Hi COPD friends. I feel very blessed to have found this site. I suffer from copd and PAH. My diseases have progressed and i am now on oxygen 24/7. It has been a difficult transition. I am hoping to connect with others who share this.
Introducing myself: Hi COPD friends. I feel... - COPD Friends
Introducing myself

Hi Hopeful33: Welcome, I also have copd and PH and am on oxygen 24/7. Can you explain to us what problems you are having with being on oxygen full time ? I know for me the hard part was going out in public and seeing everyone give me those looks. After a good bit of time I have gotten over that.
LORBIC - I went thru that too - still people look and kids ask questions - some days doesn't bother me and other days I would just rather not ! Good luck an remember to just breathe
Hi one of the hardest things is getting ready to go out. I also have fibromyalgia so I'm already fatigued. I just got the Inogen and they took away my tanks. I'm always worried not having that backup and I'm not too confident in that new machine yet. I'm taking it one day at a time.
I'm getting rid of Inogen concentrator and going onto tanks as of Jan. 2017. You should have a tank on hand to cover you when you loose power or when your concentrator dies as it will.
Why are you getting rid of it? What do you mean when it does?
Hi hopeful , sorry to hear you have joined the leashed club ! That is my term ... I am the only one in my home that is leashed - my dogs run free in their fenced in yard ! They also lay on my leash so as to keep track of my movements ... my babies take care of me ! I have been on oxygen for almost 4 years now - some days I am ok but others not so much - takes so much out of me to get prepared to go somewhere .. then if weather is cold bundling up and protecting my tubing so it doesn't snap ? Not even sure it would but it sure freezes quickly and gets brittle ! Then every time I go out I feel like I need dipped in Lysol as to wash germs off of me because I always catch something while out ! Sorry to be a downer - hoping you find it easier than i do !
Hi I do too, hooked to a leash. Lol Changed my life forever. I worked in a factory back in 70's to 2006.... I breathed in so many chemicals I'm sure plus I smoked. Sad to have live my retirement this way. I'm making the best of it. Thanks for sharing
I'm having real problems with anxiety. The doctors took my Ativan away saying it was hurting my breathing. Anyone else have this problem? What do you use?