Can I be treated at home for an COPD flare-up.havent had one before but I'm assuming this is why I feel worse than usual.Thanks Jx
Flare-up copd: Can I be treated at home for an... - COPD Friends
Flare-up copd

Ask your GP about it but if you do feel ill go to hospital to be on safe side of have a good day and take care 😊 Bernadette and Jack 🐕 xxxxxx
See your gp say what went on if it gets worse call hospital
The first time I had a COPD exacerbation (is what they call it) I went to the hospital thinking I had the flu or something. They tested me for everything out there then and found all I had was the exacerbation. So I paid attention to how they treated me there and now when I have one I just do the same thing at home.
Thankyou I googled it as you do and took my inhaler and calmed down as I was really anxious . I was on my own.very scary but let's hope it doesn't happen again but with what uv said it probably will. Won't panic so much next time. Thanks for the info.have a nice night.J x
When I have a flare up I will drink a hot cup of tea or have some hot soup, as steam helps to move the mucus from your lungs. There is also a breathing exercise that helps - breathe in through your nose to the count of three, purse your lips like you're going to whistle and slowly breathe out through your mouth to the count of 4, repeat 5 times; do this several times a day, it does make a difference. I also have a humidifier going all the time with eucalytus oil in it which also helps to open the airways. Have you tried controlled coughing? If you Google COPD breathing exercises you will find many that will help you. I hope this helps.
Use your reliever. Browse the important BLF website (British Lung Foundation). Best wishes.