Ooh my first 5k run today at munden house Watford,
I'm a little nervous as its the hottest day of the year and I'm canicrossing, hoping my dogs don't overheat or myself for that matter!!
At least I wasn't stupid enough to enter the 10k
Ooh my first 5k run today at munden house Watford,
I'm a little nervous as its the hottest day of the year and I'm canicrossing, hoping my dogs don't overheat or myself for that matter!!
At least I wasn't stupid enough to enter the 10k
Well 5k completed, it was very very hot!!
Worried about Bella my older dog as she was 12 last Saturday and just too hot for her, but ran with souki,
We were a little slow with one walk when we hit the open road (out of the woods) it was like running into a furnace!! But still got my lovely shiny medal (that the children have pinched already!) official time coming soon, I didn't time myself as couldn't care just wanted to Finnish
Would you believe I got home and a friend phoned to remind me I had agreed to do the pednor 5 mile with her not wanting to let her down I thought I'd give it a go (stupid stupid woman) luckily my friend is a very slow jogger so I walked (fast) along side her for 8.4k just to keep her company of course as I didn't want to leave her on her own
But it's out there!! The results for all to see my friend and I came last out of 250 people
1hr 14 mins omg!! Over 30 mins slower than the person in front
Are you seriously saying you did two races in one day?????
I am, crazy I know considering it was my first, but the run in the morning was just a nice gentle run with a little walking, as it was so Hot. The evening was all walking, but god I'm feeling it now my legs are killing me, so stiff, ill be doing something very mild tomorrow