Trying to adjust to portable oxygen. It is so hard because i am like a gypsy. I love to go and stay overnight with friends or stay in hotels. It's not easy and I feel very sad. Is there others who are experiencing this or have experienced this?
Newly on Oxygen 24/7: Trying to adjust to... - COPD Friends
Newly on Oxygen 24/7

I was on oxygen for a very short time at home, until my cardiologist said no, there were other things he wanted me to do. But for the short time I was on it, I can commiserate with you! I got very nervous and stressed out. I have a couple of friends on it and they do well. I think the secret might be time, along with an earnest effort to adjust. Also, one of them had a special fabric holder made for her portable tank, as the one that came with the tank easily slipped off her shoulder. The new one became like second nature to her! I sincerely wish you well. Maybe others in this group can offer more advice to help you!
I have been on oxygen for almost 4 years now .. I too was a gypsy soul , loved spending time with friends and going when the urge hit me . Now not so much - lot to do to go anywhere ! You have to plan how long you will be gone how much oxygen you will need - will there be any delays - Just recently I took a trip to Texas with a friend - car trip from Illinois - of course supplier could not get me a portable concentrator - So we loaded up a big tank thought 24 hour tank - not so ! So we used that for drive and small tanks to get out at stops !
Thankfully , supplier is nationwide and we were able to get replacement tanks for trip home . They were very nice but felt bad for taking time out to go get oxygen for me ..
My thoughts were I was taking up so much space - brought concentrator - for night time - big tank for travel and 12 small tanks for exploring ! Purpose of this trip was to move my friend back to Texas - this was first load down ..
Just such a pain - was great to get out and travel but such a hassle these days - no it was not enjoyable to me ! Very self conscious even with my best friend in the world . Sorry I had to vent - totally understand your frustration . Did not mean to use your post - I am looking into getting a portable concentrator - because you can plug in and charge while using it - not 15 things to transport definitely more compact - I truly think it would give me more reason to want to get out ! Good luck !
All the time my friend for the past decade. Pain n the you know where. I am on concentrator plugged into the wall. The supplier will deliver to hotels, etc, with enough notice. Ask them and veryify before you go!. more than once I was left hanging w/ out it. I bring it withme whenever I go traveling now. I know it's a drag but it would be worse w/ out oxygen 247 plus for my BPAP machine Direct Flow in requited.
Second thing. i wear my C or D size cannister in a backpack so I can get around unembumbered by a trailing hose. This keeps me balanced. Problem is you are always having to check you saturation levels w/ a pulseoxymenter to make sure you stay in optimum range which for me is 93 or so. Plus you will have to bring extra tanks accourding to how much you use. My supplier has places all over to pick up if I run low. Make sure to bring extra cannulas, and washers for your cannisters. Always arrange for any thing that could go wrong. Just saying as you dont' want to be left high and dry without oxygen. Good luck and go ahead and visit. I am very severe so I take alot of precautions. One other thing I live at sea level in a clean air enviroment. went to a big City for 10 days and the pollution there caused me to use three times my normal oxygen. Now that i'm home I'm in an exerbation for the second time in 10 years so careful where you go and watch you saturation levels. happy trails!
At the suggestion of my resp. therapist, I have just ordered an 18 " Backpack on wheels. I will
no longer have to carry tank I use, extra tank + purse items. I can put everything in the backpack and either push or pull it. Looking forward to trying it. It is a REAL pain to have
to carry all the stuff around with us.
I walk on the beach and trails alot so push or pull a cart does not work for me especially since i wear thick glasses with a bad back so I trip all over myself. best best is a backpack because it keeps me centered and balanced. PUlls my shoulders back so I have to stand up staight. As long as my strength holds out this is the best way for me. happy trails.