I have just come back from 2 weeks in Brazil. I took my running gear but only did 3 runs in total. A bit disappointing really.... However, my last run before flying home was right along Ipanema beach. It was 0730 and already 24 degrees! I did 5k, albeit I didn't break any records! What amazed me about Brazil and certainly Ipanema and Copacabana, was that they have purpose built cycle lanes which are also running lanes. They're shared (very courteously) by both. There were dozens and dozens of us running. I felt absolutely at home, I felt safe, nobody stared at you, no wolf whistling or idiots driving by hanging out of car windows shouting abuse! And the views, well they're unsurpassed. I fell in love with Brazil. It's a very chilled out country with a love of sport... Any sport. If ever you get the chance to go to Rio, take your running gear, you'll regret it if you don't.
Running in Rio!!: I have just come back from... - Couch to 5K
Running in Rio!!

Ooooh lovely. If that didn't inspire anyone to run I don't know what would! It looks beautiful. Ah maybe one day ey
Happy running Pricey! Back in cooler Blighty

Hiya Pricey! Good to hear from you again and that you are still running! That sounds and looks like a great place to run. I don't think I will be lucky enough to get there anytime soon! x

Sounds wonderful! For a moment there, when I looked at the photo, I thought you were going to say you'd run up that mountain!!! Sounds like a glorious place to run
As for "idiots driving by hanging out of car windows shouting abuse" I can't say I've ever had that problem

That sounds gorgeous. Well done in getting out in that heat. Lovely pic.

Beautiful! I've been to Rio but that was in my pre-running days (and it did rain rather a lot...). Such a spectacular city. Stayed in Leblon, with a gorgeous view of the beach, I love that black and white pavement they have there that goes all the way to Copacabana.
We were just down from Leblon. I really fell in love with Rio. I love the Brazilian way of life and the fact they love their sports. Beach volleyball matches every day. Going back next year for longer and more than 1 run along ipanema! I've come back with a bit of a 'tummy bug', so haven't run for 5 days. As soon as I've shifted it, I'll be back to 3 runs a week!