The Aussie and his journey to 26.2... - Couch to 5K

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The Aussie and his journey to 26.2...

38 Replies

G’day fellow runners (yes, you – you’re a runner),

The Aussie has decided to come in from the world of Facebook and reconnect with my first love, the HU forum. For those of you who fondly remember the good old days, this forum got me through C25K, helped me keep running after I graduated in May 2014 and guided me through injury in late 2014 and onto the road to recovery. This forum and the lovely people here kept me going and supported me every step of the way.

I still read a lot of the posts here and it’s inspiring to see how far people have come and that the spirit of helping everyone through C25K and discovering the love of running is still strong in the forum. It is a rare thing to see these days – a fully supportive community of likeminded (some would say slightly crazy) folks celebrating their first run, their first race, their longest run, their fastest run, their stint on the injury couch (very comfortable and well stocked with sweets I hear). You are all amazing and wherever you are on the journey – keep it up!

So, what of my running adventures then?

Well, let’s just say I am well and truly “hooked on running” now. Since January 1st this year, I’ve run over 100 times, clocked up nearly 900km (560 miles) on the run, completed 3 half marathons, finally ran a sub 25 minute 5K, just ran a sub 56 minute 10K at the Great Newham Run on Sunday into the Olympic Stadium (magical) and then ran in the family run with my 7 year old daughter (who ran her first race and got her very own medal)… the moment I entered the Olympic Stadium with my daughter was just amazing.. she'd just run 2.5km and her face lit up as we came into the running track and she decided to sprint finish with a smile a mile wide... I may have got something in my eye... And to think, if I'd never decided to take a chance with Laura, I would have never shared this moment with her... It's a moment that'll stay with me forever...

Speaking of moments, in a moment of madness earlier this year, I entered the Dublin Marathon in Octoberb, Brighton in 2016 and I’ve entered the ballot for London as well…

I have discovered that I am a distance runner – my long runs are the runs I enjoy the most. Sure, I like a 5K and a 20-30 minute burst (and these are very important), but I’m one of those people that like to run for hours on end… and somehow keep smiling! The week before Newham I ran 13.1 miles and then did a walk/run of 500m intervals all the way to 22 miles… (that’s quite a long way).

I’ve also been fortunate enough to meet up with a bunch of folks on here at various outings (London Winter Run, Turks Head 10K, Summer Breeze Half Marathon) and I’ve had folks join me on long training runs to keep me going. The conversation went something like “join me at 13.1 and we’ll run the next 6.9 together”. Those wonderful ladies kept me going when I wanted to curl up and sleep…

What have I learned in all of this??

-The NHS should be very proud of C25K and Laura – it gives you everything you need.

-Honour the rest day!

-Cross train – for me that’s an exercise bike and some core strengthening work.

-You can train for any distance on 3 runs a week… even 26.2 miles.

-Slow down – the gains come slowly, trust your body and learn to pace yourself.

-If you’re out of breath, slow down… speed comes later…

-Runners get runners – and are amazingly supportive!

-You never know who you’re inspiring to “get out there” so keep “getting out there”

-Don’t run through injury! Enjoy the sweets on the injury couch for a while.

-Don’t compare yourself to anyone but your former self. You are a runner because you run.

-There’s no such thing as “too slow”

-Walk breaks are okay – don’t kick yourself if you need a quick walk to recover.

-Never trust the first mile – it’s a liar – those gremlins will be left behind you in mile 2!

-Support from these forums and from Facebook groups is a huge motivator

-Not everyone wants to run crazy long distances - so don't if you don't want to!

-Seek out hills… go back to them later… then race on the flat!

- Look back on how far you've come every now and then - you'd be amazed!

In a little over 16 months, I've gone from being able to barely run 1 minute at a time, to being able to run over 4 hours at a time.. all on 3 runs a week (for the most part).. I've raced in a load of events, loved all of them and met some amazing people... in 3 months time, I'm going to run 26.2 miles around the streets of Dublin... I'm doing the work, but without Laura, without HU and without my Facebook groups to support me - I don't think I'd be this far along... you all inspire me to be my best!

Thanks to all of you for getting this far in my stupidly long post. It’s been quite a while since I posted here and I wanted to let you all know that you’re all awesome – no matter where you are on the journey.

As someone on here says (quite nicely) “keep running, keep smiling”…

Run short, run long, run fast, run slow... just run...


The Aussie!

38 Replies
misswobble profile image

Hi Aussie! Good to hear from you again

I knew you'd be running up a storm somewhere.

I'm so pleased that you're over injury and now running again all over the place. Your kids too! It certainly is a life-changing thing this C25k lark isn't it

To be able to run a long way is such a great feeling isn't it, when just a short time ago we couldn't run at all.

in reply to misswobble

I love the long, slow run... nothing compares (well, maybe an Olympic Stadium finish line and a 10K PB comes close)... :)

Pigivi profile image

Hello Aussie!

Welcome back home! Cool, you'll be running in Ireland :) :) :)

Coincidentally I have just posted a link to DCM thread - and I shall put it here too:

Happy running - fast and slow!

in reply to Pigivi

Cheers! Very much looking forward to Dublin and I'm a huge fan of the "run slow to run faster/longer" mantra... I have now found my long, slow run pace and tend to keep the HR around 150bpm and I can then keep going forever (well, almost)... and it hasn't done any disservice to my shorter race times either (PBs in the last few months over 5K and 10K)... :)

Dublin is going to be amazing...

IannodaTruffe profile image

Well Aussie, you say it all. Aren't we the lucky ones.........the runners........

Great post and great progress.

Keep running, keep smiling.

in reply to IannodaTruffe

I never thought I'd be a runner... then I became one... To run 20 miles was impossible... until I did it.. :)

Your customary sign off has kept me going many a mile my friend! :)

poppypug profile image

Aussie , Aussie, Aussie - Oi ! Oi ! Oi ! :-D

Cor ! Good to hear from you , mate :-)

Where's mi' hanky ? *Blow,sniff, snort * Ah that's better . This post has brought a tear to my eye:-)

Well , look at you ! What a fantastic post . Brilliant advice and it's fab to hear of your running adventures thus far . Blimey , it has just snowballed for you since the first scary steps of Wk1 Run 1 hasn't it ? :-)

You have done amazingly well and now youre going to do a marathon . Flippin' awesome !!!

Great to hear from you and a massive big up to the little Aussies and Mrs Aussie :-)

All the very best to you :-) xxx

in reply to poppypug

Thanks PP! I missed you guys! It's been an amazing journey... and it ain't over yet... I love this programme...

You might wanna get the tissues back out, here's that magical moment...

poppypug profile image
poppypugGraduate in reply to

Oh I can't see ' em -Pah !

I'm not on Facebook :-) xxx

in reply to poppypug

I'll PM you the link...

poppypug profile image
poppypugGraduate in reply to

Great ! Thanks :-) xxx

in reply to poppypug

I updated my post photo instead... Miss 7 and I in the Olympic Stadium... :)

jenman1 profile image

Lovely inspirational post mate, I almost want to wear a running vest that says, " Yes I couldn't run before C25K Look at me know"

jenman1 profile image
jenman1Graduate in reply to jenman1

Oops spelling mistake now.X

in reply to jenman1

Hardest step was out the door... no stopping me now! :)

useitorloseit profile image

You were one of my support team last summer, so thanks my Antipodean friend! I too am still pounding the streets, but 10k is my furthest so far (and likely to remain that way).

Good luck with the marathon.

in reply to useitorloseit

10K is a lovely distance.... nothing "just 10K" about it... hahaha...

I'm quite excited about 26.2 miles - that's how crazy this running thing is!

ActonHighStreet profile image

That's a great story and a great post - best of luck for Dublin and please come back and tell us how you get on.

in reply to ActonHighStreet

With 4 weeks off work coming up, the training is going to ramp up a level now I think! :)

Vixchile profile image

Great post, glad to hear your running is going amazingly well. Your daughter looks like she is having a great time, how great is it to share these opportunities!! Good luck with your marathon and happy running as always!

in reply to Vixchile

Thank you! If it's not fun, it don't get done... :)

Irishprincess profile image

How lovely to hear from you again aussie and you have been busy! You've done amazingly well at this running thing and how lovely to see your daughter involved too. What a great post and fab photos too. You look like a very proud father, as you should be!

I'm sure Dublin will be a blast. Good luck for it and post to tell us all about it.

in reply to Irishprincess

Thanks IrishPrincess. Really looking forward to Dublin (although the distance is daunting)... :)

Tomas profile image

You're an inspiration, Aussie. Lovely upbeat post, and great to hear how well things are going. Congrats are in place for the lovely vegemite as well :)

Hope you continue to enjoy the long runs.

in reply to Tomas

Cheers Tomas - you'll see from Garmin Connect that I love the long run... love some "me time"... :)

AncientMum profile image

Aussie So lovely to hear from you on here again. :) I was more than a bit watery eyed reading your post. What a journey you've been on -from couch to marathon man! It doesn't seem that long ago that you were consigned to the Injury Couch, and look at you now. :)

So wonderful that at least one of the Vegemites has taken to running in a big way and is there making her dad proud.

Think I'm going to head over to fb to stalk your profile on the c25k group and get a proper look at your photos with your amazing daughter.

Happy happy running m'dear :) xx

in reply to AncientMum

Both Vegemites are hooked! Miss 7 and Miss 5 ran their very first Junior Parkrun a few weeks back .. And ran the whole way.. Miss 7 took off at the one mile mark and said 'see you at the finish line Daddy!'... What a gift to give!

I just signed up for the iPhone App trial here too so many more updates to come... I'm still learning every single day on this journey and I love it!

Missed you AM - you rock!

Lovefood1984 profile image

Great to hear from you again Aussie! Sounds like everything is going really well for you, I'll keep my fingers crossed for the London Marathon for you :) Happy running!

in reply to Lovefood1984

If I get London, I need to run Brighton the week before... <gulp>

aliboo70 profile image

Lovely to hear from you Aussie! what a journey , you've done fantastically! :) i'm going to book mark this page as your list of wisdom is great to come back and read again, i'll remember the "never trust the 1st mile" one on Sunday, the race i'm doing has lots of little hills in first part ! and a bigger hill in the 2nd! i will need that motto!

don't be a stranger, we miss you here!

well done on your fantastic achveivements! GO Aussie!! :)

in reply to aliboo70

London Winter Run is already booked Aliboo... :) :)

aliboo70 profile image
aliboo70 in reply to

thats good! i'm not booked up yet, but just bought the tshirt for the one we did, as its now £10! it arrived yesterday! :)

got round my 1st 10 mile race last sunday! :)

poppypug profile image

Your little girls are so adorable , little sweethearts :-) xxx

Sparkyifhungry profile image

Now that's bloody inspiring and some super words of wisdom to see the gremlins off with. Thanks ever so much for sharing. X

in reply to Sparkyifhungry

They are tenacious little things those gremlins... I have found a way to deal with them most of the time... I think it's good to know we all have our issues with them! :)

Anniemurph profile image

Fantastic :) Not just your journey which is brilliant, but the pic of your daughter in the Stadium - brought a happy tear to my eye! I also really like the things you're learned from your running. Happy running, indeed - may there be many, many more happy miles for you, especially the upcoming 26.2 :)

in reply to Anniemurph

Was a proud moment... :)

Wristy profile image

Inspirational as always, love this post!

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