Just want to know how long have you all had Emphysema
Length of time : Just want to know how long... - COPD Friends
Length of time

I was diagnosed 5 years 2 months ago. It was March 2013
Hi Hun how are you doing now ? Nice to hear from you ?
I'm doing. You know, not healing fast enough to suit me. How are you?
I’m not really sure. I was diagnosed with NSCLC in 2009 so it was probably sometime around then, which would be around 9 years.
Well I thought if I don’t ask I just can’t get it out of my mind. Plus I met a lady today that was diagnosed at 42 and is now 78 and is still mild her advice was eat healthy, keep walking and stay away from ill people plus have fun. She honestly looked great
Wow so it can be stable for years was it emphysima

Yes it is Emphysema
That is amazing and has given me such hope amazing

Me too I start pulmonary rehab soon and have lots of questions as I am very anxious still x
Vonnie diagnosis end of May asthma and emphysima..And spiral into depression. I am top end moderate consultant said mild and I lost all hope. Rehab is brilliant

Bless you. I find it hard that all these years and no cure at all. I had stopped smoking 5 years before diagnosis 2 years ago on my 50 th birthday. I am alone and have two grown up children that think it’s nothing and say don’t moan or worry . Looking forward to learning a lot to help me. Also at lung group the man that help runs it has stayed mild over 24 years . He said no special diet just keeps his mind busy x wish you the best x
What stage are you...and honestly just whst I needed to read

Emily, glad you're getting more information. It does encourage us & give us hope that the things we imagined were not necessarily right.
I agree I think more time on diagnosis is needed to explain things to us as I have not slept panic attacks and worry myself sick with it. I rang British Lung Foundation too and they agreed with the lady I spoke to also adding keep your legs strong and if you have hiatus hernia like I do treat the acid reflux as can cause chest infections too
And you please I am following you now we can learn together best wishes
Sorry was not sure where to post it 🤭
Went from mild to moderate and now between moderate and severe.
Did you suffer a lot of infections ? Any other illnesses
No thank goodness, no infections or pneumonia in the last couple of years! I do have osteroarthritis and fibromyalgia. My back is a mess even though I had surgery a couple of years ago.
I do ok. The hot and humid weather in Ohio now is really bad for me. Haven't been outside now for 5 days. I do use oxygen at night and when I go shopping or going for a walk with my granddaughters. There are some activities I can't do anymore...the only one I really miss is gardening. How are you?
So scary this confusing information everywhere x
Me too x
I smoked for a few years after I was diagnosed. But I knew I had it before the doctor told me. My father had it..my older sister and my younger brothers also have it, but believe it or not it is not genetic. You can slow the process by not smoking, exercising, eating healthy and taking medication but sooner or later it will get worse, but that could be a long time from now.
You are doing great, now I am jealous! I was diagnosed when I was 47 now 62. Yes I am worse now but still alive and breathing. Like you I can't really complain.
I am still doing my own cleaning, washing clothes and walking with my granddaughters using oxygen. This year I had to give up gardening which I really miss. I still get around!!!
My oxygen at night when I slept went into the 80' and stayed there. I don't go to a gym, I love to walk if the weather permits, I also have a stationary bike. You are not bothering me, I wish I would of had someone to talk to.
I know I think the lack of support is awful. I even suggested starting a coffee and chat in my area but lung foundation said no. I was brought up by my nana who passed in 2003 and she was my world. So no one to talk to and get a hug from or support. Wish you had the support you needed too x
I am married and I don't think my husband has a clue what I go through, so it is nice to talk to others
I have good days and bad days but I keep pushing to do things Today was the best day in the last three days.
no I was server