I graduated a few weeks ago and still running ish it seems I have not go any better still very slow and not very far most runs are 4K and I am doing 10k on 15th May for Race for life. Most people on here say they are losing weight but I'm putting it on. I only seem to post on here to moan sorry people but everyone seem to have good reports and developing really well and I feel so useless. I start my run ok but only have to have a small hill and turn into a heavy lump and feel my feet are like lead. How can I overcome this because it stopping me from enjoying the moment. I know it's no pain no gain but I'm getting the pain without much gain. Sorry to moan but I just wanted to get this of my chest.
Wtf: I graduated a few weeks ago and still... - Couch to 5K
Try some run/walking. I know that you have graduated C25K and the common desire of "runners" is to run non-stop. But some of us enjoy run/walking more. It is said that the BEST exercise programme - is the one that you keep on doing. So -if what you are doing is not really doing it for YOU - do something different until you do find something that you enjoy
It takes a while for the body to catch up with the distance after the progrmme. You may not be going appreciably faster and farther but your joints and tendons and neuro-muscular system will all be getting stronger and you will be becoming a better runner by simply getting out there and putting in those miles.
Are you following a plan to get you to 10k?
If you are putting on weight it is your nutrition that is the issue, not the running. At this distance the running is not going to be much of a factor either way, in terms of weight gain or loss. Try trcking your nutrition for a couple of weeks in My Fitness Pal, identify where the surplus calories are sneaing in, and eliminate them. Make sure you are keepin away from processed carbs and sugar.
I'm with Bazza on this one. It took me some time after graduation to realise that actually you don't need to run ALL the time on a run and if its more comfortable to run then take a break, do that. I have joined a running club and on club runs we NEVER run for the whole of a distance. I thought it was failure to stop and walk but, since having found that it is perfectly acceptable, have enjoyed my runs much more.
I also do parkrun and walk up the hills while running the flat and downhill parts. My best times are using this method and my slowest are when I run the whole thing. Don't be so hard on yourself, getting out there is the main thing. Looking forward to hearing you have completed the RFL.
How are you preparing for your 10k hobo? I have my first around that time too and started by extending one run each week whilst keeping two shorter runs. My feeling is that the first year running post grad is where we slowly build our runner's legs. When we come back for our runniversary after a year, that is I think the time to estimate where you are at as a runner. For now it is all just work in progress. Have your thighs changed shape at all? Have a good luck in the mirror because that is the first change I noticed. I've read that a lot of people starting eating more because the idea is now I am exercising, I can get away with more. Have you really put on flesh or just weight? You might just be changing shape you know. If not, drop a couple of culprits from your diet such as sugar and bread and give it a bit longer.