Hello everyone.
I dont know, what I am expecting from writing here. Maybe I just need to vent to some people, that know how it feels to be in my place.
Firstly, english is not my first language, so I am sorry for any mistakes.
I am 38 yo female and I have been having som discomfort in my lower abdomen for some time now. It was on and of. I have allways been more on the constipated side, not eating regulary or particulary healthy nor unhelathy. My water intake was never exemplary. And also covid and work were stressing me a lot.
So I was not worried at first. It really was not anything painful or limiting. I figured that I feel better without gluten, lactose and coffee and since I have allergies and had reactions after some foods (alergy flareup like hay fever, blocked sinuses, red mildly itchy face, bloating,...), I started to limit them more or less succesfuly (cravings are hard and I love food). It seemd to help more or less.
Last year was very stressful for me, since my beloved grandpa (97) started to deteriorate quite quickly after covid infection. It was several hospitalizations for him from late june and we lost him on 23. October. Until the end, he was active, alert, wise, curious and most of all loving. I miss him terribly.
When I am stressed, I don´t eat and also when the stress is extreme (it was several times last year) I have urgent bowel movement and I vomit. Not good for my digestive system. I lost some weight, but when I started to eat normaly, I was not loosing more.
I started to have frequetn morning cramps, all day long gurgling sound in my stomach, few days of pain around stomach, intense belching and some lower abdomen pain, but it felt more like muscle pain or little cramp when I changed position for example from sitting to standing, not deep, not intese, almost unnoticable... It was during last months with my grandpa. What is funny, most of these symptoms went away or are much less frequent now. In the past also had what I though were internal hemmoroids - like swelling aroud my anus. It went away with over the counter medicine. Sometimes, my back hurts, but my posture is tragic, I sit a lot in my job... Basically I feel fine. I am working, I am active (love walking in nature). Nonsmoker, I do not drink, I am not and never have been overweight. But I love food and when I am not stresed, I eat with joy. I dont feel fatigued or exhausted.
But I found some mucus first in my stool and then mucus with blood one day. I was thinking it can be cancer or IBS with hemorroids or IBD with some histamine intolerance, diverticuli... I contacted my primary care doctor and she send me to gastroenterologist.
I will have gastroscopy and USG of abdomen in two weeks. Our healt system works slowly and also I was delaying contacting my doctor because I was anxious and also occupied with situation with grandpa. My mom, dad and I were primary caretakers for him.
I am absolutelly terrified of the results. I was afraid before, but now I feel, like my life is close to its end.
I find out, I have a lump behind my left collarbone, near my neck and I googled... If it is swollen lymphnode, it looks like Virchows node. Which is sentinel node for GI, abdomen and thoracic cancers. It shows advanced malignancy (late stage 4) and it is positive for cancer in approximately 54%. It could by nothing, but since I have symptoms, I feel like my chances of benigne results are almost nonexisting. I dont thing my chronic sinus inflamation could cause chronic enlargement of my lymphnode, since Virchows is usualy not reactive.
I am terrified of hospitals. Always have been. I have never had an surgery, never hospitalized. And I am so scared, what it would do to my parents, if I get diagnosed with stage 4 colorectal or other cancer. They have only me and my brother. And we are very close. I fear for them. I fear it will breake them.
Now I am praying for lymphoma, since they have better prognosis. I know the prognosis of stage 4 GI cancer, I know our healt system. And if I have what I feer, my future will be probably short. I can´t talk about this with any of my relatives. They know some things, that I have some GI problems and that the lymph node is serious thing. I told them. They are stressed, bud they dont take it that seriously as I do, since I suffer from healt anxiety. I can´t focus on anything else now. Two weeks seems like eternity on one hand, on the other, I do not want to know the results.
I really dont know what is next, if my sono shows tumor and metastasis (liver? lungs? pancreas or brain?)... colonoskopy? CT? MRI? How long will it take from now to potencial start of treatment? What hospital to choose. What s the best treatment course and if it is awailable here in my country. If my health insurance would aprove and cover it. I dont know who to consult, where to get second opinion. Who is world expert in this field and I if would be able to reach them... How to apply for trial studies of new medicines if there are some.
I don´t wont to die. I want to stay here as long as possible. But also, I don´t know if I am strong enough to fight, if I will be diagnosed. I think I am not that strong.
So wish me luck and strenght. Thanks for any responce or advice and sorry for such long text.