for the past weeks I’ve been having flat poop everyday I did know that was something to look out for. Here one photo but not sure how to post more but it’s always flat
I am convinced I have colon or anal c... - Colon Cancer Conn...
I am convinced I have colon or anal cancer
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Hi ConvincedIHavecancer,
Thanks for posting with us. I'm sorry you are having to deal with this. Are there any other symptoms you're having? Is there a family history of cancer or other disease? Right now you're just left to speculate. There are a few tests your GP should be able to provide to help give you some direction and narrow down the issue. Have you scheduled a visit? I think that would help you in a huge way and give you some peace of mind with what's going on.
No other symptoms maybe a bit of stomach tenderness but not much. I dont have any insurance everything you asked will cost me money. Im pretty certain its cancer I am convinced.
Ok, completely understand. That’s good news on the symptoms 👍. And please know what you are experiencing could be a result of many things that could be going on and we need to narrow down the possibilities.
There are many people in this group who have dealt with a lot and perhaps share a similar situation as yours🤔. If you could give us some information on where you are (county, city), perhaps we can help navigate this with you to get some help. There are some tests out there that can give you some great information and provide some direction to go. If you don’t want to share here, you can always send me a message in the Chat feature here. My advice would be to be to share here so more can potentially help 👍❤️.
We want to get you on a path to being well. That’s the goal.
You are correct that it can happen to anyone. Many of the symptoms are shared by non- cancer disease as well. This is why it’s good to get these symptoms checked out. There may be a way to do this for free or a very low cost. Perhaps a public clinic or an organization that sponsors these tests.
I was having that same issue, but I was having blood in my stool also. I have a family history of CRC so the doctor sent me to get a colonoscopy. It turned out that I had a polyp the size of the tip of my thumb that was bleeding and obstructing my bowel. The gastroenterologist removed the polyp with a snare during the colonoscopy. The polyp cancer biopsy came back negative and I've been smooth sailing ever since. I'm 38 years old. Go get checked out and don't worry to much.