The I'm still here Quest week 6 - feel free to... - Couch to 5K

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The I'm still here Quest week 6 - feel free to join.

Realfoodieclub profile image
23 Replies

Welcome to Week 6

(17 August - 27 September)

Week 6

Here we are again. The final week of the Quest. Where does the time go.

What the quest is:-

The quest takes six weeks. You can join any time within that six weeks.

The main aim of the quest is to help you find a focus or goal that you would like to achieve by the end of the Quest period.

I ask that you will be a graduate or about to graduate to join the quest. The main reason I ask this is that while you are doing the program your plan is very structured so I wouldn't want the quest to interfere with that.

Most popular goals are:-

To run three times a week

To slowly increase distance

To train for a specific race

To add In Stretch and strength exercises

As you can see they are personal to yourself and it's totally your own choice.

Every week I will pin a new post where all the members of the quest can talk about how things are going.

So if you wanted to join all you have to do is put

I would like to join the quest, or count me in and then I would like to. ..............

Your name will then be added to the top post and every week your name will be in the quest until the end.

At the end, only for those that would like to, we each put out longest run of the quest and it is then marked on a virtual run we are doing from John O Groats to Lands End.





























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Realfoodieclub profile image
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23 Replies
Realfoodieclub profile image

Been at Dads for most of the week. Managed a lovely 3.91 km run. Wanted to do 4km but I was outside the front door. It was so nice to run somewhere different. The one thing I will say about running here is the pavements need some attention I had to watch my ankles. Not looking forward to getting on the scales when I get home. Meals for the times while up here, fish and chips cooked in lard. Guiness steak suet pudding, scampi and chips, roast pork and cracking. Lots of cheesecake and cherry pie. I don't think a 4km run was sufficient for running it off😆.

lizziebeth57 profile image

Back again! Was in Soller in Mallorca for 11 days, managed 3 early morning runs with a max of 6k. Very very hot. Came back last Thursday and went out for a run on friday which was horrible for first 10 minutes then was lovely, air was coolish and I ended up running 6.25k and really enjoying it.

Over the weekend I had two c25k'ers staying over ( one from Delhi and the other from the highlands) and we had a tourism run around Edinburgh. There were 7 of us and we spent all of Sunday morning running ( and walking and blethering) around edinburgh. It was fabulous, we went up Carlton hill, Arthur's seat and through the old and new town, ended up doing over 12k. Finished by having lunch in a lovely cafe. we organised this via the C25k and beyond Facebook page. Such fun, had a great run and just realised how many new friends I have made via C25k and running. I'd never have considered this as one of the biggest gains when I started the programme. Have a great week everyone 😄

Anniemurph profile image
AnniemurphGraduate in reply to lizziebeth57

I loved the photos! I so wanted to come and join you but couldn't make it, so it was just great to see you all :)

lizziebeth57 profile image
lizziebeth57Graduate in reply to Anniemurph

It would have been great if you had been able to make it up as we did have a really lovely morning. Next time???

Fitfor60 profile image

After last sun GNR did 1 mile run on wed and 2 mile on frid just to see how legs and mind were feeling . Went with Lizziebeth 57 and the others on edinburgh tourism run. It was great. Hadn't planned to go the whole run but Lizziebeth and me run at similar speed so time just passed quickly. Run + friends+ food + good weather + amazing views = fantastic time . Don't you just love being a c25ker

dawncoates34 profile image
dawncoates34Graduate in reply to Fitfor60

Well done x it's amazing I love C25K 😀

Anniemurph profile image
AnniemurphGraduate in reply to Fitfor60

The Edinburgh tourism run looked fab, but I would have had to have crawled up Arthur's Seat!

Fitfor60 profile image
Fitfor60Graduate in reply to Anniemurph

You would have been fine Annie. We stopped loads of times for photos and admiring the views. Think we took double the time than if we had run whole route but it was such great fun . Definitely would like to do something similar again. Totally different than long training runs I had been doing for GNR.

dawncoates34 profile image

Fish and chips sound lush real foodie 😍 mmme mmme any way back in the room haha I've done only one run this week as recovering from HM so 5k thurs but did manage strength on mon tue fri x happy running peeps xx

Curlygurly2 profile image

I'm going to segue from moaning about the heat to moaning about the fog lol! I wasn't going out this morning, just as well as the fog didn't clear until 10.30! So... I'm hoping to be able to run at all! I've done a lot of hard runs recently (5 PBs in the last 9 days) so planning an easier week... yeah right! Just a little run up to the top of Cordes then! Definitely planning that before I go home in 3 weeks. Other than that, a couple of shorter runs, maybe 3.5K. It's supposed to rain tomorrow...fingers crossed.

Irishprincess profile image

I've been in Portugal all week but managed three runs albeit very short and very slow due to the heat. It's also harder to run with less sleep (lumpy bed and a snoring husband) and more alcohol than I'd normally have. But that's the point of a holiday I guess. I did one run with two running friends and although I enjoyed it, I'd much prefer running on my own with my music. 'Tis all experiences isn't it?

Actually looking forward to coming home to cooler weather and longer runs. Bliss.

Have a great running week fellow questers.

ajwyld profile image

Only managed 1 run last week (too much back to school stuff to deal with for my son...) But it was 8k on Saturday morning and I really enjoyed it.

Really want this week to fit in 3 runs. Plan is go out tomorrow afternoon while son is at music school, thursday at some point and then Saturday morning long run... (contemplating trying to do 11k as I did 10 a couple of weeks back.)

dagshar profile image

Tired legs last week on 30 mins easy run, so took it relatively easy for the rest of the week. One 5k run to work on Thursday and then lovely sunny long run partially along canal which ended up being 14.3k. Very proud, especially as I did not feel like collapsing afterwards. I wonder whether part of the problem last Tuesday was boredom, forecast was for rain, so I left phone at home thinking it was only 30 mins anyway. It was my old c25k route near home, so not very interesting and maybe without any distraction everything was more tedious.

Hoping to slot in 2 5-6k runs this week and do one 60 mins session in Durham on Sunday morning.

PS: according to Garmin and my previous records, I reached the 500k milestone on Saturday (or should that be k-stone :-) ). Hard to believe I have run over 500km since 27 feb!

I was tied up first half of last week with a religious festival, and have another this week, which predictably has put pressure on my schedule and affected the time I have left for running.

I should have posted late on last Mon's thread as the previous week was good, with a 30min run (4.36km), a C25K+ speed podcast plus 2.5km run back home again, and a 6k run (51:01min - was struggling).

This past week I only managed 2 runs, another 30min run (4.02km - perhaps slower because of the break in running??) and then contrastingly a new 6km PB (44:04min) :)

Hoping to fit 3 runs in this week somehow. But it's a challenge! Might involve braving the rain tonight, then next going out Fri a.m. and Sun a.m.

I do feel I've managed to really get the 3 runs a week habit back again, despite current disruptions to my schedule, so many thanks for running the quest RFC. I'm now regularly running 6km too, which I set out to achieve (have done it 4 times now), and it did help my 5km time, which I'm now hoping to improve further towards the 30mins holy grail. Bigger miracles have happened...

GoogleMe profile image

So here are my goals again for this quest (having declared that I was definitely still here and would reliably run when I could)

1. Experiment with pedometers

2. Establish a meditation practice (in addition to my minute or two at the end of my daily morning yoga practice)

3. Ride my bike

4. Get to Darley Bridge on my virtual Derwent swim

1. Haven't tried a pedometer - for various reasons it hasn't often been prudent to risk my phone battery and when I gave it a go once before that was an issue. Will try to pick this one up again

2. I have certainly done a lot of meditation/relaxation - I am not sure I'd call it a habit (which was what was the idea) more a desperate bid to retain sanity.

3. I have been almost in despair for the past few days. Last year I got out on my bike once (and that was only thanks to Dozzer's Discombobulated Triathlon) and it hasn't happened this year... and then my car was declared dead. I thought I might be staring a cycle-less year in the face with all the other things we have to do but today we managed to buy a replacement and it has a tow bar (not so sure about the electrics mind) and it feels as though there's a glimmer of hope on that one.

4. Nowhere near where I wanted to get to with my virtual swim! But my sessions, when I have managed them, have been shorter because I am taking my son who is out of education at the moment. But he can manage to stay in for half an hour which is progress for him.

And between a holiday which didn't work out in terms of running and the endless fuss and bother of our tribunal case and then a kidney infection and the car dying... I haven't run for the longest break I've had since I started C25K in February 2012!

I had even wobbled a bit on the morning yoga practice but that's back, phew. The final week of the quest is not looking any more promising for running or swimming or 'pedding'. I had even wobbled a bit on the morning yoga practice but that's back, phew.

However, next week is another Quest! Yay!

hilbean profile image

Well I'm afraid I am failing miserably at this quest but hopefully I'll be back out there running in a couple of days :)

poppypug profile image

I went to Running Club on Thursday, knew I couldn't do parkrun on Saturday so was going to go out on Sunday , but woke up with a really sore throat - Pah !

I feel a lot better now,so going out tonight :-)

Good Luck to all fellow Questers and soothing vibes to all those on the IC , another day closer to recovery :-) xxx

Coddfish profile image

Not my best week from a running perspective with bad weather and the rugby getting in the way, together with a tight hip flexor. Interval sprints session on the treadmill on Wednesday and a pleasant if short run along the embankment in the Westminster area on Sunday. Otherwise fitted in my usual set of swims and exercise classes, etc. Longest run remains the 7.14k I did back in mid August.

Anniemurph profile image

Failed utterly this week :( The only two things I did were my first yoga class, which sent me crawling back to the chiropractor, and a meeting (non-running) with my lovely C25K friend from Delhi :) I didn't manage to run with her, sadly, but I did drive over to meet up with her before she has to go back home.

I will do better in the next Quest!

Net68 profile image

Last week i managed three run/walks with increasing distance of runs!

Wednesday I did a recovery run/walk after my HM of 4:4km

Friday out with daughter we managed 6:2km

Sunday had a zombie run of 6:2km

All in all not great times however, actually two howevers! I am still out there, increasing my running distance and i did manage three runs in the week.

Happy running

Pigivi profile image

Well - still on the IC - went for a walk today and while I was going up the hill I thought "feels ok, I may try a run tomorrow..." No way! The walk down the hill was painful :( Well iced now!

And I saw a runner... was tempted to tell him how envious I was ;)

hilbean profile image

Woohoo! Back out running again and nice run today so 9.2k to be added to the virtual run. Can't say as I've achieved all my goals but still pleased with what I managed :D

amyukulele profile image

Hi everyone!

Well, it's been a semi-successful quest for me.

I've fallen out of the habit of my strength exercises - going on holiday really knocked me out of my routine and I just haven't got back into it yet.

But I have kept running 3 times a week apart from that, and I've done 3 parkruns, even one in the rain.

I'd set myself the goal of increasing my running time to 45 minutes - but I changed my mind and stuck with 40 for now. Maybe on the next quest...

My longest run was 6.46 KM. Where are we headed on our virtual run?

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