
Huge hug ( Mum style).. and remember... Give yourself permission to be kind to yourself.