August is a go ! wk 2 -Feel free to join - Couch to 5K

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August is a go ! wk 2 -Feel free to join

Realfoodieclub profile image
25 Replies

Welcome to Week 2

(6 July -16 August)

It is great to see so many still enjoying the quest. I always feel nervous the first time I put a new quest up in case no ones comes back.

What the quest is:-

The quest takes six weeks. You can join any time within that six weeks.

The main aim of the quest is to help you find a focus or goal that you would like to achieve by the end of the Quest period.

I ask that you will be a graduate or about to graduate to join the quest. The main reason I ask this is that while you are doing the program your plan is very structured so I wouldn't want the quest to interfere with that.

Most popular goals are:-

To run three times a week

To slowly increase distance

To train for a specific race

To add In Stretch and strength exercises

As you can see they are personal to yourself and it's totally your own choice.

Every week I will pin a new post where all the members of the quest can talk about how things are going.

So if you wanted to join all you have to do is put

I would like to join the quest, or count me in and then I would like to. ..............

Your name will then be added to the top post and every week your name will be in the quest until the end.

At the end, only for those that would like to, we each put out longest run of the quest and it is then marked on a virtual run we are doing from John O Groats to Lands End.

Then it all starts again for another six week Quest.








Misswobble (IC)

















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Realfoodieclub profile image
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25 Replies
Realfoodieclub profile image

Well as you know on the IC for me. Need to do some faster walking this week. I am allowed that as long as I don't activate my shoulder. With being ill lately weight has become an issue again I have tipped into the "I am not happy" stage of my weight. I am starting a lower calorie eating plan today. I got whisked away for the weekend for my Anniversary this weekend which was great but then I jumped on the scales this morning and it doesn't look good. I have been trying to train myself off the scales so I haven't been on them for a month. I have my kidney ultrasound tomorrow so hopefully we can get to the bottom of what's going on. Then just heal and get back to what I love, running. I have checked my race out in October and the cut off is 1:45 for 10km so I can walk that at that pace already without using my shoulder so I am still aiming for that.

Pigivi profile image
Pigivi in reply to Realfoodieclub

Good luck for tomorrow, and good news about the cut-off time - but hopefully you'll be back running by then! xxx

Fitfor60 profile image

Oh don't be nervous RFC We love your quests Even when we not always in best place in the back of our minds we know they're there and can dip in at any week. Mondays wouldn't be the same without your posts. Appreciate all the work you put in replying to folk especially if you also struggling that week.

dagshar profile image

Thanks from me too, RFC, for doing this and I hope the ultrasound tomorrow provides answers.

Well, I did a long run (between 10-11k) and did run to work again. Race fo life yesterday which was fine, but my left knee still aches (on the inside of the leg and just below the knee, so I hope it is just muscular). I probably shouldn't have run the aftenoon before the race for life....

Going to take it easy and see how it goes and not do much this week as my second race for life is 10k on Saturday morning.

After that I will have to change my quest priorities. I have entered a very hilly multi-terrain 5 k on 6.8., so the focus over the next few weeks will have to be doing shorter runs up and down hilly paths and grassland, rather than longer distance.

Irishprincess profile image
IrishprincessGraduate in reply to dagshar

I've had a pain like this on my right knee dagshar and am keeping an eye on it. Have done some googling and it seems that it might be caused by tight hamstrings and quads. I was surprised as I foam roller every day but then I found a really tight spot at the top end of my thigh, towards the outside, and that seems to ease the pain on my knee! Go figure!

dagshar profile image
dagsharGraduate in reply to Irishprincess

It seems to have eased quite a bit compared with yesterday afternoon, but I am going to give it another rest day tomorrow. Didn't use the roller at all last night (had the leg up with a bit of ice instead), but will do some rolling tonight.

GoogleMe profile image

I must admit I did think that maybe I should have a Quest off with all that is going on for me. But then I realised that with all that is going on for me, I need a Quest!

So my first week on this Quest, where I set myself the goal of 3 30 minute sessions a week of running, swimming or cycling was a 2/3rds success. I had meant to amend my quest as a big issue at the moment is my post-GCSE son and if I take him swimming, he can usually only stand 20 minutes. But to my delight we did actually manage just about 30 minutes in our session. I got out for a run later that day too.

I thought I would manage another run but it didn't happen. Lots of walking mind (another university open day for elder son) and I *could* have gone for a run yesterday but decided that it was better to go for a walk and get my overweight and overburdened beloved out there with me.

A very busy challenging week ahead for me (and the one after) so it could be tough to get those sessions in but if I don't try I don't think it is going to happen by accident!

dagshar profile image
dagsharGraduate in reply to GoogleMe

Good luck with the uni open days! We have had a few ourselves and have a very busy autumn coming up!

GoogleMe profile image
GoogleMeGraduate in reply to dagshar

I think we have one more place we probably need to go in the Autumn. Unless of course he changes his mind about subject... again... Although I suppose all being well there will be Offer Holder Days...

It is no joke trying to do this *and* go to SEN Tribunal over the other one! You do get a lot of walking exercise though (not the SEN issues, that's climbing up the wall exercise!)

dagshar profile image
dagsharGraduate in reply to GoogleMe

For us everything will be so much clearer after 13 Aug; depending on results there may not be any point in applying to some of the places...Good luck to you and your son!

lizziebeth57 profile image

My quest was a bit rubbish last week. Only managed two runs as had the granchildren here this weekend. The oldest one (21/2) woke up at 5.15am and wouldn't go back to sleep so I was totally jiggered yesterday and only managed a walk! Did do about 4 miles but that was enough. Planning on going out today though...

Fitfor60 profile image
Fitfor60Graduate in reply to lizziebeth57

Have you been out yet Beth I was planning to go tonight but prob not till 5.30 - depends when my grandsons get picked up

Pigivi profile image

Managed 4 runs this week, a short one on Monday - short because it was a treadmill one... (exceptional event, the swimming pool was too crowded when I arrived so decided to wait) , 10 k on Thursday, my first Park Run and another 5-6k on Sunday. Quite pleased with myself - I think it's the first time I manage 4 runs in one week:)

Happy running everyone! :)

Coddfish profile image

Last week - 4k fast run on the Sunday, 40 minute swim and weights on Monday, 4k interval run on Wednesday, 5k Parkrun on Saturday. Not mu most active week, one night away with work plus a formal dinner not helping matters.

misswobble profile image

Hi RFC I'm still well and truly benced but the pain has subsided at least, which is such a relief. Still not seen a physio yet (sigh) If I don't hear this week I think there could be ructions. LOL

Cos I'm not running I'm watching my weight like a hawk and have lost four pounds! It was my anniversary weekend but I got to do all the cooking so at least it was all healthy stuff, so I got over it unscathed. Phew

I hope, upon hope, RFC to make the next quest. I am banging on its door!!!!

frannyfran profile image

Hope the shoulder starting to get better and good luck tomorrow.

The quest started well for the running with a total of 16k towards the 80, but cycling was not so good and we only managed 14k (total aim 150!). But there is time to catch up yet.

Happy running/exercising everyone.

I haven't managed to start running earlier but not for lack of trying. My bf and I did a massive 30+ mile cycle along the Kent coast on Saturday as a kind of birthday treat for me (part pleasure, part pain!), so despite going to bed early last night (10:30) and setting the alarm early for this morning, it just wasn't happening. However, this week I have managed to increase my distance up to 4.6k, which I will keep doing for the next few runs working towards my goal of doing a parkrun. Having slept through this morning's allotted running time, it looks like I'll be running tomorrow instead. Might aim to be in bed tonight by 9 if I can! Hope to be reporting a successful shift towards doing early runs by next Monday.

Hope all those on the IC are off it soon, or that recovery is at least in sight. Very impressed at all the things people are doing despite not being able to run! Good luck for your results RFC. Looking forward to seeing how everyone gets on during the quest :)

Irishprincess profile image

Don't the weeks go quickly?

I had a good week considering I was in Ireland visiting my folks and attended a lovely family wedding. Three runs done - 1x 6.3K, 1x 5K speed intervals (that was fun. Hard and sweaty but fun!) and a slow 10K plus I managed a gym session with weights. Feel so much better after a weights session so must make an effort and do more.

Have a great week fellow questers and sending virtual tea and cake to those on the IC. Lemon drizzle methinks.

Fitfor60 profile image

Start of quest last week gave me well needed kick up the b** so tick food( where do I find tick icon on I pad?)

Did 3 x runs and managed to do little longer. AND went to first spin class Never even ridden bike before so very apprehensive. Really enjoyed it but that pain from saddle is something else. so tick exercise

So good week BUT Alan just back from shops with really really really soft still warm seeded bread Argh what's a girl to do . Correct. one tuna sandwich with loads of butter somehow been devoured and already had lunch so was just wee extra.

Starting wk 2 of quest from now.

Good luck everyone whether you running , on ic or things just not going as planned

poppypug profile image

Hope you have good news tomorrow RFC and it all goes well xxx

I am going to Running Club tomorrow, running on Thursday and then Park Run on Saturday.

Good Luck to all fellow Questers and lots of tea/coffee, cake and hugs for all those on the IC xxx

aliboo70 profile image

Hi RFC i need to get to a definite plan so will pledge to run 3 times a week and try to build up that 10% increase as the year is creeping by and i need to practice more for GSR!!!

hope you're feeling better soon, glad you had a nice weekend :)

catch profile image

Hi rfc, good luck with the ultrasound today. I didn't extend my distance this week as I had my race for life on sunday and don't have time for long runs during the week. I did however get out for a bike ride on saturday and managed 10km in half an hour. May need to consider a padded seat or padded cycling shorts if I am going to do a lot of cycling though! This week I plan to extend my long run to 8km, and I will also try to go for a cycle or swim at the weekend, but this will need to fit around taking my daughter to a birthday party of a nursery friend.

Anniemurph profile image

Hello Rfc, of course we will all sign up, this is a great idea! Sorry you're still struggling though and good luck with the ultrasound.

I'm still on the IC :(

However, I'm going to the gym tomorrow to see if they can put a plan together for me. I want to work on upper body strength in particular and it's not happening on my own. The gym here is expensive but if I can manage one session a week it might help. I'll have to explain that I can't do any leg work yet though. I'm also overeating because I'm fed up (ha!) 'cos I can't run so my weight is going up :( Blah.

Happy Questing everyone. I'll woman the IC for a bit longer - tea and cake, anyone?

Carolecal profile image

Hi Rfc...may I be a late joiner this time please ?

Apologies for bailing out of the last one ...stuff just got in the way and I stopped running.

Have given myself the proverbial kick up the rear and started with two shortish runs last week...with frequent walk breaks .

Intend to run 3 times a week again and inbetween runs get out on my bike.

Did a 5.3 K run yesterday and have just cycled about 8K this morning ,so hopefully back on track .

Curlygurly2 profile image

I'm still plugging away at it, without a plan really. It's so stupidly hot here I feel I'm doing well if I manage to get 3 runs in each week. No respite for at least another 2 weeks either...I managed 6.3K yesterday for BaldyBoys 63rd birthday....To be honest, the sad story I've been reading about those poor reservist soldiers who died in the heat has put me off a bit. I know they were in uniform and carrying packs, but I'm a bit scared of heat exhaustion....

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