Can anyone tell me if they were able to get back to full time employment after a severe exacerbation attack diagnosed severe stage 4 copd
Work: Can anyone tell me if they were able to... - COPD Friends
I think you will get more respons3s if you post in the BLF forum at this link as there are many more members in that forum.
I was planning on medical retiring in June. Told the company in January so that they would have 6 months to find a new supervisor. In February I ended up in the hospital due to pneumonia. Off work for 6 weeks. Went back to work and I just was not the same. Ended up leaving in May, in June back in the hospital. I was at stage 2 at the time.
In the states, I am from Ohio, I signed up for social security disability and it was approved. Found out in September that there was a lot of scarring on my lungs. I have never been the same since. I could never work again, which I really miss!
Not sure how lot ago you had your episode but maybe you are not giving yourself enough time to heal. I wish you the best and hope you feel better soon so you can return to full time work if that is your wish.