Can I run with swollen knee ? There's no pain & can move it ok ?
Can I run : Can I run with swollen knee ? There... - Couch to 5K
Can I run

I think I would err on the cautious side. It is swollen for a reason, and the knee is a complicated joint in my experience. Hard as it may be I would rest until normality resumes, then take it easy. Don't knock yourself back with an even worse injury.

I, too, would be very cautious unless I had been told otherwise by a professional. My reasoning is always that there's no point me doing all this running if I end up in a worse physical state than I was in when I started!

If it recurs get it checked!

Definitely take it easy. A pain I know but the alternative is worse! Have you got access to a treadmill? Perhaps you could do a couple of return runs on one - it's much easier and far gentler on your joints. That's what I'm going to resort to for a while. I feel very out of kilter. I just think I've done too much too soon and you probably have too. We're putting too much pressure on ourselves to achieve rather than just run in my opinion!